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[OOC Board] Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix

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    Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
    "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

    Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


      The OP has location descriptions (that I should update)
      But in a word: Skyrim.

      One primary small continent which once-upon-a-time-ago was known as Mana.

      I'll dig up the more complete region descriptions from the EG Project thread.


      Shrine of Seasons

      This shrine existed as a center of the power of four sacred nymphs that embodied the seasons of continent of Mana on Alcyon.
      Earth, Fire, Wind, and Water were the four elements that represented the four seasons.
      The four nymphs, each one representing one of the four elements, governed the seasons through the shrine.

      The Nymphs depicted respectively are
      Limnadesa (aka Kiara)

      Wind -> Spring -> Aurae
      Fire -> Summer -> Lampadesa
      Earth -> Fall -> Napaeae
      Water -> Winter -> Limnadesa (aka Kiara)
      The shrine is divided into four parts, a section for each.
      hidden deep within are five Corlaviri Crystals which help control the seasons, four of which are for the individual seasons with one master crystal. If these were removed from the Shrine, the continent's seasons would be thrown into chaos still not a LoZ: OoS reference.

      Each crystal is buried deep within the shrine, typically only accessible through the respective elements.
      The master crystal is a keystone that contains a piece of Aurora's code.

      The Shrine is in four quadrants pointing in the four cardinal directions with a central hub.
      Respective to the list above, the sections go counterclockwise starting at the west.

      The regions of Mana also represent this, with the mild groves of the western regions, the arid plains of the southern regions, the temperate forests of the eastern regions, and the frozen mountains in the northern region

      The reason the Shrine is in the southwestern forest is due to the abundance of Aura energy there. The forest served as a safe haven for the Nymphs and therefore was ideal for the shrine.

      In the western portion of Mana is a tower in the center of the old Kingdom of Luminox that contains a massive Corlaviri crystal known as the Eternal Light, safeguarded by countless barriers.
      The eastern portion has another tower deep within the forests of the Dark Mages with a similar crystal known as the Ethereal Darkness. It is not guarded by anything, for in the past, fear was its shield.

      The only entrance to the Tower of the Ethereal Darkness is in the City of the Dark Mages, in the peculiar cavern complex immediately below the forest.


        Cicero, are you able to Skype right now?
        Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
        "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

        Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


          not really, about to turn off my computer.
          PMs are also effective as I'm notified via my phone of anything.


            So I just realized that Phenom is basically a faster, potentially stronger (maybe not, I don't know(probably not)), unarmored Master Chief.

            Last edited by Kilelicus; 03-11-2015, 01:21 AM.
            Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
            "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

            Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


              hm.. I think I got something for either the chief or Phenom with a simple action, but I´ll keep it under my sleeve when the time comes
              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                Also keep in mind that the only person Phenom will have a proper conversation with is Lachesis. Don't expect as much verbosity from him when he's interacting with others.
                Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
                "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

                Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


                  one thing is verbal, but there is also physical language, a slip here, a slip there..
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                    Originally posted by Kristia View Post
                    one thing is verbal, but there is also physical language, a slip here, a slip there..
                    He'll get Verbose when he has to explain stuff. His physical language is almost always him talking with his arms at his side. He's almost a stone.
                    Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
                    "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

                    Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee



                      (Oh boy, time for numbers and equations, one of my favorite RP hobbies.*insert Bobby Hill squeal* XD)

                      How many times faster than the average human can he react? How much can he lift? How tall is he? How fast can he run?
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Hes still capable of being surprised, but his reaction time is fast enough that he can redirect a bullet that hes fired by shooting another bullet into it. His upper limit of strength has never really been specified. Hes strong enough that he can crush bone with relative ease though. Assume that hes potentially as strong as Shizuo Heiwajima, since their strength stems from the same lack of physical limitation, though Phenom is far less likely to hurl a vending machine at you. He's more disciplined than that. Hes about 6'1" and he moves faster than the eye can see. Chief might see him in spartan time, but hed still be goddamn fast. An uninformed individual might think hes teleporting.
                        Last edited by Kilelicus; 03-11-2015, 11:32 AM.
                        Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
                        "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

                        Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


                          we shall see how the journey goes
                          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                            Ok, so I looked up Shizuo, but his Durara wiki profile was acting strange for me, but I still got the info on strength.

                            In the Hero Wiki, it states that he can lift around 25,000 lbs, 12.5 Short Tons, or 11.33980925 Metric Tonnes. Does this strength sound somewhat accurate to you?

