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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Axl's Mind

    As Isaac was warning Yuyuko to be careful the emptiness is broken by the sound of a... baby crying?
    Last edited by NeoFox; 07-11-2013, 04:51 AM.


      USG Ishimura - Axl's Mind

      "This.", Isaac said as he pulled up a holographic image of a Necromorph.

      "That's why I was asking if you wanted armor.", Isaac said.

      "I've seen some sh*t."

      All of a sudden, Isaac heard a baby crying.

      "Oh yea, I also punt and kill babies.", Isaac said halfheartedly, as if it was a sick joke.


      As soon as John felt the hit, he spun around grabbed HM's arm, spun, and flipped HM on his back.

      John jumped back and waited for another attack.

      It was evident that John was taking it easy with the sparring, not using too much force.
      Last edited by S121; 07-11-2013, 04:59 AM.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        I gave him a cold glance signifying that he crossed a certain line.
        "Are you feeling it mr. Krabs? Are you feeling it mr. Krabs?"

        I then rushed up to John and gave him a half laid uppercut.


          USG Ishimura - Axl's Mind

          Isaac could easily tell that he had offended Yuyuko, so he began to explain.

          "Okay, before you start to think of me as some kind of psycho, understand that I'm not lying. I really do kill babies, Necromorph babies. Nobody was spared from the Necromorph outbreaks, babies were no exception. Now that I think about it, you may not have the same kind of humor that I have. In order to keep even the slightest amount of sanity that I had left, I had to adapt to having to do morally questionable things, just to survive. My humor became warped, due to having to deal with this kind of stuff all the time. You'll soon understand why I was driven insane. I didn't take into accout that you haven't been exposed to this kind of thing. I'm sorry if I offended you.", Isaac apologized.

          "Besides, it's one thing to see them in a video game, it's an entirely different thing to see them in real life. They're much scarier.", Isaac said, quietly following the baby cries.


          John twisted and tilted his head away, causing the metal fist to graze his jaw.

          He then crouched and performed a palm strike to HM's "ribs", causing HM to move back 5 feet.

          John then shook his head, relieving stress from his neck.

          "It's not very often that I use defensive moves. That's why I keep using them in this sparring session.", John calmly said.

          John was always sort of emotionally detached when it came to either a sparring session, or an actual fight.

          The only exception would be when it was personal, or if somebody he cared about was in trouble.
          Last edited by S121; 07-11-2013, 11:36 AM.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Somewhere in Nevada

            "Just rip 'em apart." Sanford replied, as they moved into the next room. Sanford shined his flashlight on another gorup of corpses, zombies ripping them apart with rotten, mangled teeth. As the light shone on them, they turned and began to get up, charging towards the trio with savage and vicious instinct. Sanford fired his pistol into the zombies, to little to no effect. He whipped out his hook, grabbing one in the head and flinging it againt a wall, ripping it's head in two. Deimos fied a hail of bullets, killing some, and slowing down the others.

            "MAG V5." Christoff replied, jumping up and cutting through the other goggle with his sword. They both then pulled out the sword, and implanted them in the MAG's chest, sliding down it's large body, cutting him into thirds. THe body fell, spilling gallons of blood all over the room, covering Hank,, Christoff, and Shikieiki in blood.

            Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

            You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


              "...I guess I can understand. Just don't make such a crude joke. Just know that I was alive once."

              I kept on going towards the crying. But ya know... this was quite disturbing...

              "Oh, you're not working hard, mah boy! This is a sparring match. How the hell am I gonna know if your punch won't destroy the suit, ah?"

              I jumped high and then I was aiming for John winding up a punch.


              Somewhere in Nevada

              "Alright. Fire away!"

              I pulled out my machine gun and fired away at any zombie that I could hit.

              I got covered in blood.

              "ah.........ah.......... this........ is........."

              I simply could not speak. I know I wanted to save Hank, but... He spilled so much blood!!!



                As John and HM was sparring some of HM's armor began to drip away like a fluid.
                Born in the light.
                Molded in the dark

                Never Forget,
                Keep Fighting.
                –Don't Forget.
                Always, somewhere,
                someone is fighting for you.
                –As long as you remember her,
                you are not alone.


                  "Hehehehehe.... wait what the... help, help, help, help help help helphelphelp JOHN!!!"


                    USG Ishimura - Axl's Mind

                    "I'll be sure to remember that.", Isaac said as he held his Plasma Cutter at eye level, down the hallway.

                    "So, what happened to you? You know, dying?", Isaac asked Yuyuko, trying to ease his own uneasiness and ease the tension he felt in the air.

                    To him, it felt as if the ship inhaled and was holding it's breath, waiting for them to go in deeper before exhaling and dispersing it's many horrors throughout the ship.


                    John saw the punch coming and quickly rolled forward, moving out of HM's trajectory.

                    (This guy uses slow, powerful attacks. I just have to be careful.), John thought as he prepared for another attack.

                    John heard HM yelling and looked over to see the armor melting?

                    John touched the armor and created the electronic bridge needed to allow HM into his suit.
                    Last edited by S121; 07-11-2013, 12:22 PM.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      "Well, I really don't know... it wasn't until recently that I found out my body was being used as a seal for a demonic cherry blossom named Ayakashi Saigyouji. It lures mortals to their deaths. But not any more. But maybe you can ask my friend, Yukari. Maybe she knows. She never told me."

                      I traveled to the suit.

                      "What the hell, man! What happened!"

                      Damn, chief mummy guy, your robot is all kinds of f*cked up.


                        Somewhere in Nevada

                        "Normal. For us. It's neccesary. You think I like it?" Hank said.

                        The zombies were torn apart fromt he hail of bullets from the trio. The dead bodies on the floor then started to rise. Deimos pulled out a carbon knife, stabibng them in the head before they posed a threat.

                        Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                        You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                          USG Ishimura - Axl's Mind

                          "Hm, I'll be sure to ask her and tell you what I find out.", Isaac said.

                          Isaac took a deep breath and slowly let it out, relaxing himself without compromising his focus.


                          "That's strange.", John commented as he saw the armor slowly dripping, causing small pits in the metal.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            "Heh, damn right. Say, that insane side of me didn't hurt ya or anything, did it?"

                            I don't want chief mummy guy to disable me for making it seem like I was trying to kill him again. Remember, I can work with him as well as I can kill him. I just have to wait for the moment. And if I'm going to be hanging around this guy, I might as well get close to him. I wonder if I can... learn something about him.

                            Somewhere in Nevada

                            I kept on firing. Geez, do these things not have an ammo limit? Oh well. Time to work on the bat. What should I use for the zombies... smash.

                            "Well, um... as long as you don't enjoy it, I guess... um... let's go. I wonder if the others are waiting..."



                              "No. I'm a lot tougher than I look.", John calmly said.

                              USG Ishimura - Axl's Mind

                              As Isaac and Yuyuko walked down the hall, a scurrying noise could be heard in the vents above them.

                              "Yep, I was right to be nervous.", Isaac commented.

                              "Remember to stay away from the air vents. They like to pop out of them.", Isaac said as he pointed to one, to give Yuyuko an example.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                "I see. What can they do, exactly?"

                                "Alrighty then! So then... you have a comfy place here. Mind if I crash here for the mean time? I need a body. Hey, you don't happen to know any robot making stations? Maybe I can make my own body! Yea!"

