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[OOC Board] Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix

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    the Caeles known as Venturia is to the races of this story as the Librarian is to the Halo story

    ...that would explain alot.
    And helps me develop concepts for Venturia some more

    Ok let's pull the classic "scientists on the verge of discovery but one is against it due to moral reasons"

    Venturia could have been one of the Caeles that knew of the Void Project that the Unknown was working on.
    She might have been the creator of the GAIA Computer and the original creator of the Phoenix Code when the Nihiliod infestation occurred.
    Because the Phoenix Code was to basically reenact the "beginning of the universe" on a Galactic scale instead of the entire universe, she might have had for some reason the bright idea to make it so that everytime it was used, New races would immediately be created with the new galaxy. And it might even have some presets, like fake ruins that were designed to actually hint at the existence of the Caeles to these new races.

    This would make Venturia herself have a greater role...

    The question then would be...
    Is she still alive?
    Is she still hiding in an alternate timeline with the other Caeles?
    Or did something happen to her...

    She would be perceived as a god almost to the native races of Venturia.
    Much like the premise of Zanza and Meyneth in Xenoblade.

    Except it would be...
    The Void and Venturia
    The Void is the premise of non-existence while Venturia is the premise of existence.
    While the Void denies any beings the ability to exist through the use of the Nihiliods, Venturia used the GAIA Computer to promote the existence of beings in the galaxy, other than the Caeles themselves.

    The Caeles were the original race of the "Eternal Galaxy"
    The Void project was started... wipe out all other races in the galaxy that might have existed.
    However it backfired. When the Nihiliods targets the Caeles as well, they took actions to undo it.
    The GAIA Computer.
    The Phoenix Code
    But...Venturia was also against the Void Project.
    So she implemented a part of the Phoenix Code that would generate new races in the Galaxy.
    The opposite of what the Void Project was attempting to achieve.

    *drops keyboard*
    That's it.
    That. is. it.

    That explains everything.




      And another piece falls into place.

      To be honest, I wouldn't doubt that she would still be alive. She strikes me as a smart enough person to avoid death, maybe survive so that she could somehow fix the whole Void Project fiasco.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



        But one point that makes me question if she would still be alive is...
        Look at the timeline.

        Era of the Void - First Mention of Venturia which concludes that she became prominent towards the end of the Era near RY 0

        Era of Prosperity
        RY 12,780 - The incident with the "Fissures of Time" occurs where Caeles interfere and help the "Venturians" fight the Nihiliods. This is a possible chance for Venturia herself to show up again...

        But then?
        Era of Rebirth
        RY 110,240

        about 100 millenia pass
        And she does nothing
        The Venturian Galaxy crumbles and falls into oblivion. Nihiliods... it could be implied that they probably finally succeed.
        I might run with this concept because it is kinda harrowing...
        The people of Venturia gave up.
        After all they fought for, fighting for a chance to change everything...
        they actually gave up when the people that had access to change things didn't do anything.

        Venturia did nothing. Aion even did nothing. Aion even went to lengths to make sure that no one could do anything.
        I am legitly asking.
        After around a hundred millenia...nothing.
        What happened? Why the sudden change?
        Did they give up? Did they say enough is enough? Did they just turn around and say fighting the void was pointless?
        What could have possibly happened to suddenly make this happen? To make nothing happen?



          Maybe they failed, and after seeing that they could not win, they retreated to try and regain their strength, to regroup. Maybe they're hoping the opportunity of another force entering the galaxy presents itself. Maybe they were waiting for people to discover the galaxy again, so that they would have anotger chance at fighting and stopping the Nihilids. After all, the galaxy suddenly appearing out of nowhere would be like a giant beacon to more advanced races.

          What are your thoughts?
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            @ S1
            Perhaps that's what Aion was intending...
            But...maybe not what Venturia was...

            I think I just answered my own question

            And it inadvertently answers another

            What if...
            Aion's mother... Nyx...
            is Venturia?

            This means that Venturia chose for a moment to live among her creations.
            She saw what she created.
            And that could have changed her views.

            She saw a religion forming with her as its goddess.
            She didn't want that. Hence why she choose an alternate identity.

            She saw the Prometheos oppressing the Arcains.
            She saw the chaos that her own creations, her own children were spreading.

            She could have been...dismayed...disgusted...tormented by what she had done.
            Then she might have tried to influence things away from where things were going.
            Probably not her first thought but creating a Prometheos/Caeles hybrid that could command the very essence of time itself would be able to strike awe and fear into the others. With a little maneuvering in the primitive political system the Prometheos had, she put Aion into a seat of power in an attempt to break the Prometheos of their ways so that things might go in a direction Venturia intended.

            But then Cicero happened. When she saw Aion adopting the other Prometheos's standards, she decided to help Cicero and Nero reach the GAIA Computer. She decided to influence things to go towards "start over"
            Yet, she made a mistake.
            Aion broke the "standards" of Prometheos. He was going in the direction she wanted him to. But it was too late. The Phoenix Incident was about to happen and she didn't have enough time to stop it.

            She made too many corrections in an attempt to fix one mistake, she accidentally made another.

            That would explain what she was doing up to the second Phoenix incident.

