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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Gate woke up.

    "... Gate. You're alright. Listen... Thing were a little out of hand. Here... I'll show you."

    I ran out and went inside the pod. I looked through the AI boards and took one out. I returned and attatched it to a computer. I replayed the scene that happened from when I blew up the base to when I found the others.

    "Do not be alarmed, if we were there any longer, we would have been dead, knowing those Neo-Yakuza bastards."

    I decided to make sure his feelings were settled.

    "So, uh, John, are you now finally relieved that that crazy MIHI- er, actually it's more of a... Boy, I don't know what he is. But aren't you glad he's dead?"

    That was barely a close one. I just hope he doesn't look up MIHI. Bah, I bet he didn't even catch that part... I hope.
    Last edited by wonderweiss; 07-08-2013, 12:47 AM.



      Samus examined the creature ("Such thing that came from someone´s crazy mind indeed, atleast it is finally stopped") she thought now leaving to her ship´s hideout

      Nera helped the exhausted Renamon "Atleast this time you met something as hard as your head stubborn fox" she scolded her mate

      "Probably, but atleast we stopped him from causing major damage, also we can understand how his heart became data" the fox chuckled as she limped with the jackal to the resort
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




        John saw Samus leaving and called out to her.

        "You do know how to contact us, right? We might need you at the meeting.", John said.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



          "Already on it, im just taking some stuff from my ship and I will get bback to you guys in a minute" the bounty hunter said running with her booster boots
          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




            John nodded at Samus, then walked over to Huey.

            John picked him up and put him over his other shoulder, opposite of the one carrying the robot.

            "I don't really care anymore. I'm glad he's dead.", John said with little emotion.

            "What exactly is an MIHI?"

            John thought it might have been a class of robot, but he wasn't sure.

            Yukari's Resort

            Isaac saw Alia carrying Zero's body out of the resort and went to go ask her what she was doing.

            "What's going on?", Isaac asked Alia.
            Last edited by S121; 07-08-2013, 01:02 AM.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              "Oh, nothing. Just me jumping to conclusions. Well, I'm glad that's over with."

              He must not know.


                Yukari's Resort

                "I can't finish the repairs here. I need to get to my lab back at my place. Repairing him there would be much easier as I would have proper tools and supplies. There I could get him fully repaired in a good day, but if I had some help I could get him repaired in probably a few hours. I recall you were an engineer correct? Perhaps you can help me with him?" Replied Alia as she turned to Isaac.


                  Near youkari´s resort

                  While they were reaching the resort, Nera noticed something strange in Huey and Jason

                  Also Samus got back with a mechanical backpack
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                    John was a little suspicious about Huey's coyness, but didn't pursue it further.

                    He would just research it later.

                    John looked over to Renamon and Nera and spoke.

                    "Do you need help?", John asked in a calm tone.

                    He was still emotionally calloused, but he was showing a little more emotion now.

                    Yukari's Resort

                    "Sure. I actually learned about some of his inner workings anyway, whenever I modified his databanks.", Isaac said as he began to follow Alia.
                    Last edited by S121; 07-08-2013, 01:15 AM.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Near yukari´s resort

                      "We are ok, just need a nice bed and we will be back to our usual state, thank you" Nera said to the spartan
                      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                        Yukari's Resort

                        Alia and Isaac were walking to her place when Alia began to ask Isaac a question. "So what exactly happened to Zero?" She asked as they finally make it to her house.


                        As X was sitting on the beach he heard the sound of a jet engine above. X looked up only to see a small airship with... the Maverick Hunter's logo on it? X quickly comes to a stand and looks up at the ship as it lands.

                        The airship was making quite the scene at the beach.



                          Upon hearing the ship above, John ran behind the Pupa and placed the robot and Huey down.

                          "I'll be back.", John said to Huey as he stood back up.

                          John pulled out his rifle and headed over to the scene.

                          Alia's House

                          Isaac turned his head over to Alia, then spoke.

                          "Well, Zero almost lost his arm when he tried to protect our friend, Nitori. I kept telling him thathe should let us help him, but he wouldn't listen and walked off with his arm dangling by only a couple of cables. I don't really know what happened after that, but when we found him, it looked as if somebody shot through his head with plasma. everything was burned, broken, or melting. I broght him back to the hotel, repaired his databanks, then modified them, to make sure that he could more easily survive next time this happens. I then got Dr. Wily to do some repairs to Zero, but he didn't have enough time to finish.", Isaac explained.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                            As the ship lands X turns to John who has made it to the scene. X then turns back to the ship.

                            Suddenly the a door on the side of the ship opens up and a small ramp comes out of the ship and lodges itself into the sand. 3 Reploids can be seen coming out of the ship and onto the beach followed by one last Reploids. The last of the Reploids is dressed in black armor, looking far more important that the other 3 Reploids. At the sight of them X quickly salutes to the Reploids.

                            The apparent leader of the small band of Reploids looks at the surroundings and notices John who was aiming his rifle at the ship. "Stand down soldier, we are not here to bring harm. We are just here for X." Said the Reploid known as Signas as X lowers his hand. "Sir... what are... you doing here?" Asked a confused X.

                            Alia's House

                            Alia sighs at what Isaac said. "Well that's Zero for you. He is a bit of a... lone wolf if you haven't noticed." Said Alia as she opens the front door. "Zero has always been like that. Zero has always been one to go headfirst into danger. He will literally keep fighting until he is unable to fight any longer." Said Alia as she goes into her lab, once there she lays Zero down on a operating table. "Judging by the damage Zero must have gotten in one hell of a fight..."
                            Last edited by NeoFox; 07-08-2013, 01:52 AM.



                              John lowered his rifle and put it away.

                              "What exactly do you need X for?", John asked Signas.

                              Alia's House

                              "I think I know what might have done this. I found him like this right after the incident in front of the hotel, the one when all those creatures popped up out of nowhere. I think he might have gotten swarmed.", Isaac said as he followed Alia into her lab.
                              Last edited by S121; 07-08-2013, 02:03 AM.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                                "For him to re-join the Maverick Hunters." Said Signas as turns to X. "The Maverick Hunters have finally been re-established X. I would like you, Zero, and Axl to rejoin the Maverick Hunters." Said Signas as X looks at John then Signas. "The Maverick Hunters has been re-established? After all this time?" Replied X as Signas gives a small smile. "Yes, will you please consider rejoining?" The commander said as X quickly turns to John.

                                "Oh John. I forgot to introduce you. This is Signas, the leader of the Maverick Hunters. He had led the Maverick Hunters, including me and Zero through countless battles." Said X as Signas turns to John. "It is a pleasure to meet you soldier." Said Signas as he gives John a salute. "It comes to my attention that you and X had recently stormed a Neo-Yakuza base and managed to take it out?"

