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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Ancient City

    "Yeah sure!" Nitori became her glee self again. "You gotta try the Korean BBQ. You're going to love the Korean BBQ."

    "Araa... seems like you don't exactly know who you are." Lady Samehana was on a roof, inaudible and invisible to everyone. "Your power is to amend... to change, not to destroy."

    "As for destroying and murdering without mercy..."

    Lady Samehana took off her dress. Her pale belly was directly contrasted by a black curse mark that said |XL|: 4 million, the number of humans, Youkais, and other beings that she has assassinated.

    "Leave that to me."

    Lady Samehana disappeared into the night.


      Ancient City

      "I hope so. I mean I have no taste buds after all." He said as he kept walking. "I could even eat dirt and I wouldn't know what it I was eating until someone tells me." Said Zero as he kept walking. "By the way Nitori... I was planning on joining back up with the Maverick Hunters... they were an old group in my world that was devoted to protecting humans from rogue Reploids. Now since they are in this world they still help protect humans, and they have changed the Maverick to mean any character that has gone rogue. They are also apparently hiring anyone now according to X and Alia."


      The Snake Robot also known as Snake Man kept running on the ground. He was easily hopping from building to building as he was chased by Jack. Soon he saw a ventilation duct just big enough for him. Since Snake Man was designed to fit into tight spaces he quickly jumped into the vent. Snake Man easily slid down further into the vent just out of Jack's reach.


        Ancient City

        Jack frowned at what the snake robot did and decided to scare the robot out of hiding. Jack pulled one of his grenades out, but did not pull the pin. He then dropped the inert grenade down the ventilation duct and waited for the snake to scurry back out. Just in case, Jack also kept his eye on any possible escape routes. If the robot ran, Jack would be ready.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Ancient City

          As soon as the grenade was dropped down into the ventilation duct a small yelp can be heard from Snake Man. However he did not escape. Snake Man saw that the pin had not been pulled.
          Snake Man is one of Wily's most cunning Robot Masters. So time for a little trickery of his own... Suddenly on Jack's radar 1... no 2... no 3 and eventually 4 more red dots all appeared on the radar. They all seemed to be heading to a separate exit of their own.


            Ancient City

            Renamon sighed looking at everyone having fun, yet she felt somthing was missing, then a spark crossed her mind "Nera, we must go to the scarlet mansion" she said as her eyes opened with worry

            The jackal was eating a takoyaki and asked "The vampires´ home? I thought they wer- oh.. you are right" she said as realization hitted her

            the duo excused themselves and ran as fast as they could towards the Scarlet Devil Mansion "I hope they are ok" Nera said as they evaded some faires

            "Knowing the mess they cause, im sure things have been ok, lets move" Renamon said as they went faster
            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



              Ancient City

              Jack was very tempted to simply drop a live grenade down the vent or shoot anything that left the vents, but kept his temper down. He was being denied his victory and Jack did not like that, but he kept within the rules of the game.

              (Okay, you wanna play like that?), Jack thought.

              Jack then climbed up to the highest point on the building and looked over all the possible exits, ready to land right on top of the snake robot if he ever appeared.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Ancient City

                Shortly after the blips on Jack's radar appeared a small green snake like from before had left each of the 5 exits. Even a small green snake had left the main ventilation duct that Snake Man himself had gone through. It's like Snake Man had completely vanished from the vent itself. However... a sudden red blip appeared on Jack's radar... right behind him. "Boo." Said Snake Man, not really attempting to scare Jack, but rather just make his presence known. Snake Man after hiding inside the vent had actually left 5 search snakes behind as he made his way out of the vent system and into the kitchen in which he made his escape. Snake Man had his fun in this contest. It's no fun when he has an opponent as cunning as himself. After all he likes to be the one with the advantage in these sort of situations.


                  Ancient City

                  In a single instant, Jack had turned around and touched Snake Man. Jack hated it when people evaded him, but he kept his calm demeanor.

                  "I'll need my grenade back.", Jack emotionlessly said to Snake Man.

                  The last thing Jack needed was for an Oni to turn on the vents and have their house explode.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Ancient City

                    Snake Man handed Jack his grenade and saluted. "Before I go I'll give you a hint to where one of the others are hiding." Said Snake Man as he jumped back down.

                    "He hides in the shadows, and hangs upside-down. He can fly through the night sky, and he uses sound! Good luck!" Said Snake Man as he quite literally slithered off.


