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[OOC Board] Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix

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    So I'm sure I'm not the only one who's solved the block puzzle but here's this.
    In fact, it can be done much faster than this, I just wasnt thinking that hard when I made it.
    The only thing that this solution requires is the ability to pull the blocks but I dont think we can so I think I'll have to rework this

    Spoiler: solution

    EDIT: Cicero says only pushing. I'll have to take another look at this.
    Last edited by Kilelicus; 03-23-2015, 04:10 PM.
    Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
    "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

    Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


      I was also breaking my brain with the puzzle and even thought of pulling the blocks, but it can´t be done
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



        I never understand these pictures.
        "No matter how strong or what power the enemy has, I will fight and protect my friends, even if it cost me my life to protect them. I will fight until I die to ensure their future."


          So the constraints are as follows

          The blocks slide.
          They must hit a wall or block to stop.
          They must be pushed.

          I'm questioning the actual simplicity of this puzzle, though at the same time I feel like the answer is right in front of my face.
          Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
          "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

          Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


            it helps to print it and cut it out on paper.

            it is stupidly simple once you see the trick to it. Doesn't help the fact that I believe this puzzle actually exists in one of the Zelda games...
            ...I believe it was LoZ: TP...


              I know in Orcarina of Time, there's something like that in an ice cave for the Iron Boots.
              "No matter how strong or what power the enemy has, I will fight and protect my friends, even if it cost me my life to protect them. I will fight until I die to ensure their future."


                alot of zelda games had these ice block puzzles

                and I was sort of right...
                TP has a "simpler" version where there's just a switch in the center and 3 blocks in a 5x5 grid.


                  There exist block puzzles in both games of this persuasion. However in those puzzles, there is one switch to three blocks, or obstructions to help guide the blocks. I see no way of actually completing this puzzle with the given constraints. Allow me to explain.

                  The yellow/gray block here cannot move ANYWHERE until the gray/yellow inhabits that middle position, or else you will never get another one there, or in any of the places around the center. It it simply cannot happen, due to the sliding nature of the blocks. No matter how you twist it, they will never stop there. This is also going off of the assumption that we can only move one at a time. If we could move multiple at once, it would break the puzzle and we may as well have Phenom and Bardock stopping the blocks wherever they need to be stopped.
                  Once that middle block is filled the unused centerblock can only go to one of two places, since it cannot be pulled.. (See pictures 2 and 3 from my "Solution" post.)

                  From there, it is stuck. It is no longer a useful block. It is simply in the way.

                  Even if you inch your way around, you still end up with a dilemma of "I need this block to be here so I can fill this last switch but there's no way to move it there" like this

                  EDIT: The issue with this puzzle is that as you move forward, you make it more and more impossible to progress.
                  Last edited by Kilelicus; 03-23-2015, 05:13 PM.
                  Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
                  "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

                  Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


                    Hopefully you guys can follow this. I'm running low on time, so I cant really do anything more detailed than this atm

                    EDIT: Apologies for the triple double posting
                    EDIT2: I have just noticed I moved the purple block down one when there was nothing there, Just pretend that that happened before the red block moved.
                    Last edited by Kilelicus; 03-23-2015, 05:46 PM.
                    Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
                    "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

                    Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


                      I did something similar to that when I solved it in 30 seconds and immediately forgotten what I had done because I thought it was stupidly simple when I did it.
                      So there is another solution, but for now we'll go with yours since you got it recorded.

                      - Crosspost -

                      Also I want feedback on the whole situation in EG

                      ...Starting with the Shrine of Seasons in EG.
                      Right now we are going through another puzzle which will be initialized after SUStic posts allowing me to properly respond with the Umbra girl. We'll be making IC posts of the characters solving the puzzle, and then we proceed to the next room where we'll have a mini-boss fight with the Guardians of the Shrine.

                      I'll post details accordingly in OOC when we come to it.

                      Next is the three Nymph sisters which will be in the Shrine. For the sake of time and story... I will abbreviate this part accordingly so that we should hopefully be done with it sooner than later, regardless of any hold ups.

                      The hope is that once Ignis is reached then I'll be able to help push things along on that front.

                      Next is Nevaraas, which I will be throwing in a situation on once the Nihiliods are awoken on Alcyon.

                      Finally is Dua/Duon stuff which I will start to abbreviate a bit so that we can progress to new stuff.


                        " '27 " refers to the notebook that catalyzed the events of Phenom's original story. Just in case anyone was wondering. The main character, who's name was Alicia (I think) used this notebook, that basically made almost anything written in it reality, to change herself into a more powerful being so she would be able to fight in the Morkt Crisis that you've seen me mention a few times earlier.

                        Edit: Turns out her name was Alaina. I was close.
                        Last edited by Kilelicus; 03-27-2015, 01:56 AM.
                        Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
                        "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

                        Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


                          With the New Editor I can now paste in as-is the Encyclopedia~
                          So I thought I would drop this in here for now.
                          Ask me about things so I can prioritize what to fill in.


