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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Human Village - Gensokyo

    After the kiss, John was still holding Yukari, but turned his gaze to the rest of the group.

    "We should go and make sure everyone is alright I still need to make sure everyone is standing upright.", John said to Yukari as he let her go and took a step back, trying to remove the smile from his face.

    Despite all his training to hide his emotions, John was having trouble trying to stop himself from smiling. The best he could do was a strained serious face with a slightly upturned smile, still overcome with joy from all that had happened.

    "I'll be back.", John said as he grabbed his helmet from the ground and walked over to Yuuka's coffin.

    As soon as he walked up to Yuuka's coffin, John played Yuuka's last dying words over his helmet's speakers.

    "Damn... I guess I really was alone..."

    "For the record, you are not alone. You never have been.", John said to Yuuka in a tone of feigned seriousness, still having a smile on his face and relieved that she was alive.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      Human Village - Gensokyo

      "Bah, nonsense." Suika mocked X with a funny face. "It's perfect to hold a party after a big battle. People need energy to rebuild Gensokyo, and a party is perfect for that."

      Yuuka laughed. This foolish boy.

      "Oh John." Yuuka snickered, breathless. She rose up and exited the coffin. "Come on, let's go eat. You're gonna love the Oni Chefs."
      Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 10-28-2013, 02:41 AM.


        Human Village

        Just then the Robot Masters had rebooted and all stood up at once. One of them walked up to Suika, towering over her.

        "A party sounds great girly!" He said as he smirked. "Then after it I'll help rebuild the place! After all I am classified as a Earth Mover Robot and Construction bot!" He said as he lifted the Oni up into the air.

        The Robot was none other than Guts Man. The strongest Robot Master physically.


          Human Village - Gensokyo

          "Oni Chefs? Nothing I can't handle.", John remarked to Yuuka.

          John then returned to Yukari and gave her a calm smile.

          "You ready to go?", John asked Yukari.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Human Village - Gensokyo

            "Then I challenge you to a feat of strength!" Suika laughed from above. "I bet I can lift more than you can!"

            "Yeah." Yukari nodded. "Let's go."

            Yukari didn't want to use her gap abilities. She didn't want to feel like the most powerful Youkai of Gensokyo.

            Right now, she wants to walk beside John.


              Human Village

              Dante was attending the funeral, but only in the background. It was quite depressing. Even he thought it was. However when everyone was brought back he was happy about it. That's when he heard a little something about a party. That's when he immediately butted into the conversation.

              "Party?... Mind if I come?" Dante said in a rather calm, and laid-back tone as he looked at Suika who was being lifted up by Guts Man.
              Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


                Human Village - Gensokyo

                Six, Jack, and Daniel observed the entire scene; John hugging the woman named Yukari, her proposing to him, him saying yes, him showing emotions... It was unheard of. Spartan-IIs were known for their almost machine-like demeanor, yet The Master Chief was doing something that was considered impossible for a Spartan-II.

                "Whoa... Is it the end of the world?", Daniel joked.

                "No, the Master Chief has gotten soft.", Jack said to Daniel.

                Six remained silent, just surprised by John's behavior. It was truly unexpected, but in the end, Six simply smiled inside of his helmet.

                "No, he hasn't gotten soft, he's only joined the rest of Humanity.", Six said in a content tone.

                Meanwhile, John smiled as he placed his helmet on one of his magnetic holsters and wrapped one of his arms around Yukari's shoulders as they walked beside each other.

                For the first time in his entire life, he felt human.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Shiki walked over to Yukari.

                  "... Good to have you back. And Yuuka, Ran, and Meiling. But, as you may know, I have to go... Serve my sentence.You're always causing trouble for me,.aren't you? Just make sure you stay alive. I won't allow you to come back next time."

                  She turns around. "... If I get my job back, that is."

                  Then, she goes over to Otori.

                  "... This is goodbye, huh Shiki."

                  "Not for long. I'll be here."

                  "Got it. Jeez... Some guardian I am, lost my client in less than a week."

                  "Don't worry. You'll be fine."

                  Then, Shiki gave him a hug.

                  "Goodbye, Otori."

                  "Be back soon."