            But then what...?
            Did she decide to let things play out? Did she wait for Aion, her own "child," her own "champion" of what she wanted to accomplish, to finally correct her mistakes?

            ...something about this doesn't add up...


            Looking again at your suggestion...
            ...maybe simpler would be better.
            Maybe Nyx still is Venturia but...maybe there were other reasoning behind her actions during the Era of the Dawn.
            And maybe they did realize that, after Aion tried so many times to prevent it, that it was futile to try and delay the inevitable any longer.
            So maybe they did fail and let it happen in the hopes something else would happen and maybe Aion denied the use of the Phoenix Code again to prevent them from just repeating the cycle?

            But that still begs the question... why did Venturia not really do anything during all of this?



              Where was Venturia before the incident, and where was she during it?

              (Man I wish I had Mumble right now...)
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Immediately before...
                Pretending to be Nyx -maybe-
                If so then she might have been killing Aion to keep the reality of her being Venturia from him and to allow him to be able to reincarnate after the incident.
                She escapes to the same place where the Caeles are hiding (which is a parallel timeline/dimension/whatever).
                ...maybe she's being held by her own kind for the "mistake" of making new beings to exist in their galaxy...?

                Sent from my Bad Apple!! iPhone using Tapatalk




                  You know, wouldn't it be interesting if the characters actually managed to break into the Caeles timeline to get answers or assistance?
                  Better yet, what if they had to break Venturia out to get answers?
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Thats what I'm starting to think what Ignis's mission originally should be now: to get answers.
                    Primarily to questions similar to what I initially aske: "why did they do nothing?"
                    And Ignis might have to confront her own father on that.

                    But that still means I need to answer it.

                    With my possible answers now...
                    What should stay and what possible could change to make it more...solid?
                    I feel like that complex explanation to Venturia's motives might work if some of the reasoning is refined.

                    Sent from my Bad Apple!! iPhone using Tapatalk



                      So now the question is, what needs to be refined?
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        [OOC Board] Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix

                        Ok let's dissect this for a moment

                        Originally posted by Cucoo5 View Post
                        @ S1
                        Perhaps that's what Aion was intending...
                        But...maybe not what Venturia was...

                        I think I just answered my own question

                        And it inadvertently answers another

                        What if...
                        Aion's mother... Nyx...
                        is Venturia?

                        This means that Venturia chose for a moment to live among her creations.
                        She saw what she created.
                        And that could have changed her views.

                        She saw a religion forming with her as its goddess.
                        She didn't want that. Hence why she choose an alternate identity.

                        She saw the Prometheos oppressing the Arcains.
                        She saw the chaos that her own creations, her own children were spreading.

                        She could have been...dismayed...disgusted...tormented by what she had done.

                        Then she might have tried to influence things away from where things were going.
                        Probably not her first thought but creating a Prometheos/Caeles hybrid that could command the very essence of time itself would be able to strike awe and fear into the others. With a little maneuvering in the primitive political system the Prometheos had, she put Aion into a seat of power in an attempt to break the Prometheos of their ways so that things might go in a direction Venturia intended.

                        But then Cicero happened. When she saw Aion adopting the other Prometheos's standards, she decided to help Cicero and Nero reach the GAIA Computer. She decided to influence things to go towards "start over"
                        Yet, she made a mistake.
                        Aion broke the "standards" of Prometheos. He was going in the direction she wanted him to. But it was too late. The Phoenix Incident was about to happen and she didn't have enough time to stop it.

                        She made too many corrections in an attempt to fix one mistake, she accidentally made another.

                        That would explain what she was doing up to the second Phoenix incident.

                        But then what...?
                        Did she decide to let things play out? Did she wait for Aion, her own "child," her own "champion" of what she wanted to accomplish, to finally correct her mistakes?

                        ...something about this doesn't add up...

                        the bolded section seems shaky to me.

                        The final part we just answered with her being imprisoned.

                        Sent from my Bad Apple!! iPhone using Tapatalk



                          What are the teachings and morals of the Caeles? We might find answers there.

                          Other than that, she might have also hated the Prometheos oppressing the Arcains.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Well the Caeles possibly look down on other beings as inferior (hence Void Project.)
                            Venturia could have grown to despise it and saw the Prometheos reflecting Caeles virtues.
                            So when the Prometheos found the GAIA Computer...
                            She panicked, fearing that they would repeat what the Caeles did..

                            Sent from my Bad Apple!! iPhone using Tapatalk



                              So she tried to break that cycle from happening. She tried to take steps to change the Prometheos.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                [OOC Board] Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix

                                And when the GAIA Computer came into play, she figured if worse came to worse (the Prometheos plan on using the GAIA Computer), she had a reset button called the Phoenix Code.
                                So when she heard that there were Prometheos planning on tampering with the computer despite her attempts to prevent it through Aion, she set events into motion that would trigger the Phoenix Code.

                                But at the last second, everything was turning around for the better.
                                But the revolution was underway and the Phoenix Code was about to be activated. Too late to stop it, she had to do what she had to do to ensure Aion's survival AND ensuring her identity as Venturia remained secret.

                                Ok it looks like it works after all.

                                Sent from my Bad Apple!! iPhone using Tapatalk

