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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Shinki's Courtyard

    "The Art of Danmaku exists for its beauty and its intricacy." Shinki smiled. "Let's take it up a notch, shall we?"
    Shinki then fired more streams of blood-red and golden bullets, each larger and faster than the one previous, until the last bullet of the stream was larger than a 250mm tank cannon.


      "This is so cool..."

      I saw John. He looked depressed. Renamon spoke to him.

      "Everything alright, John?"

      I walked up to him. "Hey, John. You can talk to us. Is something the matter?"


        Shinki's Courtyard

        Hank dodged and grazed the bullets, and as the last bullet came, Hank pulled out his blade and cut it in twain, dissipating as he did so.

        "Still easier than dodging a stream of actual metal bullets." Hank commented.

        Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

        You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


          Shinki's Palace

          "Everything allright John?", Renamon asked.

          "Hey, John. You can talk to us. Is something the matter?", Komachi asked shortly after.

          "I honestly don't know... I was just thinking about whether or not I have ever really lived. Ever sine I was seven, I've been bred for war. I am a master of war, but because of that, I have absolutely no clue about certain things. Things that makes one human. I know nothing of peace, or even love. I just know what I've been taught, nothing more."
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Shinki's Palace - Courtyard

            X and Axl were also sparring on the other side of the courtyard. X firing uncharged shots at Axl's feet. Axl all the while was avoiding the the shots by running to X's side. Jumping occasionally to avoid a shot in front of him.

            Axl takes out one of his guns and jumps into the air. Activating the small jets in his legs to hover in place. Axl then begins firing a barrage of uncharged shots at X.

            X avoids the attacks with relative ease, but gets shot in the shoulder leaving a small burn mark from the plasma shot from Axl's pistol. "Smart idea to lower the output of our weapons in order to spar X." Said Axl as he lands on the ground.

            X looks at Axl and smiles. "Thanks. You have also gotten pretty good with your aim. More so than before. I barely dodged those attacks. Now let's see how your Copy Ability is holding up Axl." Said X as Axl nods his head.

            Axl takes his gun and aims it at X's head and fires a small, slow moving blue shot. As it hits X in the head the shot quickly flies back to Axl. "Alright got your data!" Said Axl as he jumps into the air. "Transform! Mega Man X!" Yelled Axl as his body begins glowing. Shortly after Axl stops glowing and falls to the ground. Axl looks like a perfect copy of X.

            X nods his head as he sees Axl's transformation into him. "Nice. Armor looks the same, eye color looks the same..." Said X as he takes a closer look at Axl who does look like a perfect copy of X. "Thank you X." Said Axl in a near perfect imitation of X's voice.

            Axl then looks at X as though he had a good idea. "Hey X lets look for one of the others while I'm like this!" Said Axl as X nods his head slowly. They then begin looking for John.


              What a sad story. To have had his childhood stripped away from him like that. I want to help him.

              "Hey... How about tomorrow morning, I take you to see some of gensokyo! There are lots of places that you might like. I might even introduce you to some people along the way!"


                Shinki's Palace

                The fox heard Johnīs words and thought about it. "You were trained for battle, that canīt be denied, but there are things that make you different than a killing machine, you care for the well-being of others and have real emotions inside that armor" the fox said and continued

                "Even in the worst times, there are moments when you feel alive, while doing something you enjoy or by staying close to someone you care for, there may be loss, but as something reaches its end, another thing starts, you have something different from the machines of war, you have a soul"
                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                  Shinki's Courtyard

                  "Oh, I didn't think you could dodge that-" Shinki sarcastically whistled, and then declared a spell card. "Kami Sign - Fortuna Major"
                  All of a sudden, colorful glass shards appeared from all directions, surrounding Hank.



                    "That was beautiful, Renamon! So, what do you say, John?"


                      Shinki's Palace

                      "Hey... How about tomorrow morning, I take you to see some of gensokyo! There are lots of places that you might like. I might even introduce you to some people along the way!", Komachi said, trying to cheer John up.

                      "I suppose it couldn't hurt."

                      Then Renamon spoke.

                      "You were trained for battle, that canīt be denied, but there are things that make you different than a killing machine, you care for the well-being of others and have real emotions inside that armor" the fox said and continued

                      "Even in the worst times, there are moments when you feel alive, while doing something you enjoy or by staying close to someone you care for, there may be loss, but as something reaches its end, another thing starts, you have something different from the machines of war, you have a soul."

                      John eyes teared up, but John remained calm.

                      "Thank you. You know, you guys are the only ones that I've really shared this with. I suppose it's just something I have to sleep off."
                      Last edited by S121; 05-27-2013, 11:14 PM.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        "Okay!" I looked at the clock.

                        "Gee, it's this late and I've still gotta go home! Well, I'll be leaving now! See ya tomorrow, John!"

                        I took off for home. What a night!


                          Shinki's Palace

                          After a while of searching X and Axl finally find not only John, but also Komachi, and Renamon. Axl smiles and grabs his X's arm and runs towards the group. "Hey guys!" Said Axl who still looks and sounds like X. X just waves at the group as they walk up to them.
                          Axl in X form has a large grin on his face as they walk up to the group.


                            Shinki's Palace

                            "Bye.", John waved to Komachi.

                            All of a sudden, X walked up to him, only something was off.
                            John looked over to "X".

                            "Are you sure you're X? X doesn't grin like that.", John said.
                            Last edited by S121; 05-27-2013, 11:20 PM.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              Shinki's Palace

                              "Never said I was X did I? It's me Axl. I used my copy ability to transform into X. I can't get the voice just right, but the form is perfect for the most part." Said Axl as he reverts to his normal form. X is close behind Axl. "So what do you think John? Do you think about his copy ability?" Asked X as Axl places his hands on the back of his head.


                                Shinki's Palace

                                "So what do you think John? What do you think about his copy ability?"

                                "I think it's pretty impressive. You have to think, not only does Axl completely change his body shape and size, he also changes his colors too."
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

