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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Dad had all of three minutes to raid SCAE headquarters and steal coffee blenders, assorted documents, and equipment that the authority owned before SWAT teams arrived on seen and quickly followed the swathe of Dad-shaped holes in walls and other sure signs of destruction to near the top of the tower, to find Dad throwing radio aerials and printers at their helicopter. The human element team opened fire, peppering Dad with hundreds of rounds from their MP-5s, while the Character employees moved to apprehend the criminal with more creative ways. Arcane spells were uttered, arming switches thumbed off on micro-missile launch pods, and demons summoned from the underworld.

    Dad sidestepped, slid and spun through the maelstrom of weaponry utilizing moves that would not have looked out of place in a five-star performance of The Nutcracker- he pirouetted gracefully past a storm of missiles-which, coming from a Zentradi operating a VF-25 FAST Pack, naturally hit the SWAT teams' helicopter and obliterated it, then subtly and elegantly tore his way through a series of Ice Spears feverishly aimed by a high-level Evie with a sobrésault worthy of Anna Pavlova, before finally knocking out two greater daemons with a tasteful fouetté rond de jambe en tournant and hitting a Charizard with a flying spinning rotation kick that would have made Bruce Lee wince.

    Dad did not stop to land on the ground, but instead tackled the Charizard's trainer and sent the two of them over the edge with a squeal of terror from the 12 year old Pokemon Master-wannabe, leaving the remaining members of the SWAT team to blink and wonder what the hell had just happened. The trainer hit the glass walls of the SCAE building face down, Dad riding him like a surfboard on a wave of fear-piss while stealing his backpack, and slid down the skyscraper for a full twelve seconds, Dad hurling Berry Juice and Pokeballs at policemen and army tanks far below, before finally jumping off the trainer with a triple backflip and landing squarely on his still-tethered Velociraptor, the subject of intense debate by the local zookeeper and policemen over how to safely get the creature to the UN without it biting somebody.

    Dad dropped the Poke-trainer's bag, but still held one item in his hand. With one swing, he simultaneously karate-chopped his old tie in half, freeing the dinosaur, and stuffed the Rare Candy into its mouth. Instantly, the XP gained from the Velociraptor's previous engagements in the sewer jumped past the Oak-Brauen Threshold and it grew to six times its height, evolving into a Giga-Tyrannosaurus Shiny Version and immediately began to rampage down the street, towards the outer fringes of Tokyo and towards a certain antique store.
    Last edited by MyHatismyFriend; 04-27-2013, 12:24 AM.


      Antique shop, tokyo Japan

      The fox was examining the human called Leon, he was also a veteran in arms and investigation, but what took interst of him was that the human was a worker from the SCAE.

      "Excuse me, but you said you worked with the SCAE? Renamon asked calmly hoping he could answer her questions. "Im searching for some humans that desire to erradicate virtual beings, I hope that you have knowledge about them".

      As she asked that question, the vixen sat at a nearby chair feeling strange, again the pressence of madness around her appeared. ("Dammit.. its getting worse..") griping the digivice strongly , she closed her eyes and breathed slowly to calm her slowly growing stress.

      Some vivid images of the massacre appeared on her mind in the blink of an eye, the fox steeled her mind trying to calm down. ("There is definetely something strange on this place") Renamon thought searching for that unnatural feeling

      (Im extremely sorry for being inactive ._.)
      Last edited by Kristia; 04-27-2013, 01:59 AM.
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



        Back of Recette's Armory - Manhattan - United States

        Snake had been pouring over the documents for days now. He sat hunched over a small cardboard box that had been flipped upside to make a makeshift table. He had a single fluorescent lightbulb hanging in the room. The only other source of light was the holographic display he worked on, a device he was borrowing from Recette while researching. Snake knew that he was onto something. He just wasn't sure exactly what. He had learned through logs and recordings, some of which definitely had not been from the armory and were most likely acquired in shady manners, that there were three individuals who seemed to run most operations, or at least direct them. Their base of operations was in the Bronx, across the small stretch of the East River. They seemed to have several "districts" of operation that were about a dozen in number located around the five boroughs of New York. The closest one seemed to be somewhere around W 23rd St. and 8th Ave. Though Snake had checked through the information a dozen times to make sure he was interpretting it correctly, it came across as strange. 23rd and 8th was essentially Pennsylvania Station, one of the two major train and public transport stations in Manhattan. Why would the district of a terrorist syndicate be working so close to so many people?

