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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Ancient Man

    Shade Man was waiting patiently. Not only does Shade Man have the ability to generate powerful sound waves with the Noise Crush, he also had enhanced hearing. He was able to faintly hear Jack as he crawled across the floor of the bridge.

    As soon as Shade Man turned around and saw Jack he dropped down from the ceiling. Firing a few small sound waves around Jack's helmet. Hoping the sound could at least confuse Jack.



      Isaac slowly outstretched his arms in front of him, watching the snake's saliva drip off of his arms and hands.

      (Agh,... f*cking gross.), Isaac thought as he whipped his arms down, trying to get the spit off of his body.

      Finally, Isaac just gave up and decided to fly to the destination. Isaac increased his speed to Mach 10 and quickly arrived at the desert, where he then decreased his speed to a slower 200 mph. Isaac knew that the desert was huge. He didn't even know what he was looking for. Remembering what Lujuria said about snakes, Isaac spoke, hoping Lujuria would hear.

      "I'm at the desert. What am I looking for?", Isaac asked her.

      Ancient City

      The soundwaves played through Jack's speakers, bothering his ears and making him flinch from the sound, so he used his neural uplink to shut them off. Jack was already committed to the jump. There was no way for him to change his direction without activating his thrusters, so he continued to fall towards Shade Man with his arms stretched out.

      (Come... on...), Jack thought as he fell towards the robot.
      Last edited by S121; 11-03-2013, 08:11 PM.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Ancient City

        "Ah!" Said Shade Man as he flew back a few feet hoping to evade Jack, unfortunately though Shade Man isn't capable of flying backwards all to well and he was barely able to escape. That's when a small spider fell right onto Shade Man's face.

        The MOMENT the spider got into Shade Man's view he fell to the ground and started to try and brush the spider off his face. Leaving himself wide open for Jack.


          Ancient City

          "Oh I was just checking out the view, you know." Yuuka greeted John in a red backless cocktail dress. "Hard to associate with my friends when your soul isn't whole."


          "So you're going to kill not only me, but everyone that has helped with the ressurection?" Yukari smiled in seriousness. "Try me. You ten are just figureheads. None of you can even touch me. And yet you think you hold enough power to do as you please?"

          Yukari opened two gaps. From the gaps, two legendary swords appeared: Honjo Masamune and Excalibur.

          "Spiritual figures, like Youkai, are weak against weapons with name and legend." Yukari announced. "Now try to execute me. None shall pass."


            Ancient City

            "Then we have something in common. I'm not exactly whole either, but I do get by.", John calmly said as he took off his helmet and stuck it to his magnetic holster.

            "So how are you feeling since the revival?", John asked Yuuka.

            Jack hit the ground with a hard thud, but saw that Shade Man fell as well. Wasting no time, Jack stumbled towards the robot, trying to tag him as fast as he could.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Ancient City

              Before you know it Shade Man looked up only to see Jack right there above him.
              "NO!" He yelled as Jack successfully tagged him.
              "Darn... I should have picked a higher location..." Shade Man said as he flew off. Not noticing that there was a tarantula on his back.

              Now all that's left is Daniel and Astro Man...


                Ancient City

                "I feel like I don't belong." Yuuka said emptily. "Look into my eyes, John. You can see the Void inside of me."


                  Ancient City

                  "You may feel like you don't belong, but you do. You're the sole reason we're here right now. You're the one that brought us all together.", John said to Yuuka.

                  "There may be a void in your eyes, but I see something else as well, something that I don't think you see. I still see that same person I met back in that destroyed flower shop in Tokyo. I still see that same person that kept making fun of my weight.", John said as he sat down next to her on the roof.

                  Jack stood back up and climbed back onto the bridge. As soon as he made contact with the floor, he was already off. Jack was anticipating his victory as he sprinted through the streets looking for Astro Man and Daniel.
                  Last edited by S121; 11-03-2013, 08:48 PM.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    At last, in the midst of the desert, ancient ruins unfolded before Isaac.


                    King 8: Those who helped will be punished. Those who were resurrected are to be eliminated.

                    King 6: Why do you resist? You led a good life. You helped Gensokyo in so many different ways. You would die a legend.

                    King 2: If, Shikieiki, you wish to redeem yourself, do it now. Arrest the necromancers and bring the ressurected back into death.

                    Shiki: ... I refuse.

                    King 4: ... I see.

                    King 7: Miss Yakumo, you refuse as if we were keeping you from saving the world. Why do you resist so strongly?



                      After landing in front of the ruins, Isaac pulled out Lujuria's glass playing card and used it to summon her.

                      "We're here.", Isaac said to Lujuria.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Ancient City

                        "Heh, oh John." Yuuka snickered. "You're so damned cute."

                        Yuuka hopped over to a garnish on the ceiling. She looked at John playfully. "Hey, we've been partners-in-crime for quite a while now, but we never sparred before. Do you want to?"

                        "I hear my mistress!" Youmu jerked upwards from the servants' gathering.


                        "Because that is exactly so." Yukari smiled. She opened another gap. From it, a SR-71 Blackbird glided into the court.

                        Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 11-03-2013, 09:38 PM.


                          Ancient City

                          "Heh, oh John." Yuuka snickered. "You're so damned cute."

                          "Why does everyone keep saying that?", John chuckled.

                          After Yuuka asked for a sparring session, John looked down into his lap as he thought about it. They might have to be careful about collateral damage, but other than that, John was ready for a little sparring session. After a moment, John raised his head up with a slight, crooked smile.

                          "What are the rules?", John asked Yuuka as he stood back up.
                          Last edited by S121; 11-03-2013, 09:37 PM.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Lujuria was summoned. She looked around.

                            "... I don't know why I'm saying this, but... it feels like home..."

                            She walked around. She eventually came upon a grave site. There was a tombstone in ancient text. Lujuria's eyes widened.

                            She started to see more memories.

                            She saw a woman being rescued from a prison camp by a man in armor.

                            She crosses her arms.

                            She sees a woman being cared for by the warrior.

                            She falls on her knees.

                            She sees a woman and the warrior looking at the sunset.

                            She bends over.

                            She sees the two getting married.

                            She sheds a tear.

                            She sees the warrior die.

                            She starts tearing up uncontrollably.

                            She sees the woman in pain.

                            She starts to cringe.

                            She sees... the woman... with a knife... by her dead husband's grave with tears in her eyes... smiling...

                            She sees...

                            Her own grave when she was living.

                            She cries out into the night.

                            The kings try to comprehend what happened.

                            King 1: ... well then... this was certainly interesting...

                            King 3: What are you, erm... trying to make of this?

                            King 7: Enough of this! We've stalled long enough. We're trying to figure out whether or not the yama is guilty!

                            King 5: Miss Yakumo, if there is any reason miss Yamaxanadu shouldn't be relinquished of her duty, speak now.



                              Isaac knelt down to Lujuria as she began to cry uncontrollably.

                              "What's the matter? Are you okay?", Isaac asked Lujuria in a concerned tone as he tried to comfort her with his hand on her shoulder.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Lujuria hugs Isaac tightly and cries on him. After a while, she calms down, but is still a little right around the throat.

                                "... Isaac... I... I remember now..."

