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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    The Consumer

    "You don't. " Neliel's mom snapped. "The civilians are military, too. We all carry power and weapon with us. You face 5 pentillion men in this ship."
    "I like chasing fluffy stuff..." Neliel murmured. "I also like to play hide and seek with Mr. Geraldo! He's funny."


      The Consumer

      "If you had the chance, would you leave this ship to live in peace with your daughter?" Renamon asked calmly to the wolf-woman

      "Well then, right now we are playing hide and seek, my yellow fluffy friend and me are the ones hiding from the big guys in this place, if you see one of them, can you keep it as a secret?" Nera asked making a wink
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



        The Consumer

        John popped out of the portal and landed on the other side. Every Nucleoid in the room snapped their attention away from whatever they were doing and straight to John.
        John reloaded hid MA5 Assault Rifle and sprinted down the ramp, shooting anything that moved. John opened the room's door and sprinted through the hallway with his M6D Magnum Pistol and his MA5D at the ready, shooting down everyone in the halls. John was running at 50 mph, speeding past grunts and Wu-lords as his HUD placed a waypoint on Ran's energy signature.

        (Don't worry. I'm coming...)

        John ran through the open doorway at the end of the hall to an elevator room. John activated the elevator and made his way up to the next section of the Consumer.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          The Consumer

          "If the Devourer is ever defeated." The wolf-woman nodded as some sort of blur just passed them."
          "Whoa that guy is fast!" Neliel pointed. "I wanna chase it!"

          "Really?" The Nucleoid laughed. Auditor's land has not made any progress while the Nucleoid was around. "What a shame, not being able to drink delicacy like this. Heinekel. Ever heard of it? Heard it's German beer. It's got to be good, right?"


            The Consumer

            "Wait.. thats John? he is a friend of us and is also searching for our fox friend" Renamon said ready to run to Ran´s direction

            "Do you know any shortcut to our friend´s room?" Nera asked both the wolf-woman and girl
            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



              The Consumer

              John saw Renamon and Nera out of the corner of his visor. John leaned back, put one hand on the ground spun 180 degrees, and grinded to a halt.
              John saw Renamon and Nera clear as day, as well as two other Nucleoids. John approache the group with his M6D Magnum Pistol aimed at the Wolf-Woman, and his MA5D Assault Rifle aimed at the child.

              "Renamon! Nera! Are you guys okay?", John asked as he approached with his guns trained on the Nucleoids.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                The consumer

                Renamon was about to answer John´s question when she saw he was aiming his weapons to the girl, quickly she put herself between them and faced him "Are you out of your mind? they are a mother and her daughter for gods sake"

                Nera sighed and asked him "Before you ask, they are a mother and her daughter, most civilians become soldiers sibjugated from their worlds and we are planning to help them get their freedom" she explained
                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                  The Consumer

                  "Oh you're not fluffy at all." Nliel muttered, oblivious to the danger she was in. The wolf-woman, however, was livid. "I wanna chase you still!"
                  Then Neliel began running in circles, at what perceived to be at least 80 miles per hour.


                    The Consumer

                    John stood there with his guns still aimed at the mother and girl, as if he was going to shoot through Renamon just to kill the Nucleoids.
                    After a long pause, John slightly lowered his guns and spoke.

                    "Then they better stay out of my way.", John said as he grabbed the child and sat her down in the corner.

                    Right before John walked off, he turned back to Renamon and pulled off his helmet.

                    It was glaringly obvious that he was very pissed.
                    Despite his facial expression of pure anger, he talked in a slow, quiet tone, the kind that would send shivers down a person's spine.
                    It was clear that John was trying to hold his temper with Renamon.