        Snake shook his head. It was his best lead right now and he hadn't found out much else in terms of locations. The one thing that irked him is that from the logs, it seemed like the organization had been racking more and more names to assassinate, something that seemed strange considering they were trying to recruit Characters into their ranks. Why would they try to eliminate so many of those they tried to recruit? Snake stood up with a loud bang. Snake crumpled over.

        The one thing Recette didn't mention was that she quite literally meant that the rooms might be a tight squeeze for a man of Snake's stature. He couldn't stand in the room without his head hitting the ceiling.

        *** "I swear to god I am going to punch a fucking hole in this ceiling..." Snake cursed as he rubbed his head.

        Snake left the room and straightened up in the hallway, which was sized proportionally to satisfy Snake's vertical talent. Walking out the door that led to the counter Recette sat at, Snake greeted her.

        *** "Mornin', Recette." Snake yawned. Having been researching over the past few days, he hadn't gotten much sleep.

        *** "Good morning, Snake!" Recette beamed. "Anything interesting?"

        *** "Well actually, yes. I believe I've found, though hard to believe, that the closest district to us is actually at or near Penn. Station." Snake informed. "It seems that their front cover operates as a 'food stand'. That's about all the information I could get. I figured it's enough of a lead to go on."

        Snake finished his explanation and waiting on hearing what Recette thought.

        Just south of Montargis - France

        Dawn approached. Remilia was excited. The air was ripe with the stench of death. Remilia flew low, coasting over the trees and plains at incredulous speeds. The sun was rising to her right in a large simmering glow. After having devastated the previous town, Remilia had taken a quick nap. After having done so, she had proceeded to fly northwards, aiming to find more heavily inhabited locations. She was sure that had she paid more attention to the surroundings, she would have noticed more of the scenic beauty of the French countryside, but Remilia was too preoccupied for that. Her head was filled with excitment and anticipation for what she could do to larger town and cities.

        It was strange. Having lived in Gensokyo for over four hundred years, Remilia had lost, or at least learned to hide, her desire for destruction and death. Prior to being teleported into Gensokyo, she had been known as the Scarlet Devil, a name locals had given her for she would appear red with the blood of her victims staining her dress. Yet strangely enough, in less than a year since having been teleported back into the Outer World, Remilia had lost all of that restraint she had gained over her time in Gensokyo and had let her inner demon come forth. After all, she was a vampiric devil. Death and destruction were as normal to her as sleep and food. Yet, underneath all of that...

        Before she could finish her thoughts, Remilia noticed a glint to her right. She noticed several specks far off that would occasionally glint of the sun. She ignored them. They were too far away to warrant her attention. She looked back towards the now quickly approaching sights of the outskirts of another town, this one visibly larger. The farms and fields were expansive and large. This kind of produce could probably feed a small city or large town. Suddenly, she noticed something to her right again. However, unlike before, as Remilia turned her head, she suddenly saw several mettalic objects wizzing towards her. Frantically rolling out of the way, Remilia barely dodged the path of three cylindrical objects that seemed to be propelling forward by spitting fire out the back ends. Remilia watched incredulously as the objects turned in the air and re-aimed themselves to come at a nother pass at Remilia. Realizing that these things must be another one of the human's inventioned, Remilia quickly fired a spray of danmaku at the objects. Yet again she was astonished as the impact of her danmaku on the objects caused an enormous explosion, sending Remilia tumbling through the air, fighting to regain control. Flame and debris showered from where the three objects had been a moment earlier. She quickly turned her head back towards where the glint had been earlier. She noticed that those specks that she had seen earlier were now much larger.

