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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    "Is this all?" Eirin asked Rin in front of the dead bodies of the Gensokyo army.

    "I presume that to be everyone." Rin answered. Eirin rose her eyebrows in shock and added: "Less than I've expected. Do we really not have any Youkais dead?"

    "There are." Momiji walked to the center with dead Aya in her hands. She carefully dropped the corpse to the fray of dead bodies. Several residents gasped in horror: especially Hatate, who fainted at the mere sight.

    "Too bad." Eirin sent her condolences. "Anyone else?"



      Sakuyamon finished with the bodies and kept doing her healing work with the wounded ones "The critically wounded are safe for now, the energy shall endure atleast a day or two" she said still moving and spending energy

      Nera was handling everyone she found oran verries to revitalize their stamina "You really need one of this, and I won´t take a no for answer" the jackal gave one to Eirin and then another one to Momiji

      The calm chant from the miko kept going and going as she went on the purification process, small beads of sweat appeared on her cheek.

      "Hey, its time for them too" Nera appeared at her side referring to the blondes

      "I know, lets do it" the silver haired said as they got the bodies of both Yukari and Ran

      Gently carrying them to the pile and putting them with care. Sakuyamon noticed the digivice still on the ninetailed fox´s hands.

      With extreme care, she took it out of her hand and saw it with burn marks and scratches "You did a good job, but you still have work to do too" the miko said looking at the digivice and started charging it quickly
      Last edited by Kristia; 10-14-2013, 07:30 PM.
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



        Hangar - Prometheus Labs

        After a couple minutes of flying, the squad eventually reached Prometheus Labs and landed in the Hanger.

        "Okay, everyone disembark.", the squad leader said as the Pelican's rear door opened.

        "Good job, everyone.", he then added.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Hangar-Prometheus Labs

          As Chris hopped out of the Pelican he turns to the Squad Leader. "Indeed. There were no casualties, and we have obtained what we were looking for. So far it's one of the most successful missions I've took part in."


            Hangar - Prometheus Labs

            "Well, it's also in part to the intel you gave us. Without it, we might have lost people.", the squad leader said.

            The squad leader was impressed by Chris's combat capabilities, intelligence, and physical abilities. Chris proved to be very capable in tight situations and was able to hold his own against B.O.W.s, even without augmentations. This got the squad leader thinking...

            After a brief moment, the squad leader spoke to Chris.

            "You know, you proved yourself to be an outstanding teammate. This might be sudden, but there is never any easy way of asking this. You actually have what it takes to be a Spartan. You're a perfect candidate. You not only have the physical abilities, intelligence, and skill, but also the morals and determination. You do what's right even when you are outnumbered and outmatched, yet you still pull through... In short,.. we would like you to join us. Do you accept?", the squad leader asked Chris.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



              Finally charging the digivice, Sakuyamon remembrered the soldier asking about her species and Nera´s, The jackal felt the same thing and they got near the soldier at the same time

              "I apologize for not answering your question, I have been purificating the whole area" the miko apologized to six

              "My people are called pokemon, we are pretty similar to the many animals of this world, but with special abilities, some can spit ice while others can shoot magma spheres in battle, there are atleast 6 regions filled with our many species in the electronic worlds" Nera explained some of her world to the spartan

              The miko then continued "We the Digimon are the closest thing to be in real world since we are the data in the internet, Similar to Nera´s people, we have many species while dealing with the virus beings that try to get into the human world" she explained and bowed at both of them "Sorry, but I must continue with the healing work" she excused herself and went again to do her job as a priestess

              "That stubborn fox.. all of this is draining her.." the jackal mumbled looking at her partner

              "Anyways, Looking at your armor I can guess you come from John´s universe, am I right?"
              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                Skies of Gensokyo

                The escape pod was entering the atmosphere, but was going far faster than it should have.

                "Goddamn, I don't think anyone's repaired these pods at all, brace yourselves people, this is going to be a very rough ride!" Deimos called back to everyone else. The ground was now visible below, and it was clear that they were going to crash into Gensokyo.

                Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                  Hangar - Prometheus Labs

                  Chris was caught off guard by the Squad Leader's question... but he was right... Chris was capable of barely keeping up with the Spartan's. Though Chris never considered himself to be Spartan material...

                  "I... I don't know..." He said. He had to think about it before coming to a conclusion... but as a Spartan Chris would be able to keep up with possible future threats like Wesker. Hell he could even probably take on a Nemesis T-Type head on in terms of strength...

                  Chris had proved himself as a valuable asset several times in the past. He was barely able to take on someone like Wesker who was pretty much equal to a Spartan in terms of physical strength. Something that most normal people wouldn't even be able to do. He had also survived apocalyptic-like scenarios. Like that time when he and an old ally of his Piers fought a large beast names Haos that would have infected the entire world...

                  After thinking about it Chris turned to the Squad Leader. "Sir... I never considered the fact that I might be Spartan material... every time I fought... I fought for to survive and protect. I'm honored that you consider me a perfect candidate for the Spartan Project... so I have come to the conclusion... I accept..."