                    "Now, do you mind telling me what the f*ck you're doing on this damn ship?", John said between closed teeth.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      The Consumer

                      Renamon was impressed with the girl´s speed "So you know any shortcut to our friend´s room Niliel?" she asked with a smile

                      "What I suggest is that we go calmly, we must be really careful from now on" Nera said

                      Then the fox answered John´s question "When Yukari´s incident ocurred, me and Nera went outside, then we heard strange sounds from the forest close to the shrine and noticed soldiers taking an unconscious Ran to the Extractor and knowing that we had little chances, Nera and I ran to save her. we already did some work on the extractor´s weapons room, following Ran´s scent we found the portal and we are close to rescue her"

                      The duo would follow the wolf-woman and girl if there was any shortcut available
                      Last edited by Kristia; 07-24-2013, 03:18 AM.
                      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                        The Consumer

                        "Neliel wouldn't know: she never left the roo-"
                        "I saw someone that looked like you taken off into the dungeons a floor below us." Neliel answered. "But I advise you not to go there."
                        "When did you- never mind. She is right, if you are to rescue your friend, do so in extreme caution." Wolf-woman supported Neliel's advise, shaking her head as she leaned on a cane she drew.


                          The Consumer

                          John was angry at Renamon for running in without help, but at the same time, he knew that he would have done the same.
                          John was angry at her, but only because he was truly worried for her safety.

                          John took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and let it out.
                          He then completely lowered his guns away from the Nucleoids.

                          "Next time something like this happens, get me. Don't you ever do this kind of thing again. If you keep this up, you're going to be the death of me.", John said in a tired, but relieved tone.

                          John then put on his helmet and looked at the wolf-woman.

                          "I don't exactly expect you to understand what I just went through to get here. I'm on edge right now, so I'm sorry if I aimed my gun at you. Every Nucleoid I've met has wanted to kill me, so you can understand my hostility.", John said in a calm tone.

                          "And for what it's worth, I really wasn't going to shoot your kid. I would never do something like that. It was more of a precaution than anything else..."
                          Last edited by S121; 07-24-2013, 03:47 AM.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            "I don't know, but these assholes were here before. I am left to believe that they want to regain lost control, but that's just me. Whaddya think? Wanna do a basic little raid?"


                              The Consumer

                              "Eh." The Auditor said. Then, the Auditor's control jumpstarted, and went back to spreading.

                              Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                              You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                                Simulated London

                                Chris sighs as he lays his weapons down on an empty bench. "I need to get some sleep." Said Chris as he looks around. The only place suitable for sleep is the bench on the sidewalk. So Chris decided to sit there and lean his head back. Chris closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he thought about all of the events that transpired today. A lot of bad things have happened, some even horrible. It's like a nightmare that just never ends for Chris. It's like trouble just follows Chris where ever he goes. Chris had eventually fell asleep on the bench as he thought about the days events.

                                Real London

                                The town was relatively quiet, a lone woman on a motorcycle had pulled up to a gas station. She had been on the road for a few days. As the woman gets off her motorcycle she takes off her helmet revealing shoulder length brown hair that is kept up in a clean ponytail. The woman is none other than Claire Redfield, Chris's sister. She had traveled to London to visit her brother.

                                Claire looked around the gas station and found it oddly quiet. People were scattered around the city unconscious. Claire had looked on at shock as she remembers that something similar to this moment had happened when she first went to Raccoon City to find her brother. The city was infect with the T-Virus then. "Deja Vu..." Said Claire as she notices that their is a purple cloud of sleeping gas quickly making it's way throughout the city. Without a second thought Claire quickly ran inside and closed the door to the gas station. She was safe from whatever that purple cloud was for now.

                                Research Labs

                                Wesker had left his office and went to the B.O.W. Development lab. "Prepare the Tyrant-003's. The next part in our plan will be commencing soon. Our next target is the one known as Catherine Halsey. I will also be leading this mission personally." Said Wesker as a few scientists look at him.

                                "B-But sir it's to dangerous! Even if with the Tyrant's with you, you will still have trouble getting past the security! You will need an entire squad of agents assisting you in order to get past the first line of defense." Replied the scientist.

                                "Do not worry, I already have it covered." Said Wesker as he leaves the labs, he then heads to the armory where a large squadron of the best agents the London Neo-Yakuza has to offer are getting prepared.

                                "Y-Yes sir. We will prepare the Tyrants and dispatch them right away. What will you be doing sir?" Replied one of the scientists.