        They seemed to be metallic triangles that flew towards her at speeds even she had to respect. Quickly flying upwards to avoid their path, Remilia fired off several danmakus at the flying triangles. The triangles impressed Remilia as they seemed to graze the danmaku as they did fantastic twists and turns midair, dodging the danmaku.

        This was getting interesting.

        Remilia's grin widened as the cross her hands in front of her and shouted,

        *** "About time I had some real fun!"

        The flying triangles had by now already turned around and were heading towards her again. THey started to fire those tiny human danmakus rapidly from the noses of the triangles. Remilia dodged them with ease as they again flew past her. Aiming at one specific triangle, Remilia materialized her Gungnir and launched it at it. The spear hit true as it pierced through the front of the triangle, sending it tumbling towards the ground in flames. Remilia gleamed with joy. However, that joy didn't last long. She heard a strange sound behind her and noticed the remaining triangles dropping several of those cylindrical danmakus at her. Remilia swiped them out with her danmaku again, almost catching one of the triangles in their explosion. This was getting fun.

        Remilia set her eyes on the closest triangle and thrust her wings, sending her zipping forward at speeds the even the triangles couldn't seem to achieve. She caught up to the triangle within seconds and latcherself on with a loud crunch. The metallic triangles, upon closer look, seemed to actuall consist of several triangles. The main "body" seemd to actually bea cylinder with two triangles coming off either side and two much smaller triangles coming off perpendicularly at the tail end. Humans made such peculiar objects.

        Remilia crawled up to the front of the triangle where instead of metal, it was covered in a clear material. Inside it, Remilia saw a terrified human controlling the triangular object. She saw him jab at something before she was flung backwards and the clear covering of the triangle flew off, the human launching out with it. Did humans also learn to fly now? However, as the human that launched out fell earthward, Remilia saw a great white cloud appear above him. Was this some sort of shield? Remilia had no idea what the humans had developed in the time that had been in Gensokyo. Not caring at this point, Remilia flew down, chasing after the white cloud that seemed to move extremely slowly. The human seemed to be stuck facing only one direction and was frantically looking around him. Remilia stopped behind the human and grabbed his head.

        *** "Mind telling me what those strange triangles and this white cloud is?" Remilia inquired in a sweet tone of a young girl, all the while tightening her grip on the human's feeble head. She could easily have turned it into mush should she have so desired.

        *** "F-Fuck, what are you talking about?!" The man exclaimed, obviously terrified.

        *** "Answer my question, please." Remilia asked, tightening her grip on the man's head. The man started screaming in pain.

        *** "It's a fucking jet, for fuck's sake! Can't you goddamn see that? The damn thing above me is a parachute! Did you literally just come out of hell yesterday?!" The man sobbed as he answered the questions.

        A jet? Parachute? They were new words to Remilia. She looked at the man who was now crying, saying something about not wanting to die and wanting to meet his mother. Remilia felt disgusted. She let go of his head and kicked him downwards. The man was ripped from the harness of the white cloud he called a parachute and plummeted towards the Earth. Turning around, Remilia could see the other two triangles, jets, retreating and flying away.

        Though Remilia had not even yet reached the town that law ahead, she was starting to feel tired. When did the humans develop so many methods of imitating the youkai? Surely danmaku was supposed to be the one thing positively separating human and youkai in terms of strength. Yet, now the humans were able to fire smaller, faster danmaku by hand, launch larger, more powerful metallic danmaku from moving boxes, and now they had acquired a means of travelling by air in respectably fast objects called jets. On top of that, the danmaku these jets fired seemed capable of following Remilia, almost as if seeking her.

        Remilia lowered herself from the air and down into a sparse forest that she had been flying over. The sun was almost in full view now as she heard the birds crying from within the trees.

        *** "Maybe I'll get a full rest before moving on..." Remilia sighed as she looked for a suitable tree to use as a makeshift bed.


          SCAE Headquarter - Tokyo - Japan

          Just as Aqua opened the door she heard a loud sound coming from behind. As she turned around she saw a huge monster coming down the street toward her slowly.
          "O my good, there's a giant reptile coming down the street" she screamed.
          She pressed the pauldron on her left shoulder and and transformed her Keyblade into a Keyblade Glider and flew towards the giant reptile.