                          Void A Caeles that has successfully merged with the void. Also known as the Unknown. All information about the Void had been lost, however fragments remain, such as the knowledge that it exists and that it was a colleague of Venturia who had been working on the VOID Project.
                          Caeles The original inhabitants of the Eternal Galaxy. Beings that, through massive technological advances, became extraordinarily powerful. The creators of the GAIA Computer, VOID Project, and the dimension Heaven’s Forge.
                          Eternal Galaxy The English translation of the name of the galaxy that the Caeles inhabited. Would later become known as the Venturian Galaxy.
                          Nihiliods Parasitic creatures that were spawned from the Void.
                          They consist of a material that technically does not exist. Through adaptation, this material gains properties that allow the Nihiliods to interact with the plane of existence.

                          Nihiliods are capable of adapting to any threat. Due to the fact that they are interconnected via a hive mind, what one knows, they all know.

                          > Larvae Phase: small, mite-like in appearance, about half the size of a golf ball and capable of becoming paper thin. They burrow into a host by first numbing the area of entry and then slipping in by flattening themselves.
                          Sometimes multiple larvae will enter a host and go dormant, using it as a transport.

                          Nihiliod Larvae are capable of being killed easily as they have no exoskeleton, relying on the host as protection. They cannot live long without a host.

                          > Parasitic Phase: This is where they start to reroute circulatory systems and nervous systems through them so when they consume internal organs, the host does not feel it.

                          Nihiliod Parasite begins to develop and is more resilient depending on how far it is in the process to becoming an adult. During this phase it begins to quickly adapt and change. Variants of Nihiliods form during this phase.

                          > Adult Phase: They now have a fully developed exoskeleton independent of the host that is adapted to withstand whatever the host knows as a threat as well as what previous generations have adapted to. They will then consume the rest of the host body. They can start reproducing at this phase, laying hundreds of eggs at a time.

                          Due to their hive mind nature, what one Nihiliod knows as a threat, they all know. Attack one with Aura energy, and any other parasite phase Nihiliod begins to adapt against it. The Adult phase becomes perfectly immune to what the Nihiliods have perceived as a threat.
                          Because Physical and energy based attacks are the main forms of attacks upon Nihiliods in the past, the Adult Phase Nihiliod's Exoskeleton is adapted to be immune to any physical trauma and any energy based attack. To what degree it is immune is unknown.
                          Their form also varies depending on the environment. Flying Nihiliods to swimming Nihiliods are not unheard of. They tend to favor an insectoid form for general areas.

                          > Queen phase: Massive Nihiliods that can lay billions upon billions of eggs. Ultimately immobile. There can only be one Nihiliod Queen on one planet. The queen is capable of surviving off of Aura energy found near the core of a planet. If there is no more organic life on a planet other than the Nihiliod presence, then the queen will consume all Nihiliods and go dormant until new organic life disturbs it.
                          VOID Project A project started by the Caeles in an attempt to exterminate all other beings of the Eternal Galaxy by utilizing the void.
                          GAIA Computer A super computer created by the Caeles alongside the VOID Project. Originally designed to reset the Eternal Galaxy to renew resources. However, when the VOID Project backfired, it was modified to wipe out all life in the Galaxy. Venturia, who had been working on it at the time, modified it so that it would generate new life after eliminating the current.
                          Phoenix Incident (VOID) The first time the GAIA Computer was activated by the Caeles in the hope to eliminate the Nihiliods. This is the first Phoenix Incident.
                          Venturia (Caeles) A scientist who led the creation of the GAIA Computer. She is revered by those in the recreated Eternal Galaxy as a goddess due to what little information that was left behind about her.
                          Venturia (Galaxy) The name of the Galaxy given by the inhabitants after the first Phoenix Incident. Can also be referred to as the Venturian Galaxy.
                          Phoenix Code The name of the process which the GAIA Computer uses to reset the Galaxy.
                          Arcains Beings that inhabited the Venturian Galaxy after the first Phoenix Incident. Capable of utilizing Gaia and Anti Energy. They are born with a Corlaviri Crystal within them that, without, would lead to their death.
                          Prometheos Beings that inhabited the Venturian Galaxy after the first Phoenix Incident.
                          Known as the "mortal gods" or "demigods."
                          Their abilities are hereditary and tied to their blood. Should a Prometheos obtain the blood of another, they can gain a variation of the power of the owner.
                          Corlaviri A crystalline material that tends to retain Gaia or Aura Energy. When found naturally, it tends to already contain trace amounts of Gaia energy. If a large "lake" of crystals is found, they may have large quantities of the energy contained.

                          Corlaviri Crystals that contain Aura Energy do not occur naturally. A process used to infuse Corlaviri with Aura energy is to take an uncharged crystal and dip it into blood.
                          Forterium A material that is light weight, extremely durable, and is almost impervious to physical damage, however, Gaia energy can damage it. Anti passes through it unhindered.
                          Inerium A material that can nullify the effects of both Gaia and Anti energy. It is easily affected by physical trauma.
                          Gaia Energy Energy that affects the physical world. Behaves like electricity to a degree. Some refer to it as Aura Energy despite this being used as the name of actual Aura Energy. All matter poses this energy in minute amounts.
                          Aura Energy Energy that affects the spiritual world. It can be considered the essence of a soul. All living entities have Aura Energy. Often confused with Gaia Energy.
                          Black Matter An unknown substance that behaves as neither a solid, liquid, or gas. It exhibits qualities similar to that of Inerium as well as Aura Energy. It passes through living beings, and can cause harm to their life force, but when in contact with Corlaviri it behaves as a solid.

