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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Ancient City

    As Jack was searching for everyone a incredibly faint hissing sound can be heard as a small robotic snake can be seen slithering out from beneath Jack. The robotic snake was indeed small. About a foot and length, and was able to fit in 1 inch wide cracks. The green robotic snake slithered from beneath Jack and into an alleyway...
    __________________________________________________ __________

    "No Nitori you are not a useless friend. You have helped me countless times. In fact if it weren't for you... then I would have sealed myself right after being woken up..." He said as he hugged Nitori once more. "You were the first person I met... the very first person I saw... and almost immediately I felt a sort of connection... yet I was afraid... I was afraid to open up to anyone... I preferred to stay away from everyone I came across... I didn't want to bring more harm to the people I cared for. Instead it was just causing me more pain..." Zero muttered as he looked down at her. "Nitori... I guess what I'm trying to say is..." Said Zero as he choked up. He was feeling more nervous than he ever did before.

    "I guess I love you..."


      Ancient City

      Jack smiled as he saw the snake slither by. Using his 6 meter radar, Jack pinpointed the location of his first victim. Jack climbed up onto one of the buildings and quietly made his way to the dot on his radar, being careful not to disturb any of the shingles. Once he was right above the dot, Jack dropped down towards his prey.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Ancient City

        Jack pounced on his prey only to find a large robotic dummy in the shape of a snake. Meanwhile a small faint hiss can be heard coming from the rooftops. The hiss becoming even more faint. As though Jack's prey was getting farther and farther away.


          Ancient City

          Jack gritted his teeth in anger as his target was getting away. In one powerful thrust, Jack jumped high above the biuldings and landed on the rooftops. Thankfully, the building were built for surviving punishment from Oni, so Jack had little to worry about. With his eyes locked onto his prey, Jack sprinted after the snake robot at 55 mph, darting across the rooftops and quickly catching up to his target.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            "A name? Why would you suggest such a thing?..."

            She thought about it.

            "... Alright. But you're naming me."

            "Why? Well... I don't know. I think it was to meet the Master Chief in person... but then why would I bring HM into all of this?"

            Gerard was quite confused at it all.

            "Well," Lucifer said. "If it isn't a secret, then would someone care to explain? As far as Ive been told by my demons, video game characters are 'virtual,' meaning technically non-existant. And these are much more than cosplayers. They're real."

            Greed nodded. "I'm damn ready."

            "Know who I'm interested in? Those two armored boys. They seem to look fear in the eyes and spit in it's face. Of course, that's what cost a leg for one of them... and of course, a piece of me is still in Isaac. I'll awaken him when necessary. Oh, and Gluttoneriel... open your eyes wide, would you?"



              "Well, it's quite complicated, from what I got. Around..what, 2031, some company came up with the wonderful idea for people outside the video game to interact with those on the inside, like talking to them directly and such. So, some big incident happened which materialized them into the real world. Though, that's only what they said. What I think actually happened though is that they hit some sort of wormhole or somethin' sucking in whatever it touched. In this case, it was other dimensions this reality perceives as 'video games'." The Higher Power explained.

              "Though that last part is just a theory I have." He added. "Also, about the armored boys, is one tall, wears green armor?"

              Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

              You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                Ancient City

                "Me? Uh, I'm not good at naming people.", Isaac said to Lust.

                Isaac was a little confused on what he should name Lust. He was assuming that she would choose a name for herself. She was no longer under the leadership of anyone, so he was assuming she would give herself a new identity.

                "So there's no name you like in particular? It is a name you'll be going by, so why not pick one that you like?", Isaac asked Lust.

                Six could see that Gerard was deep in thought, possibly trying to figure out why he brought his son into the Neo-Yakuza.

                "Why did you bring him into the business? Was it so you could be closer to him? Was it so that you could keep an eye on him?", Six calmly asked Gerard.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                  "Then let's distribute." Isadora said as she discarded the top card of the remainding deck: a Jack of Diamonds. Then, she flipped three cards as communal cards: 3 of Cloves, 10 of Hearts, and Ace of Cloves, which had the image of Yuuka on it.

                  "Hmm, weird. Why does the Ace of Cloves card have Yuuka on it?" Daiyousei asked.

                  "I custom-made these." Isadora winked. "I thought we could talk about what happened during the past few weeks, what with the fiasco of the illusional Japanese nation Gensokyo and all."



                    "Well, it ain't just Gensokyo. The Sea of Japan froze over too. From what I found, it's only now just finally starting to melt." The Higher Power said.

                    Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                    You just discard their guts and keep on driving.



                      "Araa, who could've done such a thing?" Isadora glanced over at the Higher Power with gleeful mischief. "Anyway, the second betting round begins."

                      "I... will fold." Daiyousei dropped out and handed the five hundred dollar worth of yen to the pot, dismayed that the card she was looking for was discarded.

                      "Poor thing." Duncan comforted the fairy and raised the stake with another 300 dollars.


                        "I like it already."

                        Lucifer sent a telepathic message to Gluttony to switch out with envy. Suddenly, the hell hound rose.

                        "Yes, master?"

                        "... Gluttony... it's been so long... how would you like to have your body back?"

                        "... I've awaited this day for so long."

                        Then, Lucifer walked up to Gluttoneriel.

                        "Don't freak out."

                        Lucifer was then... pulling on a soul from Gluttoneriel's eyes. But it wasn't his... it was much more... malevolent. It was very jumpy and out of control. Then, Lucifer shot it at Gluttony. That's when the hell hound was engulfed in a nearly plasmic black flame. When it died away, it showed a man with a tail and wolf ears on all fours. He got up.

                        "... this is much better." He said as he took a wine glass from near Greed.

                        "Hey, get your own damn wine!"

                        "Oh sorry, not for me?"

                        "Enough, you two," Lucifer interrupted.

                        "... Raise by 250 ((going by U.S.))."

                        "... I don't know... it's like we woke up in the Neo-Yakuza... I just don't recall much else from before then."

                        "Name myself. How's bout...Lujuria (lu-hoo-ri-ah)? Same damn thing as lust, just in spanish. Closest thing to a name I've got."


                          Ancient City

                          "Okay, that'll work.", Isaac said to Lujuria.

                          Isaac thought for a moment about what he was going to do next and sighed.

                          "Well, go on and do whatever you want. I'm just going to be either working on something, or drinking.", Isaac said to Lujuria.

                          Isaac then began to walk deeper into the Ancient City.

                          Six was curious about what Gerard said. Why didn't he remember his past?

                          "So you don't remember anything before the Neo-Yakuza?", Six asked Gerard.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                            "Ey, it wasn't me, it was some spirit who blasted one of those giant akrids to bits." The Higher Power then looked to his cards.

                            "I must fold." Winslow said, throwing his cards down.

                            "I'll call." The Higher Power said.

                            Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                            You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                              Ancient City

                              "Sniff... Zero... Let's go eat things." Partly still apologetic, but mostly back to her cheerfulness, Nitori asked Zero. "Please?"


                              "I merely jest." Isadora giggled. Somehow, it made everyone feel chilly.

                              "Your jokes are shivering my spines." Mokou shrugged. "I'll call too. Can't risk too much, but I have faith."


                                Ancient City

                                "... Sure Nitori... let's get something to eat... I'm sure you're hungry by now..." He said as he grabbed Nitori's hand. Ready to take her to any restaurant in the city.

