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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    En Route to Ancient City - Gensokyo

    "The Ten Kings..." Yukari went into deep thought. "No Youkai knows of their identity... nor their purpose other than that they are the primary judge of the afterlife. Even I couldn't intrude in their affairs, for they are way too private."


    "It seems that Dr. Wily cannot join us today, due to his busy schedule." Isadora announced.

    "Then, I assume that everyone is here." Duncan nodded. "May everyone take their seats?"


      The Inventory

      Isaac nodded at the security camera and entered The Inventory. Once inside, Isaac followed GLaDOS's directions, taking the four lefts as he looked around the amazing interior of The Inventory. From what Isaac could see, it was a place where all video game Characters would go. After absorbing the sights and following GLaDOS's directions, Isaac finally made it to the guest rooms. Now all Isaac had to do was search for the room Koishi was in. For this, Isaac simply used his holographic locator and followed the aqua-blue line formed along the ground.

      Isaac followed the holographic line until he came across the door to Koishi's room.

      (This must be it.), Isaac thought as he knocked on the door and waited for a response.
      Last edited by S121; 10-28-2013, 11:59 PM.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        The Inventory

        The doorknob turned and opened, revealing Koishi in blue and white polka dot pajamas, with a matching night cap as well.

        Koishi yawned. "Oh, hi." Koishi said in a tired voice.


        Winslow and The Higher Power sat down, while GlaDOs simply watched from above, as she normally did during poker games.

        Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

        You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


          En Route to Ancient City - Gensokyo

          Hearing that he wouldn't be able to find the Ten Kings' location, John instantly thought up another plan. Thanks to John's research on Gensokyo, John knew that Komachi worked at the Sanzu River. He didn't exactly know where that was, but he would eventually find out.

          "Then later, I'll have to go to the Sanzu River and ask Komachi. Maybe we can help Shikieiki. It's the least I could do for her.", John said to Yukari as they neared the entrance to the Ancient City.

          The Inventory

          Isaac saw that he might have come at a bad time. It was nighttime after all, and they all did go through a lot, especially Koishi.

          "Oh. Uh, sorry for waking you up. I wanted to see if you were feeling better, and also to tell you about the wristband I gave you.", Isaac said to Koishi.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Ancient City

            The Ancient City recovered its' former glory as humans and Youkais alike gathered to eat, drink, and relinquish their peace and victory. There were music wherever there were food, and there were food wherever there were drinks. And there were drinks everywhere, in caskets, barrels, and bottles.

            "Right now, only focus on rewarding yourself." Yukari comforted John. "Focus only on the now, for heroes need their deserved rest too."


            Isadora began dealing out the cards: two face down pocket cards. The immediate left of Isadora, Daiyousei, was to begin first.

            "I'll begin with 50000 yen." Daiyousei opened. "I don't have too much money, so that's all I can do for now."


              Ancient City

              John didn't really want to admit it, but Yukari was right. He hadn't slept in three days, had a mutilated leg covered in Darkness, and still had cuts all over his face. Using the experience he gained from the vacation to Hawaii, John began to slowly ease his posture as he took a deep breath. He then pulled out his Super BioFoam canister and installed it into his Biofoam Injector compartment.

              "Yea, I suppose you're right. I won't really be able to do much of anything if I work myself to death.", John said with a more relaxed tone in his voice.

              Now that John was healing from the Biofoam and relaxed, he then focused on the party at hand. John had never been to a party before. In fact, John had never even tried sake before, or any other alcoholic beverage before. It was strange to John how people seemed to come together and have a good time as they drank the alcoholic beverage.

              "Well, I've never tried alcoholic beverages before. I guess that's a start. Do you want anything?", John asked Yukari.

              Six, Jack, Daniel, and all the other Spartans were in the Ancient City with the Youkai and Humans and were in awe at the city before them. It was unlike anything any of them had seen. Six was a little less in awe, due to seeing underground Forerunner structures, but the city was still impressive.

              "Well, time to get drunk.", Daniel said as he walked over to one of the bars and ordered a drink.

              Jack was a little more hesitant. No, he wasn't tense, he was just still in a battle-ready mindset. His armor was caked in the blood of his fallen enemies after his shields were taken down and his Katanas were dirty from battle.

              "At ease, Jack. Nobody here's going to bite, but if they do, you've got armor.", Six jokingly said to Jack as he patted him on the back.

              Jack simply turned his head over to Six and smirked at his comment. If there was one thing that Jack liked about Six, it was the fact that he was okay with joking about death.

              "Fine, I'm off duty.", Jack said as he decided to join Daniel for some drinks.