                      Ancient City

                      Jack couldn't help but smile when he came up with the next robot's name.

                      (Let's go hunt down the Batman.), Jack thought as he looked at his radar and continued searching the city.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                        "Ah, but if I understand correctly this is a game that can rarely be solved. You have to have just the right cards, which luckily was all here. As for who started all of this mess, I guess the Organization can take some of he blame. We arre at least responisble for Neo-Yakuza and a few other things. Now if you look at it in the right perspective, the only reason most of those heroes was there to fight the threat was because of one battle against Neo-Yakuza in the beginning. We may have caused much chaos, but we have also brought order to the board. Raise 200"
                        Born in the light.
                        Molded in the dark

                        Never Forget,
                        Keep Fighting.
                        –Don't Forget.
                        Always, somewhere,
                        someone is fighting for you.
                        –As long as you remember her,
                        you are not alone.



                          Finally reaching the gates of the vampires´ home, the fox opened the main door "Is anybody here?" she sadi outloud

                          The jackal walked through the hall as she was using her aura vision "Where could they put the coffin? the basement should be around here.. there, after the kitchen is the staircase" she spoke already walking towards the desired direction

                          "I hope she was also revived" the vixen mumbled following her partner
                          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                            "Whatever," Lujuria said. "I guess I'll just... have a little fun..."

                            Suddenly, without warning, a snake crawled on the armor.

                            "And you're going to be my opening act."

                            That's when the snake crawled up to Isaac's face and hissed at him in a heartbeat. Lujuria chuckled a bit.

                            "That's pretty much true. No memories of the past. Just the important things... this is odd. But in any case, it doesn't matter."

                            I got up and put the helmet under my arm.

                            "I'm taking a load off. Wake me when we're going anywhere." I then headed off to find a room. That's when he met a strange man.

                            "Oh, excuse me, but have you seen a big green, armored man? I want to talk to him about something."

                            "John? Oh, yes. Follow me."

                            "yea, the kings might not like it. They especially want to talk to you, Yukari. Keep them waiting... in any case, bring the damn booze along, we don't have much time," Komachi said. She then faced John.

                            "Trouble? Well... depending on how the trial goes, she might have her job at stake. We're lucky if she gets off with probation. This is a serious crime that shouldn't be taken lightly. Why?...... No idea. In any case, I wouldn't get too comfortable, John. They might call you down as well."

                            Komachi stepped on the boat.

                            That's when Gerard and the strange man came along towards John.

                            "Hey, John. Mind if I have a word with you?" It was Huey.


                              Ancient City

                              If there was one thing Isaac was afraid of, it was needles. Ever since he saw his death in the "eye poker machine", he had been afraid of anything that functioned like a needle. As soon as Isaac saw the snake's fangs, he quickly had his helmet form over his face. He then quickly pulled the snake off of his armor and threw it away from himself. Isaac was breathing heavily over the ordeal, still trying to calm down from the snake's fangs when he finally turned around and looked at Lujuria.

                              "Stop that sh*t! That's not funny!", Isaac angrily said to Lujuria as he pointed at her.

                              John felt somewhat guilty over Shikieiki's fate. He was grateful that she allowed everyone to be revived, but didn't want her to lose her job over it. Right before John could ask Komachi a second question, Huey and Gerard walked in.

                              "Hey, John. Mind if I have a word with you?", Huey asked John.

                              "What about?", John asked Huey in a slightly curious tone.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Lujuria began laughing.

                                "Damn, who would've thought you didn't like snakes?"

                                The snake crawled back up to Lujuria.

                                "... it's my animal. The snake. We all have one. Gluttony, the hound, Greed the cat, Envy the Chameleon, Wrath the gorilla, Sloth the... well, you know. And me, the snake. Of course there is no pride because master lucifer is pride. Pride, the falcon. The wings fit."

                                ((btw, I forgot to show you what Lust looks like so, uh... here))

                                ((minus the sock puppets))

                                "So, John, while I was supporting the tech unit, I was doing some personal research. That's when I stumbled across this when I was doing a thorough search of the Pacific coast."

                                He showed John a picture of a familiar place.

                                "It's called MSF, or Militaire Sans Frontiers; an army without borders. It's a great place, really. There's a great living quarter, the food is phenomenal, the technology is futuristic -- to an extent -- and the combat unit is something to be very proud of. It's a neat place if you ask me. I was wondering that when all of this is over, you can come join us. You and your friends. It'll be fun. Whaddya think? What's there to lose?"

