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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    USG Ishimura - Axl's Mind

    "Well, there's many kinds of Necromorphs. The only reason they have names is because of the games. I never really cared about naming them, I just shoot them."

    "The most common one is called a Slasher. Slashers have their arms raised above their heads and have spikes coming out of their palms. These spikes are capable of piercing metal and hurt a lot if you get stabbed by it. The best way to take care of them is to blow off their limbs, their arms to be precise. You have to be careful, because they can sprint pretty fast, despite their.. abnormalities. The picture I showed you earlier is what they look like."

    "The other common type is the Lurker. Lurkers are infected babies with tentacles coming out of their backs. They crawl very fast along the walls and ceiling. Their tentacles can fire spikes, so be careful. The best way to kill them is to blow off the tentacles. This is what they look like.
    , Isaac said as he brought up the holographic image of a Lurker.


    "Another thing you'll probably see is flesh growing on the walls. It's slimy, and bleeds when you step on it. There's no point in trying to destroy it because it quickly regenerates. I'm mentioning it because it houses the Guardians."

    "Guardians are Necromorphs that are merged to the walls. They attack by hitting you with their intestines. The first-stage ones are still living people that have no control over their bodies. It's very unnerving to see and hear them screams of agony, even I get unnerved by it and I have always had to encounter them. There's no way to save them. The best you can do for them is to put them out of their misery. The second-stage ones are the truly deadly ones. Their intestine tentacles have sythe-like blades on them, capable of decapitating and cutting people in half. The person it used to be is still alive, but is pretty far gone by this stage. They can shoot Pods out of their torsos, so be careful. The best way to kill it is to shoot the tentacles connecting it to the walls."
    , Isaac said as he pulled up their pictures.


    "You know how I mentioned Pods? Pods are the sacs that Guardians spit out of their torsos. Pods have tentacles that are just like Lurker tentacles, they shoot needles. The best way to kill them is to blow off the tentacle.", Isaac said as he pulled up a picture of a Pod.


    "That's not even half of the Necromorphs. I'll be sure to tell you about the others as we encounter them. Any questions?", Isaac asked Yuyuko.


    John thought about it, then spoke.

    "Well, I could see what I can get you. We are going to Gensokyo, so I might be able to convince the Kappa, or Yumemi to make you a new one. Until then, do you want your helicopter drone one?", John asked.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      "I... actually wished I didn't ask..." I said, obviously thoroughly disgusted. I may be the princess of the ghosts, but this... I've never seen anything like it.

      "Meh, it'd be cool. But to be honest, I like it here. Like playing a shooter game. Hey, hey, start shooting things, I wanna see this!"


        USG Ishimura - Axl's Mind

        Isaac was a little surprised that she was disgusted by the images of the Necromorphs. The pictures were nothing compared to real life. The pictures were just badly rendered copies of the real thing.

        (Hmm, I might need to watch out for Yuyuko, she might freeze up if she sees the real thing.)

        "If it makes you feel better, you actually get pretty used to it after a while.", Isaac said, trying to ease her disgust.


        "No, I'm not going to go around shooting things. People are around and there's no hostile targets.", John said.

        "If you're bored, you can always pull up the internet or play games on my suit. I won't have to see it and it will occupy your time."
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          "... That actually makes me feel worse..."

          "Aw... Okay then."

          Hmm, what to do... I know.

          Without making a sound or anything for John to notice, I infiltrated the internet and created a fake profile on MIHI's in order to stray John from any thought's that I was HM. I returned very shortly. It was simple making an article. I just had to think about what I wanted to say.

          "Hey, John, I found an article on MIHI's. Your friends are saying that I am a MIHI, so you'd might as well know. Wanna see the page that I found? It's really good."


            USG Ishimura - Axl's Mind

            "Well what am I supposed to say? The good thing is, we won't be here for very long. You won't go insane, you won't have to really deal with the Necromorphs. I'll deal with them.", Isaac said in a slightly urgent tone.

            "Think of it like this, once we're done here, you'll have Axl back.", Isaac said, trying to at least give Yuyuko more resolve.

            Isaac continued to walk down the hall, still alert, but at least someone was there with him to ease the fear.

            The Ishimura held a special place in Isaac's mind.