          ("I can't do much on my own, but maybe if i can stop it for some time others can come to help")
          She flew closer and closer to the reptile. When she was close enough she readied her spell. ("No time to be conservative here").
          "STOPZA!!!" She yelled. As she did a small sphere flew from her hand and hit the giant reptile. As the sphere hit the reptile it expanded to just enough to enclose the reptile. Then time stopped for just in that space.
          "Anyone help!!! It wont last for long" she yelled as she began thinking of what more she could do.
          Born in the light.
          Molded in the dark

          Never Forget,
          Keep Fighting.
          –Don't Forget.
          Always, somewhere,
          someone is fighting for you.
          –As long as you remember her,
          you are not alone.


            Antique shop, tokyo Japan

            Finally, the fox snapped from her mind battle and noticed that everyone was silent for some reason, but also besides the SCAE worker was a green-haired girl with a blue dress. the first thought that came to Renamon´s mind was ("What a coincidence that green is really outstanding with these people") but then the important thing was now visible.

            The shop clerk looked almost too pale to even be alive, the crescent staff she had glowed dimly with power and had a chain connected to it. ("She probably focuses her energy on that staff") the vixen thought. An odd thing that she also noticed were her feet, they looked fragile as glass, but managed to maintain the girl on earth and finally there was something on her eyes, like if there was something lost in them..

            The only assumption that fitted the paleness and fragileness was one ("A spirit"). There have been many kinds of beings that Renamon have met on her journeys and for some reason she was ok with meeting new ones showing that everyone has a story to tell, finally the fox looked at the digivice for a sec and waited for the others´resonses.

            (A quick post before I go to school and going to be back in 2 hours >_<)
            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



              About 10 miles South of Melun, About 100 Miles South of Paris - France

              When would the humans ever learn? Time after time the humans sent squads of their large danmaku shooters to try and stop her. In her approach north, Remilia had learned a few things from studying a map she found in a village she wrecked. She was currently somewhere in the center of France. The next large city she should hit would be Melun. Though she didn't remember much about it, Remilia had also noticed a name on the map while studying it. Paris. Surely, much like the rest of human technology and technique, the city must have also grown and matured. Remilia wondered just how large the city had gotten during her time gone. Even back before she had first set foot in Gensokyo, Paris had been a large city for the time.

              Gliding over the ground at high speeds, Remilia thought back to what she had been thinking before her first encounter with the jets. She realized that she legitimatly did enjoy the destruction and killing she had been reaping across the French countryside. The empowerment was something she had missed back in Gensokyo, but why and how had she turned so calm in Gensokyo? Was it the fact that there were formiddible youkai that could challenge her? Perhaps, but probably not entirely.

              *** "What a strange notion..." Remilia sighed as thoughts floated through her head.

              It wasn't the first time Remilia had wondered about these things in the past week. During that time, she had killed nearly twice as many people as she had over the past year. The farther north she flew, the more people there were and more blood was spilled. Though Remilia didn't want to consider it, she started to fear that perhaps she was getting... tired of killing? Perhaps it was like that time back in Gesokyo that Remilia had ordered Sakuya to present cake at every meal after going through a particular cake frenzy. Though the idea seemed great at first and she had enjoyed it wholy for the first week, soon she had started to get tired of eating the same sugary confection three times a day, every day. Remilia had then realized the satisfaction that came with eating the cake came from eating it only on occasion. Whenever she would eat the cake, it would almost be like a highlight of her week. Perhaps she was experiencing something similar with the bloodshed?

              Preposterous. Remilia shook her head. She was the Scarlet Devil. Men, women and children had all feared her alike before she had entered Gensokyo. She had killed hundreds over the course of a month on a regular basis. How could this be any different? At the same time, Remilia sensed deep down that she did know the answer to the question. She simply feared facing it. Was it pride? Ego? Perhaps just a break from the norm?

