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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    French Military Base, Outskirts of Melun

    "Thank you sir, your cooperation will be greatly appreciated." the commander said to the confused general from his command mech. As the commander walked through the base, the vibrations from his command mech's steps sent shivers through every soldier's spine as he passed them. On the way to the base the commander had worked up enough energy and metals to carry out his plan. His plan to "Capture" the tanks. The process of "Capturing" Reprograms and redesigns the interior of any machinery it is used on, and in a matter of seconds at that. After the process the machine will be fully controllable by the "Capture" and more efficient at any task it is designed to do. The only problem is that it will take up a lot of resources to do so, so he can only perform this action once in a while.
    As he approached the three tanks the general had laid out for him, he noticed a helicopter near by. "May I use this too?" he asked the general, trying to keep up with the mech's giant steps.
    "If you can help stop this thing, then ill give you an entire fleet!" the general said, panting heavily.
    "that will not be necessary..." he confidently replied.

    (Time to get started...)
    Last edited by topio1; 04-27-2013, 07:22 PM.
    There is so much that I could put here but I'm just gonna do this...


      Mima's Antique Shop-Japan

      Mima smirked. "Well, that's child's play, dear. It has many, many capabilities. All that's limited is your imagination."

      The Inventory-Somewhere in New York

      Coming up to Marisa's table was a giant of a man, wearing a stern look on his worn, hardened face. He wore a large, brown bulletproof vest, a large sash of bullets hanging around it. His head was devoid of any hair, and was clean, almost to a polish. He wore black pants, and large, bulky combat boots, and sat down in the chair across from Marisa.

      "Ah, another of our players is here. Mrs. Kirisame, this is the man known as the Heavy." Winslow introduced.

      The Heavy eyed Marisa, looking at her features, trying to determine what kind of a person she was. "Little girl should not be playing big man games, for you shall be crushed, like bug."

      Marisa pulled out her mini-hakkero, tossing it up and down. "Ya know, I could easily wipe that head off of ya, easy." Marisa threatened. The Heavy and Marisa's eyes met, the Heavys' brimming with death and carnage, Marisa's filled with hardships and losses. They were evenly matched.

      Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

      You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


        Street to Antique shop - Tokyo - Japan

        "It's under a spell to slow it, but we still need to find a way to get rid of it. Maybe we could lead it out of the city. It can't do to much damage there. Then we need to do something about that man on top of the reptile too."

        Aqua landed and transformed the Keyblade Glider back into a Keyblade as she needed all her powers to stop the creature.
        She pointed her Keyblade at the eyes. "Blizzara". Chucks of ice forms at the tip of the Keyblade and fly toward the eyes of the reptile.
        Born in the light.
        Molded in the dark

        Never Forget,
        Keep Fighting.
        –Don't Forget.
        Always, somewhere,
        someone is fighting for you.
        –As long as you remember her,
        you are not alone.


          Antique Shop - Tokyo - Japan

          John put the ammo and clip back into the gun. Then, a thought crossed his mind, a very interesting thought.

          "Ma'am, do you have anything that can heal injuries, and perhaps act as a portable energy capacitor?"

          He explained why he wanted such a thing, explaining that his suit used an on board energy shield.
          His plan was to get an item that could boost his shield's power output.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Mima's Antique Shop-Japan

            Mima pulled a metal crescent from a shelf beside her. "This is a healing charm, it speeds up the process of recovering injuries. I don't know what this 'Energy Capacitor' is though."

            Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

            You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


              Kawaguchi District, Tokyo, Japan
              Time: 4:30 PM

              Yuuka was exploring the deeper parts of the Antique store to not notice DAD and his reptile. She was in an area where old books were kept: magic tomes? Not necessarily, but books of legends, literatures so old they may as well be arcane.

              'They said it was created by a god. If you want to buy this, it will cost you a lot of money, plus the money I will use to get a friend to fix it.' Mima's words came into Yuuka's mind. Since when was Mima obsessed with money? And something older than Gensokyo... could Yukari know something about it?

