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[OOC Board] Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix

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    To be honest I really like that idea Cucoo. If you want we can discuss it further if you do have any questions that I can help with.


      Primarily I just need a good set-up ahead of schedule so that the testing of the Gate attracts Ignis's attention. i.e. they manage to open it and it can be seen from the colony as like a brilliant green star.

      I could probably make a post describing Ignis walking out and upon looking skyward, notices the glint of green that signifies the gate opening.
      But what's happening at the gate is up to you.

      Oh and I'm fond of the concept that Star Fox: Assault had for its warp gate (purely because it seems to be able to vary in size and only one I know of to do so.)

      But that's just me. If you happen to know of something better then go ahead.



        The moment I can think up a proper post is when I will make a proper post for the Warp Gate... Though that can take some time...


          take your time.
          I don't intend on moving forward until the weekend. Right now I'm trying to survive the week with a small head cold.


            hm..what about mass effect FTL (Faster Than Light) traveling by using the relays? the ship (no matter the size) could travel the whole galaxy in less than a day , it would obviously vary depending on the size of the ship and its engines.

            So a small vessel would take an hour or two between relays while a mother ship or something of gigantic size would take several hours
            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



              Ah so it's like a slingshot in a sense.

              thinking on this made me realize that I have something sitting in my Lore that would work instead.

              Fissures in Time begin to form, creating openings into parallel timelines of the Galaxy.

              A mysterious human begins to catalogue the occurances of these rifts and looks into adapting Aura Tech to manipulate these Fissures to his own benefit.
              However, his tamperings with the rifts awakened a new race of beings: Caeles
              The first that came through was drawn to the Human's greed and fed on it.

              The people of Venturia then fought to seal away what they refered to as a Demon. They used the Shards of Starlight to do so.

              The technology created during this incident was later repurposed to continue the advancement of society.
              Completely forgot about this.
              I never defined what was created during this.
              So the notion that maybe "Rift Gates" are created that allow travel between two points by pinching time and space together and cutting a slit into it to allow passage would be...radically plausible.

              I'm not 100% on this but I'm thinking these Rift Gates work much like some theories on wormholes do. The gates pinpoint two points in space and then merge them together, circumventing the normal time of travel. Like taking a hose and pinching two points along it together and then splicing it at those points, cutting off the excess. which I believe is the theory on wormholes in a nutshell...



                I just want to add my two cents into this. Considering that it has been trillions of years, wouldn't it stand to reason that they would no longer need relays, or at least certain people wouldn't? You would think that they would be internalized within the ship, kind of like a warp drive. Think Star Trek and Star Wars.

                I can't give the information at this moment, due to me being on a phone, but there are many theories out there made by scientists regarding this matter.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                  That's a little bit what I was thinking, only the ships themselves could artificially create these sort of wormholes.

                  p.s.: sorry for the double post. This phone won't allow me the luxury of editing posts.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Oh right
                    And using Star Wars, there are small ships equipped with Hyperdrive (Slave I, Jedi Starfighters, etc)

                    Maybe it works like a remote to a receiver?
                    The benefit of instantaneous travel is limited by if there's an active receiver? So even though the ship can open up one end, something has to help bring the other side to it.
                    Using the hose analogy, the ship would be one hand that holds one point in space, and the gate acts as the other hand. Both together then allow for space at the two points to be brought together.
                    Actually, this could help explain a few points in my story.
                    Maybe rifts can be opened by any combination of devices.
                    Gate to Gate
                    Ship to Gate
                    Ship to Ship
                    Device to Ship
                    Device to Device
                    etc. etc.

                    I kinda like this thought. Because it defines the ability as something that can be done by more than just gates or ships.
                    Also by making it remote to receiver, it helps limit it just enough to prevent certain instances from happening.



                      Happy to help.

                      Now that I think about it, since John is essentially from this universe, only from trillions of years in the past and from a galaxy far, far away, nobody would really know about Slipspace, would they? It's effective, albeit a little risky, but it would essentially be technology from a time long forgotten, a forgotten technology.

                      There's a quest; fix John's busted fossil of a slipspace drive. XD
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Well, Mara can do some research about it, she does have the portal device, why not make a ship sized version?
                        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                          @ S1

                          Actually what I had in mind with rifts might actually be riskier, especially if one end opens, but the other doesn't.

                          The alternative realities that you can reach through these Rifts/ Fissures can be quite a contrast to our own.

                          Now since the new Void Concept...

                          Fissures in Time begin to form, creating openings into parallel timelines of the Galaxy.

                          A mysterious human begins to catalogue the occurrences of these rifts and looks into adapting Aura Tech to manipulate these Fissures to his own benefit.
                          However, his tampering with the rifts led to the rediscovery of the Caeles, who had hidden themselves in one of the alternative timelines that can be reached through the rifts.

                          This also led to the release of the Void and a renewed outbreak of Nihiliods.
                          The people of Venturia then fought along with the Caeles to contain the threat of the Void utilizing the artifacts of Heaven's Forge.

                          The technology created during this incident was later repurposed to continue the advancement of society.
                          This is what this should be now.

                          Actually this might have led to alternatives in terms of Venturian technology that somehow simulated the rifts but without the risk.
                          Of course, currently it doesn't have to be Venturian tech that's used.

                          @ Kristia

                          Yea that would help. Digging up information on the Gates that are still orbiting the planets might help things in the long run. Especially in terms of finding the other habitable solar systems if we wanted to go to the other systems at one point.
                          Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-14-2014, 11:57 PM.



                            Simply another reason why the past had better tech.

                            Also, that image within the RP's context makes more sense than you think. XD

                            Anyways, this also applies to Kristia. I assume that the portal gun's portal upscaled for a ship would travel at about the speed of light. Mara will need a way to make the portal gun faster than light, due to how long it would take for the portal blast to travel to its destination, or it could take thousands of years for it to travel from one solar system to another. Do we know of a way to send the portal's initial energy sphere across vast distances at faster speeds than light? Maybe she uses some kind of accelerator cannon to launch the portal, kind of like a one-way Mass Effect array-turned-accelerator cannon?
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              @ S1

                              Funny thing is I'm toying with the notion where there was a lull in the development of technology.
                              For similar thinking to this

                              With the new Void timeline, there was a third time when the Phoenix code was utilized. The first incident was to recreate the Nihiliod infested Galaxy so that the Nihiliods would be wiped out.
                              The second time was when Cicero activated it and attempted to create a utopian society.
                              The third instance of the Phoenix code threatening to occur is what we're currently dealing with.

                              The points where the Phoenix Code occurred could have been where these "lulls" occurred in technology.

                              Also there's a notion I'm thinking on where the Rifts were actually exploited once due to the legends of Heaven's Forge, a place that exists in one of the alternate timelines that can only be accessed through rifts.



                                That is likely true. I guess that would explain why some tech was lost while others continued to advance.

                                What's Heaven's Forge?
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