                          Very rare, often contained in Corlaviri cases.
                          Phoenix Incident (Arcain Revolt) The second Phoenix Incident. Originally a revolt that started to liberate Arcains from Prometheos oppression. Secretly, Venturia sought to use it to restart the Galaxy to prevent the Prometheos from becoming like the Caeles.
                          Venion System One of the six primary solar systems of the Eternal Galaxy.
                          Nox The main habitable planet of the Venion System.
                          Council of Twelve Council of the twelve noble houses that existed during the Era of the Dawn.
                          Council of Venturia Religious Council that existed during the Era of the Dawn.
                          Aurora An AI created by Cicero to help manipulate the GAIA Computer.

                          During the Second Phoenix Incident she was infused with the spirit of Tina, the head maid of Aion who died near the GAIA Computer.
                          Life Hackers A group of people that were affected by the Phoenix Code that survived without being in a special safe area. These people were granted special abilities that could affect the fabric of existence. They were hunted by Aetheron and Erebos and eradicated.
                          Notable Life Hackers that remain are Cicero and Nero.
                          Guardians of Time
                          Manor of Eternity
                          Vault The structure that contains the GAIA Computer. Impervious to virtually anything. Can only be opened by a special control panel.
                          Sanctuary of Light The central tower of the Manor of Eternity. The primary location for the Vault.
                          Sanctuary of Dark An alternative version of the Sanctuary of Light that contains a special Rift Gate that is tied to the GAIA Computer.
                          Library of the Ethereal
                          Dual City Capital City of the planet Nox that existed during the Era of the Dawn.
                          Eternal Light
                          Ethereal Darkness
                          Twin Sisters
                          Celestora System One of the six primary solar systems of the Eternal Galaxy.
                          Alcyon The main habitable planet of the Celestora System.
                          Blood Tome Book of Prophecy created by Cicero to warn of the reawakening of the Nihiliods.
                          War of Eternity
                          Passage of Fate
                          Heaven’s Forge Dimension that serves as the home of the Caeles.
                          Aura Tech
                          Venturian Empire
                          Venturian Republic
                          Fissures of Time
                          Artifacts of Heaven’s Forge
                          Rift Incident
                          The Great Boundary
                          Mark of the Guardians
                          Shards of Starlight
                          City of Dusk
                          Venturian Council
                          Orion’s Legacy
                          Book of Crystals
                          War of Alcyon
                          Senari Republic
                          Egale System
                          Sol Incineron System
                          Noble Guardian Order
                          Daedalus Project
                          Liberation of the Senari Republic
                          Shrine of Seasons
                          Tower of <Alcyon 1>
                          Tower of <Alcyon 2>
                          Mercurius’s Shield
                          Nexion System
                          Sedes Imperii
                          Helios System
                          Ethereal Galaxy
                          Echoes of Time
                          Grey Phoenix
                          Fall of the Boundary
                          The Four Nymphs
                          Nova Engine
                          AETHER Armor
                          BEHEMOTH Cannon
                          D – Helix Sabers
                          Affinity Break
                          Aura Burst
                          Aura Maneuvering Systems
                          Aura Harmonic
                          Harmonic Sync
                          Rift Gates
                          Rift Jumping
                          Tactician’s Eye
                          Moirai Project
                          Philotes Project
                          Portable Rift Device
                          Nox Nex


                            Wriggs, I want to ask how you want to proceed and what you would want to do with Noire in the next Scene when they arrive at the village. Like right now she would be exposed to what had become of the Arcains and Humans that survived.

                            What do you want to try and accomplish with this scene so I can help figure out how to achieve that as well as direct her towards moving towards where the others would wind up.

                            i.e. what do you think/want to be the motivation for her to leave the village after she gets filled in on the current situation with everything? Ask me what you would want and I'll see if I can work out a situation to help your goal along.

                            EDIT: Should ask this for the peeps on Alcyon as well...

                            Kristia, Kilel, Sus, Zekai, what do you all want to try and achieve before I let loose the Nihiliods?
                            Last edited by Cucoo5; 04-05-2015, 10:51 PM.


                              I've actually been wondering when I can have Lachesis tell Phenom that they're observing strange seismic activity approaching the shrine of seasons
                              Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
                              "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

                              Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


                                Strange seismic activity approaching the Shrine?
                                ...Are you talking about what I mentioned would be the "Earthquake" or as I would put it remembering the geography of the continent, the Volcano at the center starting to act up due to the Nihiliod Queen moving?

                                If that, then soon. I'll mention when. It'll happen after the group retrieves Ignis (aka Grey) from the last room. The earthquake caused by it will destroy the labyrinth and the other traps allowing for getting out to be conveniently easier...

