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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Prison Sector - The Consumer

    Inside the prison cell was Ran, or what was left of her anyway. She was stripped, whipped, and beat up, her entire body caked with blood, including her golden hair and tails, the latter still radiant and brimming with holy energy. Ran looked up, with trembling yellow eyes, to find John peering through the space between the jail bars. The bars were marked with strong magic to repel any sort of contact, from inside and out.

    "John?" Ran croaked, (yes, croaked. Her voice is hoarse from all the shouting she made to endure the torture she was under. The Nucleoids were trying to interrogate her into spilling where Yukari is at.) her eyes tearing up in half hope and half fear. "What are you doing here?"

    Scarlet Devil Mansion

    "Their defense is tight." Submos observed. "30 Million men. Of course, that's only a fraction of a fraction of how many men the Devourer still has in his disposal, but it's still something."
    Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 07-24-2013, 07:05 PM.


      Prison Sector - The Consumer

      At first, John thought he saw a Nucleoid in the cell, but once he heard Ran's strained voice, he knew that he was wrong.

      For the first time in a long time, John felt sick. Sick and angry.

      "I'm here to get you out. I'm not going to let them do this to you anymore. You're safe now.", John said to Ran as he opened the cell door with a key card.

      John carefully picked Ran up, carried her out of the cell, and asked her a question.

      "What happened? How did you get captured?"
      Last edited by S121; 07-24-2013, 07:41 PM.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        30 MILLION?! Aw, hell?

        Calm down, I'd better look good in front of Daiyousei... WHY THE HELL SHOULD I EVEN CARE?!?!? WHAT'S GOING ON WITH ME?!?!?

        "Erm, well then... guess there's no other choice."

        My seemingly human arm suddenly changed to the LAYZOR cannon.


          Kappa Village

          "We're taking heavy hits from the 12 o clock! We can't hold on much longer-"
          "Water Sign - Heavy Flood."
          A large stream of water flushed the path, bringing the Grunts down in a drowning fit of chaos.
          "It's Nitori!" The Kappas cheered. "Is she okay?"
          "I'm fine!" Nitori groaned, but she obviously wasn't. "Back me up, Lady Kimehana."
          "Of course." Lady Kimehana drew her own spell card. "Pit Sign - Sanguine Bamboo."
          A hole was created at the end of the stream, and inside was a set of sharp bamboo spearheads that impaled any Grunts that managed to fall themselves into the trap.
          "Nice!" Nitori grinned and looked at Lady Kimehana, who merely smiled and observed the battle.

          Prison Sector - The Consumer

          "I don't remember clearly because I got hit with a giant iron hammer..." Ran mumbled as John picked Ran up. "Ah, hey, there's my dress right there on the other side."

          Scarlet Devil Mansion

          "What do you mean, no other choice?" Submos gasped as he saw the LAYZOR cannon. "You can't blast through 30 million of them, you must already know!"


            "Maybe not, but I sure as hell can try, but if that doesn't work, then... you remember my lunatic side... right?"


              Prison Sector - The Consumer

              John carefully placed her down, grabbed the dress, and helped her get into it.

              He then pulled out his Biofoam, along with the injector as well.

              "Hang on. You'll be feeling better in no time. It's filled with painkillers and heals wounds. You won't be running at 100%, but it will at least numb the pain.", John said as he injected her with Biofoam.

              Once he was done, he put the injector and the canisters back into his suit.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Kappa Village

                There was gunfire everywhere. It was a literal war zone.

                X had kept firing his buster at the army of Grunts, taking each one out slowly.

                "There's too many of them! I need back up!" Yelled X as he continued firing. There literally was too many of them X was not doing well. He kept firing as he didn't notice the lone grunt that was sneaking up on him from behind. Just as the Grunt was about to attack X a sudden purple plasma shot comes flying out of nowhere and kills the Grunt.

                The source of the blast came from none other than Bass!
                "Oh no you don't! Mega Man's mine!" Yelled Bass as he dashed to X's side. Bass then begins unloading his Bass Buster, killing the many Grunts that kept coming.
                X looks at Bass with confusion, yet he kept firing. "Who are you?" Replied X as he blasted another three grunts.

                Bass scowls at X. "You know who I am Mega Man! I'm only here because I don't want you dead!" Yelled Bass as he kept taking down Grunts.

                "Well thanks! That's awful nice of you to say!" Said X in a joking tone as Bass stops firing and turns to X. "Listen here Mega Man! The only reason why I don't want you to die is because I want to be the one to kill you personally! Nothing is going to change that!" Said Bass as he kept firing his Bass Buster at the Grunts. However the Grunts kept coming, eventually swarming X and Bass.

                Suddenly a series of 4 bombs attached to drills come out of nowhere and drill into the ground and explode, clearing out a massive amount of Grunts.


                  Prison Sector - The Consumer

                  "Thank you." Ran nodded, reaching the dress. "I'm sorry, this must be all... embarrassing and-"
                  "Oh no, they're back." Ran paled. "John, how fast can you run?"

