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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Human Village - Gensokyo

    "Nnn?" Yukari frowned. "Why are you guys staring at me?"


      Human Village - Gensokyo

      At that very moment, John's eyes widened in surprise as he unknowingly dropped his helmet. Without thinking, John picked Yukari up and hugged her tightly. It was obvious that John missed her, even if it was just an hour or two. He didn't care about making a fool of himself, he was just overjoyed that she was alive.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Human Village - Gensokyo

        Nera helped Renamon walking towards the coffins "Looks like we are going uphill for now" she said as they reached Ran´s coffin

        "Good morning fellow kitsune, I hope you are comfy since a cat girl is coming towards you" Renamon put her hand on the shikigami´s shoulder as she gestured to the coming Chen
        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



          Human Village - Gensokyo

          "Oh-" Yukari was taken aback. John never showed any emotion to Yukari whatsoever... Until now. The first thing she felt after coming back to life was not the cold metal of John's suit, but the warmth of his love.

          "Hey John-" Yukari smiled, closed her eyes, and proposed. "Let's get married."

          "Ah, good morning." Ran smiled as she too rose from the coffins. Her tails were starting to regrow.

          "It will take me a while for my tails to grow back..." Ran sulked. "But it's fine. As long as I am alive and well."

          "Ra... Ran-shama..." Chen was in tears. "Uwaaaa-"

          "Oh, don't be sad, Chen." Ran comforted Chen as Chen rushed to Ran, hugged her, and cried the tears of joy.
          Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 10-28-2013, 01:30 AM.


            Human Village - Gensokyo

            "I´ll let you two enjoy your time, I still have to see our florist" Renamon walked with some limping towards the green haired girl

            "So you are like your flowers, don´t you? always shining with color" the fox greeted Yuuka and offered her hand to lift her up and prepared for a possible hug
            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



              Human Village - Gensokyo

              After hearing those words, John could have sworn that his heart skipped a beat. This was definitely something he was not familiar with. Not only that, but there were many things he didn't know about. He didn't have any humanity, didn't he? That's when John realized that after everything that had happened, he some how found it somewhere along the way.

              "I-I-I.. really don't know what to say. W-would you.. be happy with me? I'm not the most complete person on the planet.", John said to Yukari.

              When he truly thought about it, he didn't know what to say. This sudden shock sent John into Spartan Time as the adrenaline pumped through his veins. For everyone around him, his pause would have only been a single instant, but for John, it felt more like 10 minutes. Trying to organize his thoughts, John asked himself three simple questions. Did he love her? Yes. He would literally go through Hell and back. He was planning on fighting a near god just to bring her back. Did she love him? Yes. She saved him multiple times and even came so far as to propose to him. Would they be happy together? Yes. John knew that he would need to learn a lot before he would consider himself suitable, but she didn't seem to care about all of his shortcomings. It was incredibly sudden, but in the end, John knew that despite that, things would be alright, whether it was up to luck, or hard work.

              "Yes. If you can look past all my faults and shortcomings and see me as an actual person, then I will marry you.", John warmly said to Yukari.

              And with that, John leaned down and kissed Yukari.
              Last edited by S121; 10-28-2013, 01:53 AM.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Human Village - Gensokyo

                "Save it for later." Yuuka grimaced. Being back to life for third time took the toll on her soul. "I'm not entirely whole yet."

                "...but hey, good to see you too, Rena."

                Yukari kissed John back. In her mind, she was like:

                'OMGOMGOMGOMG YES! Not only did I come back to life, but I also found myself a husband! He's the perfect one!'
                Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 10-28-2013, 01:53 AM.


                  Human Village

                  X was happy that everyone was brought back... or at least Yukari, Yuuka, and Ran.

                  However X felt like something wasn't right... "This is fine and all... but it feels like something... or someone is missing from this picture..." He said as he tries to think of what's bugging him.


                    Human Village

                    "Well, you can stay there and sleep in your coffin, or you we can get you to a bed, its you choice" Renamon said with a joking tone

                    Nera who heard X worried words looked at him "I know who you mean, our birdie newspaper girl still enjoys her sleep" she said and walked towards the tengu´s coffin

                    "why hello there Aya, I hope you got some nice pictures of the place you just came back from" the jackal smiled towards the black haired girl
                    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                      Human Village

                      "No... I mean someone else... it feels like someone else is missing... wasn't there someone with us since the beginning? Who was it again... Aqua or something... I don't really remember her name..." He said as he sat down and began thinking.


                        Human Village - Gensokyo

                        "Exclusive picture of Saint Mary's underwears get!" Aya winked and pointed at her camera. "Now it could be yours for mere 500,000 yen."


                          Human Village

                          Axl looked at Aya and was about to lift his hand with a wad of cash in hand, however Zero and Alia quickly smacked him upside the head.

                          "OW THAT WAS JUST A JOKE!" He yelled as he walked up to Aya. "It's nice to have you back Aya."


                            Human Village - Gensokyo

                            "Wow, am I hungry or am I hungry." Aya groaned. "Who's up for some food?"

                            Everybody agreed.

                            "There are food and drinks prepared in the Ancient City." Suika said, smiling. "Let's party till we drop, guys!"


                              Human Village - Gensokyo

                              "Irony..." Robin's spirit watched the scene, invisible to all. "They deserve this. After everything, this is what they fought for."
                              "And you know it won't last." Grima's voice replaced Robin's.
                              "For now. For now it will last."


                                Human Village - Gensokyo

                                Axl turned to Suika and jumped for joy. "WOO PARTY!" He yelled as X turns to Suika.

                                "Do you really think it's the right time to party? I mean... we just got done with a large battle..." Said X as Axl boos X for his boring demeanor. "Oh come on X! It's the perfect way to celebrate our victory!"

