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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    "Not really. The problem is, I don't really know how civilians live, how they can deal with that much leisure time. All I did in my spare time was train and go practice with guns. All I did was get ready for the next mission..... I suppose you could say that I really don't know how to live.", John said in a calm tone.

    Alia's House

    Isaac knew that he probably said something that hit Alia on a deep level, and kind of regretted doing so.

    "I told you it was bad.", Isaac said in a calm tone.

    "Can you hand me that welder?", Alia asked.

    Isaac grabbed the welder and handed it to her.

    "Yea,.. sorry for bringing it up."
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



      "That is easy to know, just go around and try things, with that you will find what you like, take me for example, I love astrology and history, I used to stay with Old Bird many nights looking at the stars and constellations, hearing the stories of the many beings and their civilizations" Samus said looking at the stars
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



        Alia's House

        Alia thanked Isaac for him handing her the welder like she asked. She then goes back to Zero and begins welding the last of the wires in Zero's legs.

        After she got done with that she stands up and walks to a lever on the wall. "Okay now stand back. I'm going to active a machine that is going to re-materialize Zero's armor over his lower body and arms." Said Alia as she looks at Isaac.



          John was a little confused, to say the least.

          He really didn't know what to do, or what he should explore.

          (...New objective then. Find a way to occupy my time.)

          "I guess I'll try to find something...", John said with a little bit of uncertainty in his voice.

          John's worries were quickly soothed as he looked at the stars as well.

          They always reminded him of his childhood, and were always like a breath of fresh air.

          (I'll find something...)

          Alia's House

          Isaac did as he was told and stood back.

          He then had his helmet form around his head, in the event that anything went wrong.

          (Can never be too careful when it comes to high-powered machinery.)
          Last edited by S121; 07-10-2013, 01:11 AM.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Alia's House

            As soon as Isaac stepped back Alia flipped the lever. As she did a large device much like a CT Scan rises from the floor next to the table Zero is on. Alia then pulls another lever as the table Zero is on slides into the machine. A good five minutes pass until Zero exits the other side of the device good as new. Alia then flips both levers back to the off position. "Okay there, the repairs are finally complete. Now all I gotta do is run a few scans on his systems before I can sort of... "wake him up" if you will." Said Alia as she walks over to Zero.


              Alia's House

              Isaac waited patiently, but was also cautious.

              He remembered the message on Zero's databanks, he remembered the warning that "video game Dr. Wily" put on his databanks.

              There was a chance that the barriers in his databanks wouldn't work.

              Isaac was ready for what might happen.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Alia's House

                After the scan's were complete Alia sighed in relief. "Okay the scan's are now finished. No current problems with his systems. We can now wake him up." Said Alia as she pushes a button on her computer.

                Slowly Zero's systems come back on one by one until he eventually wakes up. As Zero wakes up he sits up on the table and holds his head as though he woke up from a bad dream. "Damn..." Muttered Zero as he looks around the room. His vision still is a little blurry after just waking up. He tries to stand but falls over, indicating that he is still not at 100% functionality just yet.


                  Alia's House

                  "You okay, Zero?", Isaac said as he approached.

                  Perhaps Isaac was paranoid, seeing as how he didn't like to let his guard down until he was sure that he was in a safe situation, but it was that kind of behavior that helped Isaac survive.

                  Of course, Isaac was also good at hiding his body language. He was careful not to show his uneasiness.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Alia's House

                    "Yea, I'm fine..." Said Zero as he stands up.

                    "Zero will be fine. This is common for Reploids that have just gotten repaired. Especially one as advanced as Zero." Remarked Alia as she walks up to the red robot.

                    Zero manages to successfully stand up. As he does he shakes his head and turns to Alia then Isaac. "Where's... X?" Asked Zero as he looks at Alia.

                    Alia looks a bit shocked at what Zero said. "H-How do you know that X is here?" Replied Alia.

                    "I can... feel him... I can tell that he is near..." Said Zero as he turns to Isaac.


                      Alia's House

                      "X is at the resort. A guy named John assembled a team to save the world from aliens.", Isaac said.

                      He remembered Dr. Wily's message, and why Zero was created, but Isaac hoped that Zero was truly okay.

                      If he wasn't, and if he attacked someone, if he resorted back to his original programming,... Isaac was ready for that possibility.

                      "I could get him if you want. You guys probably have some catching up to do.", Isaac said.

                      (If they do get in a fight, it would be best if it's in an isolated area.)
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Alia's House

                        "Ah I see... I'd rather go see X myself. Knowing X he is probably worried sick about me." Said Zero as he headed towards the door while Alia just sits and watches.


                          Resort; Yuyuko
                          I know! Perhaps after all this time, the meeting is over! I can go and see if anyone can help out wit Axl's problem.

                          Don't worry, Axl. I'll get you some help soon.

                          I rushed over to the resort. I looked into a window to see if the meeting was over. It seems it has. I gently put Axl down and walked inside for anyone capable of helping Axl, probably another space man like him.


                            Alia's House

                            (Well, he did say that X is worried sick about him. Maybe everything's going to be alright.)

                            Isaac then spoke up.

                            "Well, I'm going with you. The meeting isn't over, it's just been put on hold. Welcome back, Zero.", Isaac said to Zero.

                            Isaac then turned to Alia.

                            "Are you coming to the meeting as well?"
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              Alia's House

                              "Whatever. I just want to talk with X right now." Said Zero as he leaves Alia's house.

                              Alia looks at Isaac. "I would, but I have important business to take care of." She said as she turns to her computer.


                                Alia's House

                                "Okay. Later.", Isaac said as he left the house.
                                Last edited by S121; 07-10-2013, 03:13 AM.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