                  Komachi suddenly appeared.

                  "Hey Otori. Been a while. But no time. I just got a message from the kings. They're summoning you, Shiki-sama."

                  "I know. I'm ready."

                  She summoned the boat. The two got on, and disappeared in a mist.



                    Off in the distance, a projection of Mephisto floated, watching the events uncurl in the Human Village.

                    "The spartan is showing weakness." Mephisto said, his projections fading, revealing him to be in a metal room, skin colored growths on the wall. "The weakness of humanity. If you join with me, we can CRUSH him and everything he holds dear. We'll make his life a nightmare before taking his own life." Mephisto then turned around, sporting a skeletal smile as he looked up to the utterly massive maw of flesh that stood before him, teeth made of skulls of various species as tentacles flailed about.

                    "So, what do you say?" Mephisto asked.

                    The maw tilted for a second, like it was thinking.

                    "We agree." it said in a deep, booming voice.

                    "Excelllent. The galaxy will tremble before the might of my undead and your FLOOD!" Mephisto gave a deep, hearty laugh, while the maw simply watched silently, planning.

                    Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                    You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                      New Jerusalem

                      "...and I hereby verdict Glutoneriel, offspring of Marion the Angel of Liability and Drenok the Demon, to a 25,000 year in the underground prison of Purgatory!"

                      "I was possessed, I believe." Glutoneriel smirked at the visitor.

                      "Don't joke around." Isadora smiled back. Her presence brightened up what was supposed to be a dark chamber. "After all, you are a prisoner."

                      "Well you certainly treat me like a guest."

                      "Prisoners are guests."

                      "Now it is time for you to stop joking around."

                      "You got me."

                      "Why are you down here?"

                      "I've come to ask you to join me and a few of my buddies along for a cup of tea and a game of Poker."

                      "Poker... That mundane card game?"

                      "Yes. Particularly the kind known as Texas Hold 'em."

                      "I'll pass."

                      "Why? It'll be fun!"


                      "Must I inform Valenciel about this?"

                      Glutoneriel paled. His face was already pale as is.


                      "Good answer." Isadora opened the prison door.


                        That's when hell ravens sent all of the divinities got a message, excluding the auditor. It was--get this-- written in blood.

                        "Dearest divinities,

                        Quite an eventful day it was. I would like to hold a card game in the demon works as opposed to hell. We will be in an environment in which other than immortality, out powers are restricted by a powerful magic. Don't go cheating. Hope to see you there.

                        - L"



                          "Tables are set." Duncan boomed. "Who will we be serving today?"

                          "Let's check the list here..." Isadora flipped through the reception list, still clad in her beautiful white dress.

                          "Higher Power, Sebastian, and Mr. Mundus are our regular guests of honor," she read. "As well as Mr. Winslow from the Inventory, Ms. Fujiwara no Mokou, and Dr. Wily."

                          "Then we await their arrival." Duncan took his seat.



                            Suddenly a small portal opened up and a large stone hand emerged from it. As the hand emerged it began to stretch the portal open even further until it was large enough for the Prince of Darkness Mundus from the Devil May Cry series started to force his way through.

                            Once Mundus fully emerged he was seen as a large youthful looking angel with three red eyes. He stood at 17 ft tall If not taller. He looked at everyone who is currently in Purgatory with a look of pure malice.

                            "I... have arrived..." He said as a corrupted Vergil who is now once again Nelo Angelo steps out of the portal behind him.

                            After Nelo Angelo entered Purgatory the portal to Mundus's demon world had closed. Nelo Angelo serves as Mundus's personal servant. His strongest warrior.

                            Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...



                              "And here comes our first guest." Duncan laid back on his chair. "Welcome, Mundus. Seems like you brought your friend over too."


                                It was then that Lucifer walked in with a man with cat ears.

                                "You all got my invitation. Splendid. However, I won't be the one playing. This man, greed will.

                                The cat-eared man took a seat.

                                "I hope you will be a challenge." He said.

                                "Ah yes, and I invited one more guest. Personal invite."

                                This special person was none other than Daiyousei, the controller of all nature. At that moment, a hell raven sent her the letter.

