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[OOC Board] Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix

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    Though I'm thinking that they can somehow utilize materials that aren't organic, much like Aparoids and...remind me, could Ing posses machines?

    I'm thinking that maybe they could assimilate machinery slightly. Not as easily as organic material.

    Sent from my Bad Apple!! iPhone using Tapatalk


      Crap... I feel REALLY REALLY bad as well as fear for the people of Alcyon after reading all this...


        Considering it was a major point with Kiara in the past before Shards of Starlight.
        Achlys and Marc attempted to stop this "plague" from happening. That plague could be Nihiliods.

        So it would make sense if the Ethereal Darkness managed to maybe force the Nihiliods into a dormant state.
        This would play in well with the concept you can't destroy the Void, only delay it.

        Sent from my Bad Apple!! iPhone using Tapatalk



          I don't really know what the hell is going on, but if Bardock is involved...

          HAHA! YEEEAAAAAA!!!

          I think this will be interesting. To be honest, I only skimmed backwards till I saw Bardock because I was expecting a Sayan to show up in Pheonix eventually.

          From what I gather, there is an alternate universe, right? Does that mean that Pheonix is being revamped?
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            [OOC Board] Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix

            Yes and no.
            Yes in the fact the entire history is being redone. No in the fact that Phoenix as it is right now, doesn't really change.
            Some details are no longer really relevant in the MoE part as the bigger threat and the reason for Aurora's actions are now shifted.

            Nihiliods are the main threat and Aurora is actually trying to prevent them. It would be one hell of a hat trick to adjust it, but in the end, easily doable.

            And yes, alternate timeline that involves a completely different story than that of Shards of Starlight.
            With this new timeline, the events of Shards of Starlight RP never happened. BUT this now opens up the fact that anything could have happened, cause nothing is written yet.


            Originally posted by Cucoo5 View Post
            ...And that made me realize.
            What better reason to have a war that lasts for seemingly forever than that of survival?
            Nothingness... the Void...
            What if the War of Eternity is not some petty squabble over a book of prophecy...
            What if it was a fight against the impossible?

            The Inevitable Conclusion...
            A fight against the very thing that consumes all.
            A fight against the Void.

            But can you really destroy that which does not exist? The absence of all existence?
            Can you delay it?

            The Demon Caeles ... Is actually the Void.
            The Nihiliods are not just planet destroyers.
            They are the embodiment of the Void.

            A fight for survival
            You would think something such as a fight against erasure would bring a galaxy together towards a common cause...
            Instead it tears it apart.
            Hysteria sets in... factions form with different ideologies on how to destroy the Void.
            A clash of views, everyone is afraid of the other's radical ideas on how to destroy that which destroys.

            Time itself means nothing to the Void.
            Aion, the Master of Time, is rendered powerless.
            What can he do?
            He can do what one driven to the brink of insanity can do. Try again.
            "Cowards die many times, while the brave die but once."

            He challenges the Inevitable Conclusion, the Void.
            But what does he have? His own power means nothing.
            Strength of Will alone? Against the Void?

            Such naivety!
            What can the will of petty mortals do against the face of certain destruction? Of certain erasure from this existence?

            More than the Void would think.
            For his own bretheren... Other Caeles... aid the mortals of Venturia.
            Against the odds, they choose to fight.

            Upon the revolving cogs of fate does our lives hang. The threads golden with the hue of eternity. The clock turns and the hour hand points to a new time, a new era. Yet we live on, ignorant of the tick of the clock of fate. Nay, our lives are not defined by the clock, rather the events that doth unfold forth from it. As the new age dawns, threads will be cut. Lives will plummet into the abyss of history, forgotten. As they fall, war rises and ravages the hanging threads like a tempest most ferocious. Many lives, many of the golden threads are battered by the onslaught, helpless to change it. War defined their fate. War was the plague that the clock hands brought to help define the new era. But as war storms and thunders and starts the inferno that consumes all that it touches and reduces all to mere ashes...those with a will to change cruel fate stand up from the smoldering embers. With hope and strength of the heart, they force the clock of fate to change again, to move on to a new time, to bring new fortune. And so it does. The war ends and the hands bring peace.

            The abyss
            The Void...

            Our lives dangle from the clock of fate.
            As the threads are cut, we fall to the void.
            As the hands turn, we move closer to the void.
            War arises as the struggle for survival ensues.
            As the mortals clamber over one another in a desperate attempt to escape the void...

            They cut each other and fall towards its gaping maw.

            Eternity is but an illusion.
            For the Void is the end of time.
            The Edge of Eternity.

            One does not simply destroy the Void.
            One can only hope to delay it.

            The basic premise behind the entirety of Eternal Galaxy...