                  Kappa Village

                  "Alright, you useless gits, get out of my way!" A giant Nucleoid clad in some sort of diamond armor charged, past through all the water, bomb, bullets, and pits of spiky bamboo. His speed was phenomenal, and the Kappas didn't know what to do, scrambling for cover.
                  "Prohibition Sign - Great Nerve Prohibition!" Mitori shouted, but the spell card just bounced off of the Nucleoid's diamond skin.
                  "Bahahahahaha!" The diamond Nucleoid guffawed, and rammed Mitori to the ground.

                  Scarlet Devil Mansion

                  "Your insane mode?" Submos couldn't resist laughing, knowing fully well the power of General of the Youkai Mountain siege position
                  Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 07-24-2013, 08:36 PM.


                    Prison Sector - The Consumer

                    John wasn't afraid. If anything, he was enraged by what they had done. John was incredibly protective of those he cared about.

                    "One, I'm not embarrassed. I couldn't be embarrassed even if I wanted to. Secondly, I can run at 60 mph, but I don't think that will help us. This ship is huge and the only way out is through those guards. That being said, it's time to end them.", John said in a calm emotionless tone.

                    "Wait here. Lay on the ground like I found you. I need you to trust me.", John said as he hid behind the wall of the cell, the one right beside the door.

                    John pulled out his Energy Swords and waited for them to enter the cell.

                    He didn't activate the swords, so it looked as if he was holding chunks of metal. He was going to wait until they entered, to prevent giving away his position.
                    Last edited by S121; 07-24-2013, 08:43 PM.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Prison Sector - The Consumer

                      The door opened, and a man with an impressive stature walked in with several other Nucleoids. This man had a scruffy black hair, buck beard, and a black cape flowing down to his knees. He exuded some sort of commandeering and bloodthirsty aura through his deep stare. He scanned the room and, finding that Ran wasn't in her prison cell, smiled and said: "Who are you, young one, and why are you standing there with my prize?"

                      Kappa Village

                      While EVE was rebooting, ABEL noticed Zero.
                      "Hey, you're that guy, Nitori's friend, right?" ABEL asked Zero.


                        China-Devil May Cry Shop

                        Dante has been out for a good few hours or so grocery shopping. He had some trouble picking out the right things, after all he is now buying food for two people, maybe three.
                        "Damn grocery shopping. Why did Lady have to eat all the food while I was gone?" Said Dante as he walks back to his Motorcycle which is now completely disassembled. The wheels, engine, exhaust, almost everything was gone save for the frame.

                        Dante's jaw drops at the sight and he drops the bags of groceries in his hands. He then goes running up to his now almost non-existent motorcycle. "The hell happened to my ride!?" He yelled as he begins looking all around for any signs of who could have done it. Suddenly a look of pure anger comes over his face. "I'm gonna kill whoever did this to my bike!" He yelled loudly as he quickly takes off in full sprint, eventually making it to his place within a matter of minutes. He quickly slams the door open. "You two come with me NOW!!!" Yelled Dante as he storms out of his shop and into the streets.

                        Lady looks at Komachi with a look of slight nervousness. "Wow I haven't seen Dante this angry since the time when Nero came to visit and ate the last slice of Dante's pizza... the outcome wasn't pretty..." Said Lady as she grabs her rocket launcher the Kalina Ann. She then goes outside to where Dante is.
                        Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


                          Kappa Village

                          Zero sits up and looks at ABEL. "Yea so? What's it to you?" Replied Zero quite coldly. He then looks at his armor which is now a dark red in color however Zero remains unfazed. Zero then turns to ABEL. "Can you tell me where I am?" He replied in a rather emotionless tone.


                            Prison Sector - The Consumer

                            Even tough it was true that there were nucleoids right in front of John he also saw something else.
                            He saw Renamon and Nera with them, already captured and tortured a little.
                            Born in the light.
                            Molded in the dark

                            Never Forget,
                            Keep Fighting.
                            –Don't Forget.
                            Always, somewhere,
                            someone is fighting for you.
                            –As long as you remember her,
                            you are not alone.


                              He's... laughing? After seeing what I did when I was in insane mode?! For god's sake, I ripped heads off and splattered them against one anothers'! I could have even raised them on stakes if I wanted to!!! Oh well, maybe he didn't see it and is questioning it's abilities.

                              "Well then, what do you suppose we do then? And I already proposed the raid idea, so don't even go there. However, I can change color, remember? I can sneak into the mansion and create a diversion."


                                Prison Sector - The Consumer

                                The Nucleoid speaking to him and the sight of Renamon and Nera triggered Spartan Time, causing the world to slow down for John.

                                "I'm here to punish you.", John said in an even colder, bloodthirstier tone than the one the Nucleoid spoke in.

                                That's when John sprang into action.

                                The Energy Sword blades exploded forth as John planted one into a nearby Nucleoid's head, and the other into one's heart.

                                John then swung the blades through his first victims, right through three other's heads as they were about to draw their weapons.

                                Blood flew as he swung the Energy Swords around himself, like a whirlwind.

                                the very instant he jammed his Energy Sword into the last of the Nucleoid's men, John ripped the sword out and lunged for the leader, ready to slice off any extremities put in his way.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