              Shaking her head again, Remilia looked in front of her to see the outskirts of Melun approaching. The sun was at its high point of the day and its rays beating on Remilia's black wings was comforting. Remilia shook her head yet again, trying to expel unimportant thoughts from her head. There was a large town approaching in front of her and she knew what she had to do. Remilia narrowed her eyes as she again materialized her Gungnir in her right hand.


                Mima's Antique Shop-Japan

                Mima noticed the fox looking at her with interest, probably trying to figure out what she was. Her feet formed back into a tail, and Mima simply floated behind the counter, counting the money in the register.

                "I see you're wondering what I am, are you?" Mima said. "First, I'd be interested to know what you are, if you wouldn't mind."

                The Inventory-Somewhere in New York

                "I gotta ask Winslow, why is this place here in the first place, ze?" Marisa asked.

                Winslow made a small smile at Marisa. "It's been a while since someone asked that. You may know the original story, as it was toldin the game that featured it. The purpose of it is the same, but the reasons behind have changed. When I came here, the Inventory came with me as well, which was good, considering. Since characters, such as the both of us have been discriminated, this place found it's niche as the place where it doesn't matter who or what you are, but a place where one can gamble, of course, but also relax, and have a general good time. This place has also found a purpose of having some of the more....interesting characters." Winslow said, his voice deepening at the end.

                "Is that what you would call me, Winslow?" came a voice from above. Coming down from the ceiling was a large machine, with a large white head and one glowing, yellow eye.

                "Yes, GLaDOs, it is. You see, nowhere else really has the space to fit characters such as our robotic friend here without possibly causing a fuss among the media types." Winslow replied.

                "Otherwise, there would be a 89% percent chance that I would be kicked out of here." GLaDOs explained.

                "How big is this place anyways? From what I've seen, it's a maze." Marisa asked.

                "The Inventory is far larger in the inside than on the outside, on the outside, it's just the size of an apartment complex. On the inside, the Inventory is one of the largest places I have seen, and I can't even calculate it." GLaDOs said, almost worryingly.
                Last edited by Koishi; 04-27-2013, 02:32 PM.

                Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                  Antique Shop - Tokyo - Japan

                  "I see you're wondering what I am, are you?" Mima said. "First, I'd be interested to know what you are, if you wouldn't mind."
                  John glanced over toward the magician. He covertly looked the magician over, to not draw attention to himself.
                  From the top of her head, he saw a blue hat with a sun on it, green eyes, a blue dress, legs?
                  Instead, what he saw was a wisp, a "tail".

                  (What the...I suppose it's a ghost?)

                  He had never seen a ghost before, but based on the stereotypical ghost, she would qualify as one.

                  John finally spoke, "I take it you're a ghost?"
                  Last edited by S121; 04-27-2013, 02:42 PM.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Mima's Antique Shop-Japan

                    The word ghost almost hurt. It was insulting, being called a mere ghost, and she hated the term.

                    "Spirit, not ghost. There's a difference, you know." Mima replied.

                    Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                    You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                      (the speech method people are using seems nice, so (Blah blah blah) is thoughts and "Blah blah blah" is speech.)

                      Hidden Base, Antarctica

                      It had been two long years since the ARM Commander had transported from his world and became a part of this new and conflicting one. Two long, long years since he has seen a fellow ARM soldier, and thankfully, since he has seen a CORE unit too. Knowing the core they would likely try to take over the planet and suck it dry of its metals, intending to take over the galaxy once more, but it seems that he was the only Warrior left on this planet. Being a clone encased within a giant walking death machine didn't give the best impression to the Humans of this world, especially their military groups. He didn't blame them, of course. Almost immediately transporting over he got right into a battle with the last CORE commander (who was brought over with him) which had ended up destroying an entire forest in Central Canada. If it weren't for some of his "fans" explaining that he meant no harm, he would have been hunted down and striped of his Command Mech.

                      Two years later he had been offered every kind of deal by every nation on the planet to share the "Nanolith" technology that made both the ARM and CORE so disgustingly efficient, and deadly. He had politely refused each and every offer, stating that this technology might have constructive use in society, but in the wrong hands it could become an unstoppable weapon-creating force. This world did not need something like that, especially with so many greedy hands searching around for a better weapon than the others. Other "characters" were a different story. He had no idea what to think about them. Some he thought were OK, but others down-right infuriated him. Especially the "cliche villainous" types, they were just downright illogical. So to get away from all the greed and insanity, he set up a base in the Antarctic, where he could rest without annoyance, and to pass the time started supplying poor towns and cities with environment-friendly energy generators.