            After ten long years...

            ...Is finally clear now.
            This is where things are going.

            Sent from my Bad Apple!! iPhone using Tapatalk
            Last edited by Cucoo5; 09-29-2014, 09:45 PM.



              HELL YEAH!!! Bardock is one of the more interesting characters in DBZ, even if he only appeared in specials/was referenced to several times in the actual anime. He is still part of DBZ Canon, and is definitely a powerful warrior despite the fact that before he nearly died by Frieza, was weaker than his son Raditz when he was an adult. However the Zenkai boost that Bardock received after nearly dying to Frieza, then waking up in the distant past (in the Episode of Bardock special) made his power sky rocket to a power level capable of allowing him to go Super Saiyan. Whether or not I make him that powerful in the RP though is up in the air, because if he was truly strong enough to at least achieve the Super Saiyan state, then he would already be quite a powerful opponent that would have the potential of destroying a planet with a full powered Ki Blast.

              Though if one of the villains from DBZ appeared in the RP (like Frieza, or dear god Perfect Cell, Broly, Super Buu/Kid Buu) then we would be just as fucked on an equal level as a Nihiliod outbreak on a planet.


                Cross posting

                I just realized something that could be a sticking point...

                If I were to take the literal definition of the void as an absence of everything... this could prove troublesome with the following points:

                If this Caeles becomes the embodiment of the void, how does she/he/it exist?
                - I guess I could just ignore this for the sake of the plot but the next point begs the question...

                If the void is in essence nothing, then how is it trapped and delayed? How can you interact with something that doesn't exist?
                - This might be explained through the Caeles that becomes the embodiment of the void, where the Caeles is captured and restrained and therefore the void remains as it was. The Caeles serves as existential proof of the void and therefore can be defeated... By capturing his mortal body?

                I might have answered my own question but... Something doesn't seem...solid enough.


                  about the post above mine

                  Think of it like Antimatter, it is one of the most rare elements and has so much power that the possibilities are incredible


                  It still hasn't been physically obtained because there is still no method to obtain it, let alone understand it

                  The void might be the nothingness, of the absence of anything, yet we know it exists, like the black holes, we only know there is an absence of space that absorbs anything that get close to it, but we know there should be something since whatever that gets sucked in must be going sonewhere.
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                    There's a theory that black holes are the birthplace of other universes because of all the energy they consume.


                    ...hmm there's something here I'll explore later. Not sure what to think of this...

                    Maybe I'll have to define the Void as a paradox with the Caeles that represents it merely being a sort of proof of the existence of non-existence.

                    ...and I should come up with a name for this Caeles so that he has an identity prior to becoming known as the Void.

                    Sent from my Bad Apple!! iPhone using Tapatalk



                      ahh, I see now. Also, I was bored and got to thinking about the Nihilids.
                      ... what exactly would happen if Ethan were to get infected by one?
                      Would he treat it like getting sick? Would it be a neverending battle between his ability to adapt and the parasite?


                      Then just say that he's not powerful enough to destroy planets. You could always think about it like this one video created by V Sauce 3, where they calculate what it's like to get punched by Superman. Basically, they show that having no restraint can be... bad.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        [OOC Board] Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix

                        Hmm...let's try this concept:
                        Nihiliods attempt to replace internal organs with themselves. In order to do that... I would believe they have to reroute things first (nervous system and circulatory.) once they do that I would think they would have virtual free reign inside a host.

                        For Ethan...
                        I don't know...
                        Maybe if the body doesn't think something is wrong, it won't adapt?

                        Sent from my Bad Apple!! iPhone using Tapatalk



                          That's the kicker, what confuses me the most. Would he be infected, yet still retain himself?

                          Also, I know this doesn't belong here, but do you want me to make missions for your characters, or do you want me to team them up with others?
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            [OOC Board] Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix

                            Ok what I was thinking is that initially, Nihiliods reroute things, but you're still you. It's when the Nihiliod is fully grown that things go the other way. I think Ethan would adapt when the Nihiliod diverts control to itself. It would probably be painful, because the body would then reject it.
                            I think he could survive if the Nihiliod is cut out even if fully grown.

                            And for your second question...
                            Make missions so as to allow me to write out most. I have to choose who I want to keep

                            Sent from my Bad Apple!! iPhone using Tapatalk
                            Last edited by Cucoo5; 09-30-2014, 09:51 PM.



                              Yea, I would imagine that it would be pretty painful. o-o

                              Anyway, when you say write out, do you mean die?
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Possibly. I'll PM ya later about it. Right now I'm leaning towards keeping Robin (M and F) and Morgan.

                                Sent from my Bad Apple!! iPhone using Tapatalk

