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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Aha! That's what it was!

    Hemophilia must suck. I haven't met anyone personally that has hemophilia.


      Ironically I like Vladimir, the Crimson Reaper.



        I had it backwards with SCAE (translation: I talked to Major bout it)

        SCAE is the good guys, except has a dark side in the form of leaders abusing them to get ahold of powerful/dangerous game characters.

        with that in mind, I'm thinking about making another organization that would be interpreted as Anti-character but its goal is to stop the leaders of SCAE. This is the organization that Eleos would be a part of.


          Have to write this because my message is to short otherwise. What?!

          Originally posted by Major Mario

          Let me look for my notes...

          SCAE, or Special Character Apprehension and Elimination, has roots in SWAT operations. While they can find characters that have yet to integrate themselves into society and help them out, their main purpose is to find troublesome characters and put them to justice, be it by imprisonment or elimination. If the troublesome character in question hasn't done anything wrong in the real world, and they simply have a reputation, SCAE would just keep tabs on them as if they were on parole.

          Example: Ganondorf opens an ice-cream stand and isn't a bastard. SCAE notices him and pays attention to him, but when Ganondorf shows no sign nor incentive to be a massive dick, SCAE pats him on the back and moves on.
          Duke Nukem gets drunk and goes on a murderous rampage. SCAE will be on him like white on rice in a glass of milk on a paper plate in a snowstorm.

          They're basically comprised of military and police personnel with an occasional good character forming their main force/agents. With data coming in from FOS (Field Operations Support), who are usually gamers, they are a good answer towards malignant characters, sort of like the BSAA and Bioterrorism. Given that the characters in the world were transported here by a gross catastrophe involving a radio tower and electronic signals, all characters, no matter how much flesh and blood/mechanical/godlike they are, are comprised partly of electronic signals, given that they were usually bunches of code in their games. Weaponry like EMPs and electromagnetic firearms can disrupt their inner signals, therefore disorienting them similar to a confuse ray from Pokemon or simply incapacitating them. However, given that the characters actually have souls now, they won't be affected by any signal interference unless it's either weaponized or very, very intense. SCAE knows this and employs the correct weaponry to incapacitate.

          Story: While I was content to make them just the guards of the world, some players wanted to join up with them, and so did I. Players are able to affiliate themselves with SCAE either as support personnel or agents. While the organization as a whole is morally righteous, I had an idea to make the director of SCAE be more than what meets the eye. I wanted to make him/her kind and righteous on the surface, but in reality, they're in cahoots with the 'Organization' that is basically a group looking out for the good of pure humankind. The 'Organization' is set on capturing and researching characters so they can extract their powers and benefits for their own gain.

          Bottomline... SCAE plays the role of the peacekeeper. They're SWAT + Police, and they're keeping tabs on characters. Step out of line and you'll have an eye on you and an ear glued to your wall. They believe they're doing the right thing by apprehending dangerous characters who step out of line, completely unaware that the higher-ups are abusing their powers and carting off the dangerous characters to be experimented on.
          Born in the light.
          Molded in the dark

          Never Forget,
          Keep Fighting.
          –Don't Forget.
          Always, somewhere,
          someone is fighting for you.
          –As long as you remember her,
          you are not alone.


            @ Katrix

            vBulletin logic

            aye I ninja'd and talked to him as well.

            Changes the initial concept and now I'm thinking on creating an anti-character organization. Need to come up with a nice acronym for it... and I don't think ACO sounds fitting...


              ohh, so the SCAE are the "SWAT" for videogame characters

              And for what Cucoo says, there will be another organization like mercenaries, right?

              Or by anti-characters you mean they want to get rid of all videogame characters?
              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                @ Kristia

                right. What I'm thinking is this:

                with the fact that SCAE would be abused by leaders to gain power...
                for now, let's call it ACO would be trying to get rid of game characters due to 2 reasons,
                1) stop the leaders of SCAE
                2) just their general philosophy that game characters are a general threat to humankind if left unchecked.

                [the reason I have the second one is because just having it as the first wouldn't make too much sense...]


                  So we can guess that some SCAE agents will be on our side as the greedy leaders appear? or everyone will follow the leaders
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                    @ Kristia

                    SCAE is on the game character's side, like the police. If you cause a scene though, then the leaders get their way.
                    The other reason I would make another organization is to make Eleos initially appear to not be on the game character's side, even though he's actually trying to 'save them' (even if its a twisted reasoning on how).
                    Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-08-2013, 12:40 PM.


                      I can imagine someone rambling about the dangers a superhuman armored soldier, a transforming vixen, a gap controller, a maniatic florist, a powered cyborg, a mindbroken engineer, a steel powered jackal (and so other tens of characters we have XD) can do

                      Then the people will fall in fear and follow the rambling man and bla bla bla
                      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                        @ Kristia

                        That would be if it were to be public, but this is more like any sort of spy organization you find in fiction.
                        ever watched CHUCK?

                        I was thinking this:
                        ACO would use a sort of toxin that would rob a game character of their abilities temporarily or permanently. They would do this before SCAE could capture them and then that would prevent the leaders of SCAE from getting their powers.
                        Also Major mentioned that Game characters could still have a sort of tie to their digital selves still, so I was thinking that maybe hackers could still somehow come into play...


                          Uh.. Another counter from the fox probably

                          In the tamers canon at the D-reaper,the tamers and digimon went through the process of bio-merge, its not the ultimate transformation, the digimon needed to be organic to evolve, so a tamer and her partner Dobermon (?) gave made them fully organic

                          So yeah.. Sorry about that cucoo >>
                          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                            As I see it that connection was mostly cut off when they came into being in the real world.
                            Born in the light.
                            Molded in the dark

                            Never Forget,
                            Keep Fighting.
                            –Don't Forget.
                            Always, somewhere,
                            someone is fighting for you.
                            –As long as you remember her,
                            you are not alone.


                              @ Katrix + Kristia

                              I was thinking if there might have been something left at all there.

                              Anyway updated the chart

                              Also thoughts on the undetectable-until-too-late power/ability toxin? possibility?

                              @ S121
                              how about I call it a poison instead of toxin? is that more politically correct? I'm thinking something that could be injected or something that could be inhaled etc.
                              Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-08-2013, 01:56 PM.


                                Goodmorning everyone.


                                I don't think you would be able to remove someone's abilities with a toxin... -_-;

                                I would recommend something along the lines of magic, or just drugging them so that they are barely conscious.

                                As for the slow-acting poison, is there such thing as an untraceable poison? Would would have to think, to make a poison that activates after a couple of days, you would have to add some kind of "dual poison" to get that result. After a while, they would mix in the person's body and become dangerous. The poisons would have to be able to mix after a while, but those ingredients for the poison would still be traceable.

                                Other than that, I think the SCAE might be pissed off at our Characters, John in particular. (Blowing up EngiCon, blowing up Tokyo sewer)
                                Last edited by S121; 11-08-2013, 02:00 PM.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