                    "So you guys know John? We do come from the same universe. We're both Spartan super-soldiers, but he's a Spartan-II, while I'm a Spartan-III. Spartan-IIs are more powerful, but are very risky and expensive to create. In our universe, it is the 26th century. A group of aliens called The Covenant attacked and tried to wipe out humanity. I don't know if we won, but based on the video games, we survived because of him. As for the electronic beings concept, that's actually what we have been experimenting with back in London. What we've been trying to do is encrypt people into digital information, then send them across vast distances. One of our scientists called it "Digitizing".", Six explained.

                    "So how do you guys know John? We honestly didn't know he was transported to the real world."m Six said to Nera.

                    Skies of Gensokyo

                    "SH***T!!!", Isaac yelled as he tightly held onto one of the pod's metal bars and braced for the inevitable crash.

                    Hangar - Prometheus Labs

                    "GWe are honored to have you with us. As for your reasons for fighting, that's what Spartans are all about. That's what makes you perfect. We fight to protect those who can't and to ensure their survival. Back in the Halo universe, that's what the Spartans were fighting for. They were fighting to protect humanity and to ensure that that humanity could live to see another day.", the squad leader said to Chris.

                    "Let's go get debriefed, then eat. It's about time for that anyway.", the squad leader said to Chris.

                    The Spartan squad leader was about to walk away, but then stopped and spoke once more.

                    "By the way, My name is Thomas-079.", Thomas said as he held out his hand to shake Chris's.
                    Last edited by S121; 10-14-2013, 08:52 PM.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Hanger-Prometheus Labs

                      "Very well. It's been quite a while since I last ate..." He said as he was about to follow the Squad Leader.

                      Chris looked at Thomas's hand and shook it. "Chris Redfield... but you already know that." He said with a chuckle.



                        Nera thought about the digitalizing thing, and then heard about how they met the green soldier

                        "Sakuyamon and John were from the first ones to come to this realm, he was a police officer while she was trying to revive me from the dead. They met by accident when the Yakuza people attacked. Seeing that they had similar enemies, both of them and other characters teamed up to deal with the situation. Then the Devourer and his ship appeared, so they went on the full frontal attack" she explained and then looked at the miko

                        "Digitalizing is a risky idea, only few have the ability or device for it, she has a digivice, an object that works as an energy storage and cyberworld connector, and other gadgets, but those are the main ones. Crossing to the digital world isn´t a walk thorugh the park, you get into this virtual highway that connects to the DIgital World, her home. But there are creatures of that realm that live only to destroy those who aren´t worthy of crossing the boundary." she said still looking at the silver haired who was noever stoppping
                        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                          Deimos tried to steer it so they had the least amount of speed, but it didn't work. Then, the pod crashed straight into the Forest of Magic, creating a large boom across Gensokyo and a pillar of smoke to begin to rise, though the pod itself survived. Deimos had a moderate blow to the head, but otherwise, everyone seemed to be fine.

                          "You people okay back there?" Deimos asked. Hank made a thumbs up and Sanford swallowed, stopping himself from puking. Koishi then adjusted her hat.

                          "Yeah, we seem to be fine. You, Isaac?" Koishi asked.

                          Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                          You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                            Gensokyo-Near Medical Camp

                            Axl was still busy search for Yuyuko. On his search for her he ended up near the Medical Camp.

                            "YUYUKO!? WHERE ARE YOU!?" He yelled in hopes that she would be near.


                              Yuyuko soon appeared, waking towards Axl... But... Her hat covered her depressed eyes...

                              ((Brb, shower))


                                Hanger - Prometheus Labs

                                "Yea, that's true.", Thomas said to Chris.

                                Thomas then began to walk towards the briefing room to be debriefed. Once the debriefing would be over, then it would be time to eat and relax.

                                Medic Camp - Gensokyo

                                "Ahh, no. We're not trying to enter the Digital World. We're actually using a different method. You see, back in our universe, there was this ancient alien race called the Forerunners. One of their devices were called the Composer. What the Composer did was that it was able to turn people into digital information and sort of store their minds, or "spirits". From what I can gather, John might be able to tell you more about it. He had to deal with it. I was only told by our scientists. Anyways, what we can now do is turn weapons, ammo, food, tools, and utensils into digital information. We've been working on humans and living things, but it seems to be unable to convert complex living things. It can store DNA and cells, but not entire organisms.", Six explained to Nera.

                                "As for the... Devourer aliens, we came here as soon as we heard. I don't know how things would have turned out if we hadn't been here, but it's probably better not to think about that scenario. The second reason we came here was to get John. There's someone back in London that would be overjoyed to see him.", Six continued.

                                Forest of Magic - Gensokyo

                                Isaac was on the floor. He was flat on his back and slightly dazed, but other than that, he was fine thanks to his suit.

                                "Yea... I'm good.", Isaac said as he stood back up.

                                He then looked to all the others and saw that they all had seatbelts. Isaac then slowly turned his head over to his seat and saw that he had one too, but he didn't even notice it. Isaac sighed as he shook his head and quietly chastised himself for being so intelligent, yet forgetting to buckle up.
                                Last edited by S121; 10-14-2013, 10:50 PM.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