                      And it was all going so smoothly too...

                      (Well, isn't this a surprise) The Commander thought, watching two warning signals pop up over both France and Japan in his global display. It seems that some Wind generators he set up in those areas had been badly damaged. He brought up the video footage of the generators security cameras.
                      (OK. So who did it this time. It was probably some human terrori-) he never got to finish the thought.
                      Two characters, a little girl in a pink dress, and a bald man in office clothes were shown before him, both wreaking havoc and harming soldiers and civilians alike. The insane office worker showed no intent of killing anyone, just the creation of mindless chaos, but the little girl... she was a monster, destroying anything and everything in her path. Not letting any human or character survive. He had never seen such a slaughter since the CORE had unveiled their "KROGOTH" super mech that wiped out his entire base, and all of his troops.

                      "This..." the commander said to himself. "This is unacceptable!"
                      He brought up the coordinates for the girl's last known position, and readied a transportation VTOL for departure. He didn't know what he was up against, and he didn't know if he was ready enough to handle it, but he would sooner die than let some demonic little brat kill innocent civilians.

                      "Looks like retirement's over..." he said as he entered his Command Mech and attached it to the VTOL. The VTOL left the base at top speed, leaving a trail of vapor, and malice in its wake.
                      Last edited by topio1; 04-27-2013, 03:08 PM.
                      There is so much that I could put here but I'm just gonna do this...


                        Kawaguchi District, Tokyo, Japan
                        Time: 3:35 PM (I think)

                        "Spirit, not ghost. There's a difference, you know." Yuuka heard Mima argue with John-117 as she browsed through Mima's shop. It was just an ordinary junkshop like Kourindou, with heaps of antiques that would probably never shine in the real world, acknowledged only by avid collectors.

                        One item caught Yuuka's eyes. It wasn't radiant, nor lackluster. It wasn't embellished, nor simple. It was something that seemed out of place... like a piece of Keystone.
                        "Hey, Mima." Yuuka asked Mima. "What is this Keystone doing in your shop?"


                          Antique Shop - Tokyo - Japan

                          "Spirit, not ghost. There's a difference, you know."

                          John wasn't the social type, but by the way this gho- ... person reacted to what he said, he might have offended her.


                          He was really close to saying, "What's the difference?", but that might have made things worse. He new that she had information regarding the Neo-Yakuza, so the last thing he wanted was to be on her bad side.

                          Carefully choosing his next words, he said, "Sorry. It's just that I am not familiar with supernatural beings... Can you explain what a spirit is?"
                          Last edited by S121; 04-27-2013, 02:57 PM.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Mima's Antique Shop

                            Mima looked over to the rock that Yuuka mentioned, and went over, and picked it up. "What about it? Tenshi made it for me."

                            "And to answer your question, big guy, A spirit has a lot most intelligence than a mere ghost. Ghost are just reflections of the past." Mima explained.

                            Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                            You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                              Antique Shop - Tokyo - Japan

                              "I supposed you were some kind of spirit, ghosts are only remnants of what a person left behind. That energy around you is strong, I guess you are indeed a powerful being" Renamon said as the spirit went back to the counter.

                              To answer the female spirit´s question, The fox said Im a what humans call a digimon, the creatures like me live in the Digital World, what humans see as codes in their computers in fact is our world, there are many species of us with different characteristics such as physical, mechanical and magical, In my case I come from the spirits of nature and the soldiers of nightmares. There are ghosts and spirits in what was my world too.". The vixen explained to the green-haired spirit while making a little purple fire ball at the palm of her paw.
                              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                                Antique Shop - Tokyo - Japan

                                As far as John could tell, this was just a normal, boring antique store. Getting bored, he decided to ask a question.

                                "So... do you sell any items of particular interest?"
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