              As she explored the aisle of books, she was reminded of Patchouli's library and the knowledge that was hidden in it that even Patchouli herself did not know. Perhaps there's something in here that can send me back to Gensokyo, something that Mima doesn't even know about. Thinking this to herself, Yuuka dug through the old books and started reading.


                Antique Shop - Tokyo - Japan

                "This is a healing charm, it speeds up the process of recovering injuries. I don't know what this 'Energy Capacitor' is though."

                John explained,
                "Basically, what I'm asking for is something that can act as an energy conduit; an item that can absorb, store, and distribute energy to another object."
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Street to Antique shop - Tokyo - Japan

                  The ice chucks hitted the reptile´s face making it stagger back, Renamon saw a good chance and ran towards the blinded creature while absorbing some of the energy storaged on her digivice. Feeling the sudden raise of energy, the fox used a diamond storm attack.

                  Many glowing leaves were thrown from the vixen´s hands impacting the damaged limbs of the reptile making little explosions at the contact of the flesh. A small patch of smoke formed where the creature was. ("I hope that stops it from its rampage") The fox thought as her hands were now covered by purple flames ready to attack the creature.

                  As the reptile got out of the smoke, it ran towards Renamon who ducked at one of the attacks and planted her paw on the enemy´s knee both burning and punching at the same time, soon she climbed on top of it and punched the back of its head, yet the skull was harder than she expected making it less effective. "We need a plan to deal with this guy" the fox said outloud
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                    East Melun, near Remilia Confrontation

                    Everything had gone according to plan. two of the three tanks had become fast assault tanks that were able to shoot condensed energy pellets at a rapid rate (Nicknamed "Bouncers" by the Commander), while the third became mobile artillery that shot supercharged energy canisters that could level an entire house in one shot (Nicknamed "Demolisher"), and all three were twice as fast and as tough as their previous forms. The helicopter had been turned into a heavily armed attack helicopter, out fitted with anti-air missiles and energy pellet machine gun (Nicknamed "Revolver"). All of them were painted with the proud blue stripes of the ARM military.

                    The general was astonished by the miracle of science that was performed right in front of hm. "Damn, we should have you fight with us more often!" he blurted at the Commander.
                    "I fight only for those who need protecting." the Commander replied as he called back his VTOL to pick him up.
                    "I will be leaving now, General. Thank you once again for your cooperation."
                    "And thank you for lending your aid. We will need all the help we could get!!"

                    As he flew away from the air base, with his newly formed troops right behind, he researched the Melun area. (We should enter in from the east and blind side her.) he decided. He then continued to work out his plan, as Melun came into view, along with the coulombs of smoke that rose above its buildings. "Lets pick up the pace!" he ordered over his radio. The small squad then went at top speed.

                    Once they reached their respective positions, the commander took one last overview of the battle field on his map. 5 blue dots representing him and his units, and one red dot, representing the little girl. There were plenty of white dots representing other human/characters, but he would make sure not to bring them into the fight. The accuracy of the machines he worked with was spot on, as apposed to their previous forms.

                    On the radar he could see the girl engaging with another character, firing projectiles represented as small yellow dots. As accurate as the weapons were, their blast radius was something to be worried about. If they were too close together then he might end up hitting the other character. Left with no other option, the Commander patched into the local radio network, and sent a message on all frequencies.
                    "Step back! NOW!"

                    A second later the "Demolisher" fired it huge cannon. Aiming at the red dot on its radar, it sent a large canister of condensed energy screeching above the tall buildings and straight at the pink-clad girl.
                    Last edited by topio1; 04-27-2013, 07:29 PM.
                    There is so much that I could put here but I'm just gonna do this...