              All of the other Spartans were quick to mingle with the local residents of Gensokyo. Some would talk about missions they went on, while others would tell jokes, sing, or just talk.

              Six still had one more thing to do before he could relax and do whatever he wanted.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Ancient City

                Renamon and Nera followed the group and were happy to see that everyone was enjoying "It is good to see that everyone is happy" the fox said and noticed that the jackal was now drinking with some youkai like if there was no tomorrow

                "Canīt blame her, she always enjoy some drinking from time to time" the vixen smiled and walked towards a blonde green eyed girl

                "Good to see you joined us bridge princess, care for some company?"
                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                  Ancient City

                  "I'll have my usual." Yukari said as she approached the bartender. "Quartet of Binding Liquor please."

                  "Will do." The Oni bartender nodded and quickly prepared a drink for her: a velvet drink with lemon garnish.

                  "Ah, Renamon." Parsee noted Renamon. "Some party, huh?"


                    Ancient City

                    "It is indeed, the oni do know how to make an event, just look at those two" Renamon said handing one bottle of sake to the green eyed girl as she was taking her own

                    The fox pointed to the jackal and blonde oni who were drinking and laughing "Oh come on, I heard you oni were big drinkers, we got plenty of to drink and enjoy so keep the drinks coming" Nera said finishing another drink and dared Yuugi for another one

                    "She will sleep like a baby" Renamon chuckled
                    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                      Ancient City

                      John was a little curious about the odd name for a drink. He was more used to simple words for drinks, like water, coffee, or soda. He didn't know the names of any alcoholic drinks. In fact, he didn't even know the name of Sake, only that it was an alcoholic beverage. Despite not having a single clue what he was doing, John simply mimicked what he saw Yukari do. John approahed the bartender and politely spoke.

                      "Excuse me. I would like-", John said as he heard someone in the distance speak.

                      "Hey, pass me some of that sake. This is actually some good stuff.", a spartan said.

                      "-any kind of sake.", John finished, thankful that someone inadvertently helped him.

                      Six was searching the crowd, looking for John, but there were so many things going on that he was having a hard time getting through the crowd.

                      (You wouldn't think that finding a giant in green armor would be so hard.), Six thought as he slowly made his way through the chaos.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Ancient City

                        "She's not going to win." Parsee judged. "Yuugi can drink like a dump truck. No one knows how much she can drink in one go."

                        "Ugh! So jealous!"

                        "Here ye go." The bartender kept the booze train going as a large bowl of milky white drink arrived in front of John. "Enjoy yer drink."


                          Ancient City

                          Shortly after X, Zero, Axl and Alia all arrived to the Ancient City. Guts Man and a few other Robot Masters had also arrived as well.

                          "Time to party!" Said Guts Man as he walked deeper into the city. While Axl had simply ran off just to have a good time.

                          "So what are you planning on doing Zero?" Asked Alia as Zero just shrugs his shoulders. "Well I'm not the kind of guy who likes to celebrate. So I figured I would just go and relax myself." He said as he went to the bridge to relax.

                          "Okay Zero. Just don't get yourself killed okay? X and I will be with the others if you need us." Said Alia as she walks off with X.


                            Ancient City

                            "There you are!" Suika tossed a boulder at Guts Man. "You owe me a strength match!"


                              Ancient City

                              Guts Man quickly caught the boulder and crushed it with ease.

                              "Okay little missy! Just be warned though... I am built to be strong!" He said as he was about to lift a large boulder straight from the ground. However they were both interrupted by a tall robot with what looked to be playing cards on his shoulders.

                              "Now hold on a minute... a simple match of strength is not very interesting. Since this is a festival of sorts why don't we do a bit of gambling? You win and Guts Man will have to buy you all the sake, and food you wish for the night. If Guts Man wins however..." Said the tall robot known as Magic Man "If Guts Man wins then you must sit through my entire magic show! Beginning to end!" Magic Man said with a small joyous chuckle as Guts Man suddenly picks him up and chucks him halfway across the city.

                              "How's that for gambling ya old coot!" Said the tall Robot Master as he turns back to Suika. "Okay let's get to business! Since I am a nice robot I will let you go first."


                                Ancient City

                                Renamon chuckled "Oh you donīt know Nera, she enjoys alcohol almost as oran berries, im just glad of her being a steel type, her organs must be of steel too" she said and noticed the jealousy

                                "Say.. if you feel jealous, why donīt we do something you enjoy? since this is a party, we can all either go like madmen on wrestling like Suika and that robot master" she pointed to the oni and robot "Or relax and do whatever we like" the fox pointed at the spartan that was drinking sake for his first time

                                "Just enjoy the present"
                                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..