                            As for the reaction time, that kinda depends. It's not the greatest example to gague this aspect with, but it can work. How fast does it look like the bullet is going for him? (in mph)

                            As for the height, that's a little bit for biometrics (not sure if that's the right word). It's to roughly calculate how long it would take for him to move his body before getting hit by something, but I won't use it now because things get complicated when I factor it in. With Chief, I use bullets fired from 10 feet away as a measuring standard. While unarmored and without the aid of an AI, Chief is 15 times faster than the average human, meaning that a bullet fired from 10 feet and travelling at mach 1 (1,116.447834645669 fps. My computer's calculator is ever so slightly inaccurate, but it's just to give a basic idea.) would take only 8.9569791706154 Milliseconds to hit him, but to Chief, it would look like the bullet is travelling at 74.429855... fps, or 50 mph, meaning that it would feel like the bullet would take 134.354687559231 Milliseconds. He still would not be able to react fast enough to dodge the bullet, but through the Chief's eyes, the bullet looks like it's travelling much slower than how fast it's actually moving. This of course is only if he is seeing things in slow motion, as SPARTANs can see things in fast and slow motion, and this doesn't take into account that a SPARTANs reaction time further increases while in a combat situation, but it's good enough to get a basic idea. Besides, things get really wacky when I start bringing in the x5 reaction time boost from the armor, as well as how AIs exponentially increase that reaction time, allowing him to effortlessly slap away anti-tank missiles travelling at around Mach 3. XD

                            The equation used to calculate all this is as follows:

                            Distance / Velocity = Time (in seconds)
                            Time * Reaction Time Multiplier = Perceived Time

                            So the question about the reaction time is, what is the multiplier?
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              As far as strength goes, I suppose we can say that that's about right. Shizuo is the only reference I have of the human body's limitations of strength being released.

                              Reaction time... Let's see..
                              Naturally, with no inhibition release, that mean's absolutely zero abnormal adrenaline flow, Phenom's reaction time would be somewhere around 10 times a normal human's. But the ungodly adrenaline flow is Phenom's strength.

                              Let's also say that Surprised Reaction has no concrete inhibition release, but it's usually not much as, of course, he's basically jumping.
                              And Let's say that Focused Reaction is full inhibition release

                              Let's say Phenom has two reaction times besides that, and I'm going to be using your numbers here.

                              Surprised Reaction Time and Focused Reaction Time. Let's say the Surprised reaction time is basically his brain going OH SHIT and releasing its inhibitions instinctively. And Focused reaction time is him knowing what's coming, and when, and basically going ZA WARUDO

                              Surprised reaction time would probably be somewhere around 50x normal human reaction time (NHR) on average. With acting on surprised speed rates, he'd likely have enough time to deflect the bullet, but maybe not enough time to dodge it.
                              Focused Reaction time would cause the bullet to appear as though it were crawling ever so slowly through the air. I'd say that Focused Reaction time is roughly around 1000x the average NHR

                              The idea is that if he knows what you're doing, it's probably not going to work. However his focus can also be lowered when he has to worry about multiple things at once. One instance in his original story had him shot a number of times because he was basically being forced to dodge a hail of gunfire in a very small place. Lost Focus Reaction time can probably be anywhere around 500x-750x NHR.
                              Last edited by Kilelicus; 03-11-2015, 07:14 PM.
                              Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
                              "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

                              Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


                                Updated timeline with more details for the Era of Rebirth

                                outlines what I have to achieve for the sake of EG's story. We can do anything else along the way as well as afterwards.


                                RY 110,555

                                "Grey Phoenix"
                                Ignis, using an alternate identity as a man named Grey, leads various archaeological expeditions throughout Venturia. She is attempting to find what had become of her home after the years she had been away as well as a way to stop the Void once and for all.

                                Ignis reforms the Hunters' Guild

                                Search for the Keystones: Ignis and co. search for the various keystones that served as special memory devices for the GAIA Computer to protect the Phoenix Code. Aurora's programming is heavily tied to the Phoenix Code and Ignis believes that it is possible to extract Aurora from the Phoenix Code piece by piece via the Keystones.

                                Shrine of Seasons: Zoe, Khloe, and Sofia saved and the recovery of a Keystone (Celestora System)

                                Escape from the first encounter with reawakened Nihiliods

                                Nemesis and MIMI located on Duon in the Pangaea Spaceport.

                                Reconstruction of Nemesis and MIMI at Sedes Imperii's Palace City which is floating on the planet's watery core.

                                Restoration of the Daedalus Project: The massive space station is purged of the Nihiliods with the help of Nemesis and MIMI. Serves as their main base of operations. The location of one of the Keystones (Nexion System)

                                Recovery of the Fourth Nymph sister, Zephira: In a ruined cruiser in space rests the fourth sister of Zoe, Khloe, and Sofia. Also where one of the Keystones are. (Venion System)
                                Ignis is revealed as a girl because of Zephira.

                                Nihiliod Queen Protecting another Keystone (Egale System)

                                Hidden alcove of Gaia Tech on Inopia along with a Keystone (Sol Incineron System)

                                Mechanical Nihiliod in the mine on Conlustrare powered by a Keystone (Helios System)

                                Extraction of Aurora's "Keystone" segments into the Daedalus Project.

                                First encounter with a Nihiliod possessed Omega Class Cruiser

                                Return to the Manor of Eternity in order to separate the remainder of Aurora from the Phoenix Code.

                                Raising the GAIA Computer from the Vault.

                                Raid of Nihiliods against the Manor.

                                Escape to the Daedalus Project.

                                Final Preparations for the Final Battle with the Unknown.