                      Street to Antique shop - Tokyo - Japan

                      "Do you think making it a bit smaller could help? I think i could do that, tough i have to give up the slow spell then." Her hand began to glow and small lighting could be seen bouncing around her hand.
                      "Thundaga" The lighting traveled from her hand and out of the Keyblade towards the belly of the beast and caused lot's of sparks as it hit.

                      ("I don't want to destroy the city if it can be avoided. It's sad to see such devastating effects around here")
                      She did a cartwheel to get closer to the reptile and hit it's leg twice in quick succession.
                      "We still have to figure out what do do whit that man on top of this ting"
                      Born in the light.
                      Molded in the dark

                      Never Forget,
                      Keep Fighting.
                      –Don't Forget.
                      Always, somewhere,
                      someone is fighting for you.
                      –As long as you remember her,
                      you are not alone.


                        Street to Antique shop - Tokyo, Japan - ((@Kristia - Katrix ))

                        Leon looked out of the antique shop, following the creature's departure with his eyes. He too had heard a cry for help, but it was faint. Was someone in trouble, or was it the remnants of whatever caused the disturbance in downtown Tokyo? He figured it didn't matter then. The man reached for his holster and pulled out his sidearm, flicking the slide back and cocking it. He sent a determined glare towards the shopkeep before rushing out of the shop in pursuit of the creature.

                        The sight of some kind of ferocious reptile greeted him, as did the visage of another girl and the creature from before. Acting instinctively, Leon raised his handgun and moved towards the girl, his aim trained on the reptile. He could not afford to take a shot with them in the way, especially with the creature moving about in close combat with it. Such deadly claws were not meant to be trifled with. Leon noticed the sword of sorts that the girl used, but he figured she wasn't about to use it soon.

                        "Hey! You two alright?" he asked, his gaze attached to the reptile.

                        He figured the reptile came from Tokyo's sewers, but how did it come here, and how was it taking those hits from the friendly creature? Perhaps it was weak to bullets? He widened his eyes and looked up at what he thought to be a potbellied man riding the reptile. Wait a damn minute, was that... A dad riding a velociraptor?


                          Street to Antique shop - Tokyo - Japan

                          Renamon was far more worried with the bald man again than the reptile "That man is anything but human, the best thing we can do is to send him somewhere far" she said evading the reptile´s attack again.

                          The fox got an idea then "Do you have any wind attacks? we can combine it with my flame so we can atleast spook the reptile" she explained by gesturing a controlled tornado of fire.

                          Then she noticed the SCAE worker, We need help to atleast spooke the reptile, do you have any tranquilizers or something to help?" Renamon asked as he got close to the duo
                          Last edited by Kristia; 04-27-2013, 06:52 PM.
                          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                            Mima's Antique Shop-Japan

                            "Well, that could be any object in the store, then." Mima explained.

                            The Inventory-Somewhere in New York

                            Winslow came in between the two's glares. "Enough now, people. We don't want to cause media intervention, do we?"

                            The two backed off, receding back to their chairs. "Fine. Let us get little game over with then." The Heavy said.

                            "My apologies, but we are still waiting for two of the players." Winslow spoke. "They should be here shortly, if i'm not mistaken."

                            Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                            You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                              Dad had no idea what was going on except that his mount was far more pathetic than he would have wanted. Dad decided he didn't like this dinosaur enough, and jumped off its head as it howled and staggered into several buildings. The businessman picked up the Giga-Tyrannosaurus by its right foot, spun it around a few times like a discus thrower- wiping out several city blocks in the process, then hurled it into the sun. Business having been taken care of, Dad trotted aimlessly down the street, seemingly oblivious to the carnage around him.


                                Antique Store - Tokyo - Japan

                                "Well, that could be any object in the store, then." Mima explained.

                                John placed all that he wanted to buy on the counter. What he planned on buying was; 3 Transmutation crystals, 3 Strength Enhancing crystals, the healing crescent, and a magic conduit.

                                "How much will that be? Oh, and before I forget, would you be willing to teach me how to properly use and maintain these items?"
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