            It was where it all started, the origin of his insanity.

            Its rusty walls and structure was forever burned into Isaac's mind.


            "I suppose.", John said.
            Last edited by S121; 07-11-2013, 02:56 PM.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              I immediately got pumped.

              "Right! I'll be ready for anything! I'll go through anything in order to make that evil space man pay for what he did to Axl!"

              I began rushing through the halls.

              "Okai! Here ya go!"

              I pulled up an article.

              MIHI: it means Manual Internationally Handled Intelligence. There has been no signs of any successful attempts at making a MIHI. However, three months ago, a man came in to the Technical Institute of Science for the Future (TISF) with a laptop. We were very displeased with the first impression, but once he turned it on, we were amazed by what we saw: it was the most advanced technology ever: an AI with the compatibility to "bond" with a human. He showed us the many wonders of the new AI, and it was truly the most futuristic AI today! He called it a Manual Internationally Handled Intelligence, or MIHI. We never received his name, but all we know is that his later occupation was at...

              "Sorry, let me scroll down."

              ... as an announcer at an engineering convention.


                USG Ishimura - Axl's Mind

                "NONONO!", Isaac said as he ran after Yuyuko.

                All of a sudden, as Yuyuko ran down the hall, a Necromorph Slasher dropped down from one of the air vents, right in front of her.

                It stood up and snarled at her, sending bits of spit and blood on her. It sounded as if somebody was being strangled.

                "SH*T!", Isaac yelled at he sprinted towards them.


                "Well now he's dead.", John said.

                "So, he's your creator?", John asked HM.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  USG Ishimura-Axl's Mind

                  As Yuyuko and Isaac roamed the halls the silhouette of Lumine can be seen in the distance sitting in a chair looking at Yuyuko and Isaac. The sound of babies crying can be heard coming from Lumine who appears to be holding a lurker in his arms as though it literally was his child.

                  Lumine continued to watch as the Slasher dropped down in front of them.


                    He was right... they were much more disturbing up close.

                    "Wah... that's..."

                    No! I must focus! I must save Axl!

                    "...You can't scare me! I'm the princess of Hakugyokurou, Yuyuko Saigyouji!"

                    I began firing danmaku at it.

                    "Ayup! Wait... he's dead? What do you mean?"


                      USG Ishimura - Axl's Mind

                      The Necromorph screeched as chunks of flesh were blown off of it.

                      All of a sudden, it charged at Yuyuko, despite its injuries.


                      "He tried to kill those I care about, so he paid the price. I fought him and killed him.", John said.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                        Lumine's laughter can be heard in the distance. "I find it interesting how you deal with these "Necromorphs." For a human you are quite impressive. Said Lumine as he stands up. He then snaps his finger causing the Slasher to disappear. "Unfortunately I can't allow you to die just yet."


                          USG Ishimura - Axl's Mind

                          Isaac looked at Lumine and spoke.

                          "That's nothing compared to how it usually is."

                          "I highly recommend that you drop dead and bring back Axl, or else things will get painful for you.", Isaac said in a matter-of-fact tone.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone: it was a lady.

                            "Excuse me, who ar-"

                            Wait a second... pink hair, blue joints... it fit the description Isaac made.

                            "You! Are you the lady one who is torturing Axl?"

                            "Wow... master... hey, you! You killed my master, so..."


                              Axl's Mind

                              "Torturing? Don't make me laugh! Think about it as me blessing him with my power. Ending his pain." Said Lumine as he tosses the lurker he was holding onto the ground. He then proceeds to stomp on it fiercely, killing it. "I need Axl. I need him for something important." Lumine then turns to Isaac. "I don't think I will be dropping dead anytime soon." Said Lumine as he begins laughing a bit. The sound of at least a dozen Slashers can be heard crawling through the events to their very location. "I can't allow you to find Axl just yet. Like I said earlier. I need him for something," Said Lumine as he vanishes from the room.
                              Last edited by NeoFox; 07-11-2013, 04:04 PM.


                                USG Ishimura - Axl's Mind

                                "Yea yea, destruction of mankind, blah blah blah. Stereotypical villain monologue.", Isaac said, abruptly cutting off Lumine.

                                "Too bad we're here to stop you."


                                "So what?", John asked.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

