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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Axl's Mind

    As Yuyuko and Lumine were about to attack Alia can be heard faintly.

    "G-Guys you n-need to w-withdraw this once!!! That Reploid is known as Lumine. One of the most dangerous Reploids in existence! You can't face him in his current state! I forgot to mention that since your are currently data within Axl's mind you run the risk of being deleted permanently. If the data the comprises your current bodies is deleted there is no way to recover you! Retreat now!" Said Alia through the communicator to both Yuyuko and Isaac.

    Lumine laughs at Yuyuko's comment. "Didn't you listen to me? As long as a part of me exists in the physical realm I cannot be deleted. I cannot be killed. Fighting me is pointless..." Said Lumine as he prepares the exact same attack that Lumine is preparing.


      Axl's Mind

      Isaac was on the brink of death, drifting in and out of consciousness.

      All of a sudden, Isaac heard his RIG beep and took a deep breath.

      His RIG kicked in and administered a medium sized Med Pack, quickly regenerating Isaac's body.

      All six holographic lights lit up on Isaac's RIG, meaning that he was now in perfect condition.

      (Okay, Now to stop that damn robot!), Isaac thought as he flew towards them.

      He could hear their conversation and it only served to anger Isaac more.

      All of a sudden, Issac heard Alia's voice.

      "Very well, do it."


      John shot up as soon as he heard the alarm.

      (What the f*ck was that? I didn't know this place was restricted!), john grabbed a nearby tarp and hid himself.
      Last edited by S121; 07-11-2013, 08:32 PM.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Axl's Mind

        "Roger!" Said Alia as she flips a switch on her computer, causing Isaac and Yuyuko to be warped back into the real world and out of Axl's mind right before Lumine's attack could even start.


          Alia's House

          Isaac stepped off of the machine and looked at Alia.

          "Open his head up. We have to stop Lumine.", Isaac said.


          John knew that staying there would only get him caught, so he snuck away before he could get caught.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            I... know what I have to do.


            I need to......

            Save Axl!

            "I want to go back! Unless he cannot be killed as he says, then there is a chance, and I will die saving Axl!"

            Two scientists came in. "Who are you?!"

            "Hello again, Mr. Wattsman and Mr. Jameston. Do you remember me?"

            "How should we remember you?"

            "Not even trying, are we? I'll give you a hint: I was known as the first to come in to the institute and be turned down."

            "First to... wait... you're not-"

            "Guess what?" I got closer to him in a blink of an eye.

            "I told you it exists."

            "N-n-not the-"

            "Say it: I want to hear it from your own lips."


            I knocked them out with what to me felt like a simple chop to the neck. I then activated a feature on my robot suit: my skin changed color, as if it were a camouflage. I changed it to a big menacing Terminator looking robot. I walked through. Guards were trying to shoot me, but the bullets did nothing. I simply walked by, occasionally knocking away people in my way. I jumped, and I tore a hole to the ground, bringing me to the first floor. I quickly changed into my old human form. Ah, how good it felt to be human again! The robot's look and texture was so comparable, you could compare it to a comparison between an apple to an apple.

            I walked outside to have myself look human again: White hair, golden eyes... all in all, perfect. I hope John went back home as I intended him to.


              Alia's House

              "Sorry Yuyuko, but if you get deleted in there then there will be no way to bring you back. You literally will be gone forever." Said Alia as she stands up and walks to Axl where she proceeds to open up Axl's head. Inside Axl's head is a small purple fragment of what looks to be from Lumine. "What's that?"


                Alia's House

                "I don't know, but we're disconnecting it. Do you think that it might be a piece of Lumine? I did hear him say that he had a physical part in the real world. I was far away, but I still heard."

                Honolulu, Hawaii

                Once John was far enough away, he got rid of the tarp and walked down the street.

                All of a sudden, he heard something inside of the bar next to him.

                John entered the bar and saw that everyone was looking at the television.

                It was the news.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Alia's House

                  "It might be... but it seems to be fused with his internal processor. If we do anything to remove it then... well... Axl..." Said Alia as she is a little afraid to say what she is going to in front of Yuyuko.


                    Alia's House

                    "Then we render it inert. How conductive is the shard and the processor?", Isaac asked.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Alia's House

                      "The processor is highly conductive, but I don't know how conductive the shard is. I would like to run a few tests before hand to find out if it is a part of Lumine first." Said Alia as she walks over to her computer. She then turns to Yuyuko. "Don't worry Yuyuko. We are trying our hardest to get Axl back to his old self. In the mean time Isaac I need you to find X, and Zero this instant" Said Alia as she goes to start the tests.


                        "I... I see. I'm sorry for my behavior, it's just..."

                        We interrupt this broadcast for some breaking news! As of late, there has been a report that the Technological Institute for Science of the Future has been attacked by a strange robot going by the looks of a terminator from the old movie 'The Terminator.' Here's Sharlene at the scene.

                        Thank you Tom. I am standing at the scene of the intrusion where a terminator looking robot was seen assaulting the building.

                        Some say it was a malfunction, but recently, another man was seen. Here is the witness's artist depiction of the man.

                        Here is the witness now. What have you to say?

                        Well, I was just working the late shift until I heard a lot of booming. And then there was a crash from the ceiling. When the smoke cleared, I saw a man by that description... ah... sorry for the extra detail, he just looked so... anyways that's what I saw!

                        You heard it here first, folks. Thank you and be wary.


                          Alia's House

                          Isaac looked at Yuyuko and spoke.

                          "Wait here. I'll go get X and Zero."

                          He then turned his attention to Alia.

                          "Deactivate and unplug his power core. We don't need Lumine to get up and start walking around. I would also recommend altering Lumine's code. Lumine said that we couldn't delete him, but we can sure as hell try to alter him. You're not deleting him, so it should work. If not, then program extreme enemies for him to fight. Oh yea, make sure to restrain Axl too.", Isaac said as he left.

                          Isaac stepped outside and flew off at 500 mph.

                          Yukari's Resort

                          Isaac landed at the resort and activated his locator.

                          A small holographic line formed on the ground and Isaac followed it.

                          Meanwhile, Zero and X saw a small holographic line form right below them.

                          Bar - Honolulu, Hawaii

                          Isaac saw the Announcer on the television screen and his eyes went wide.

                          (The Announcer is alive!?... Well then, time to kill him again...)

                          John quickly exited the bar and began hunting down the Announcer.
                          Last edited by S121; 07-11-2013, 09:38 PM.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Alia's House

                            "Damn it. I'll try, but that firewall is back up and it's stronger this time." Said Alia as she continues the tests.

                            Yukari's Resort

                            X and Zero were busy reminiscing about old times when suddenly a small blue holographic line appears below them. "What's that?" Asked X as Zero simply shrugs his shoulders.


                              As I ran at a very fast speed to the resort, I changed form into something more... casual.

                              When I got to the resort I didn't see John. Damn it! Where the hell did he go?!
                              Last edited by wonderweiss; 07-11-2013, 09:42 PM.


                                Yukari's Resort

                                Isaac followed the line until he finally saw Zero and X.

                                Isaac ran towards them and spoke.

                                "Hey, we gotta go kill Lumine.", Isaac just flat out said.


                                John arrived at the TISF and entered the building.

                                John saw a police officer standing in one of the rooms and walked over to him.

                                "Excuse me, do you know where all the witnesses are being kept? I'm hunting down that white-haired guy.", John said.
                                Last edited by S121; 07-11-2013, 09:48 PM.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

