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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    SPARTAN Augmentation Labs - Sector 4

    Raven looked at the scientist then his arm. "... That is a lot of upgrades you installed." Said Raven as he smirks. After a few stretches he turned to Lily. "Hey Lily do you know a place where I could test the arm out?"


      The Consumer

      The demon laughed, making John fly off of him through a simple thought.

      "Do you not know who you are talking to?" the creature responded.
      Last edited by Koishi; 09-13-2013, 06:55 AM.

      Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

      You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


        The Consumer

        As John flew off of the demon with his Gravity Hammer in hand, he activated his thrusters and hovered in front of the demon.

        "Enlighten me.", John calmly said as he readied his HUD to look up the demon and try to find a weakness.

        Once Sariel was stabilized and safe, Isaac turned his attention over to Koishi. Her suit almost completely stopped the bleeding, but she was still impaled by Malthael.

        "Here.", Isaac said as he handed Koishi his last medium Med-Pack while he continued to sit on the floor, too weak to stand up.

        "This will heal the would instantly and relieve any pain. Just stick the needle into any part of your body and press the little button on the syringe."
        Last edited by S121; 09-13-2013, 03:12 PM.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          The Consumer

          Then, John's HUD went offline.

          "None of that searching now. That's no fun." the creature made a skeletal grin.

          Koishi took it and did as Isaac intructed, the pain in her face melting away.

          "Thanks." Koishi said.

          Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

          You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


            The Consumer

            John was a little angry that his HUD shut off, but the suit was still operational. It would reactivate in seconds to show his shields, radar, and ammo count.

            "I'm waiting for an answer.", John said to the demon in an emotionless tone.

            Isaac smiled at Koishi and slowly laid down with his arms outstretched. Isaac's face was pale and he was suffering from a cold-sweat, due to most of his life being sapped away.

            Isaac knew that Med-Packs couldn't help him. Only time could heal him now.

            "How long is this supposed to last?", Isaac asked Koishi.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              The Consumer

              "It depends." Koishi said.

              "I am Dul' Mephistos, the Lord of Hatred, eldest of the Prime Evils." he said coldly.

              Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

              You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                The Consumer

                John knew that he would have to fight this demon sooner or later. The only question was how?

                (The room is large enough for a large scale battle. I can easily take care of the demons, but the portals will be a problem. I could easily grab various objects from around the room and use them to block the portals, or I can create Darkness fire to incinerate the demons as they try to exit. as for Mephistos, I'll just have to use trial and error for him. We're already fighting one person that wants to destroy humanity, we don't need another. I'm outnumbered, fighting against impossible odds, and won't have any backup... Just like old times.)

                "We both know how this conversation is going to end. I can't look at your profile, but I'll get by without it.", John said as he landed in front of Mephisto.

                John then put away his Gravity Hammer, pulled out his Barret .950 JDJ, and readied it for battle.

                "Your move.", John calmly said to Mephisto.

                "What does it depend on?", Isaac asked Koishi.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  The Consumer

                  "Gladly." Mephistos began to move his arms in an odd manner, making John disappear, reappearing in another part of the ship.

                  "Now, my brothers, show these simpletons the true power of the Burning Hells!" Mephistos said in a commanding tone, and the demons obeyed, pouring through doors and began to go throughout the ship.

                  "Length of time." Koishi said.

                  Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                  You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                    The Consumer

                    John quickly looked over his surroundings and realized that the demon transported him. John frowned at the event as his HUD flickered back to life. Luckily for John, this minor setback had some unexpected benefits. He had the demon's name and was now able to find the demon's profile, allowing him to come up with a plan. John was very far away from the demon's location, but John would find a way. Surely, a ship this large would have other means of transportation other than walking. If the Nucleoids were advanced enough to create portals to the Earth and the Consumer, then it was only logical that they would incorporate that same technology to their means of transport throughout the Consumer.

                    (Time to go demon hunting...), John thought to himself as he created a waypoint to the nearest terminal and sprinted off.

                    "I was only touched for a split second, so it can't be that bad, can it?", Isaac asked Koishi.

                    SPARTAN Augmentation Labs - Sector 4

                    "Yes. We have a testing range here in Sector 4.", Lily said to Raven as she stood up and walked over to the door.

                    "Just follow me when you're ready.", Lily said.

                    "I'll come too. We need to make sure everything is working like it should.", the scientist said as he followed.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      The Consumer

                      "Touching him doesn't matter. How long were you close to him?" Koishi asked.

                      Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                      You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                        SPARTAN Augmentation Labs-Sector 4

                        Raven looked at Lily and smirked. "Well then let's get over there.... Wait a second... before I was put under I heard a series of explosions coming from one of the other sectors. Does anyone know what's going on?"


                          The Consumer

                          "About a second.", Isaac said to Koishi.

                          SPARTAN Augmentation Labs-Sector 4 - Prometheus Labs

                          "Someone attacked, but when I went over there, nothing was there, only a giant crater.", Lily said to Raven.

                          Sector 2 - Prometheus Labs

                          Six didn't quite know what happened, but everyone was back at Prometheus Labs. The other Spartan-IIIs stared at the group in confusion, trying to figure out what exactly had happened.

                          Six looked at the Spartans Xehanort had killed and remained silent.

                          (I know who I'm going to target next...), Six thought to himself.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            SPARTAN Augmentation Labs-Sector 4-Prometheus Labs

                            "Only a crater huh?... That's unusual." Said Raven as he followed Lily through the Sector.

                            Sector 2

                            Chung had stood their, looking somewhat confused. The battle was fierce, but it had seemingly came to an end. As Chung's helmet de-materializes he lets out a sigh of relief. "Okay... thank god that's over..." He said, however he feels like it has not completely ended yet. In fact what they said had made him slightly nervous. This battle was just the beginning of something much bigger.

                            Chung had laid his Destroyer on the ground, and he proceeded to sit on the ground next to it.


                              SPARTAN Weapon Systems and Technologies Lab - Sector 4 - Prometheus Labs

                              Lily and Raven eventually made their way into a hallway with doors lining the walls, each one looking impenetrable. It was evident that whatever was behind those doors was incredibly valuable to Prometheus Labs, and incredibly dangerous in the wrong hands. The trio walked down the hall until they stopped in front of a door.

                              "Hang on a second.", the scientist said as he began typing a code into the door's security lock.

                              Lily patiently stood beside raven, waiting for the scientist to finish putting in the security code.

                              Sector 2 - Prometheus Labs

                              Six looked over to the boy sitting on the ground and decided to ask him a question in order to to take his mind off of the Spartans that died today.

                              "Who are you?", Six calmly asked Chung.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                The Consumer

                                "You were right up to his face for a second, and probably after he stabbed me, you were still in his radius. You were in for more than a mere second, fella." Koishi said.

                                Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                                You just discard their guts and keep on driving.

