Manhattan - New York
"Wha?" Demoman woke up from his drunken mumbling to realize what Soldier just said. The old friendship on that battlefield was not for show, after all. He grinned widely as he slung one arm around the Soldier and lifted his other arm which held an empty bottle of liquor. "Tat sounds like a good idea. Thanks, mate!"
Maverick Hunter HQ
"Wait, Zero!" Nitori noticed Zero rushing out of the office, and, while Signas and Layer was confused and trying to take in what just happened, stormed out of the office to chase after Zero as well, with the minidrone EVE quickly gliding away to follow the two. "Zero, wait up!"
How large is Voile? One can only imagine as Koakuma, Marx and Magolor stepped into this giant library brimming and overflowing with magical energy. There was no ceiling, but a large, vast night sky filled with stars. Towering next to Koakuma and the two guests were rows and rows of bookshelves, organized to genres and filled with books from the deepest of the past to the newest releases, with staircases, bridges, hallways and archways leading to and fro one section to another haphazardly. One glance would suggest this is just another huge area to keep books. But this library was not to be just a massive collection of books anymore, but soon to be a giant hub of ideals, beliefs, and knowledge for the Characters who yearns for connection with the others, like the Inventory, but more geared towards magic.
Still silent, Koakuma passed by chambers containing numerous interesting magical equipments. There was a brass gyroscope with its rotors made of an unknowable crystalline material constantly tilting left and right slightly, a telescope that pointed to a distant star on the great night sky, a set of giant Erlenmeyer flasks boiling with green, gooey potion... and those were only very small part of the doodads in Voile.

Koakuma arrived at the center of Voile, where a massive golden globe of unknown purpose sat majestically, grooves and marks on its surface shifting slowly. Under the globe, on a large comfy red couch opposite to a circular desk sat with extremely long purple hair, wearing a crisp white suit. Her irritated face reveals, however, that she does not find the suit uncomfortable. "Miss Patchouli, your guests are here."
Patchouli stood up. She was of average female height, looked about in her early 20s, and was unanimously beautiful, from decently cute to heartstopping depending on who you ask. Her posture was refined and flawless, and considering how little time she spent in working out, she had a nice figure.
"Welcome to the Voile library." Patchouli greeted, her eyes not leaving her book. Her indifference was still there, but it wasn't as bad as last few days when she wouldn't even give a greeting to her guests, leaving Koakuma to handle the possibly annoyed guests. "So the news travel really fast in the Inventory, doesn't it?"
"Wha?" Demoman woke up from his drunken mumbling to realize what Soldier just said. The old friendship on that battlefield was not for show, after all. He grinned widely as he slung one arm around the Soldier and lifted his other arm which held an empty bottle of liquor. "Tat sounds like a good idea. Thanks, mate!"
Maverick Hunter HQ
"Wait, Zero!" Nitori noticed Zero rushing out of the office, and, while Signas and Layer was confused and trying to take in what just happened, stormed out of the office to chase after Zero as well, with the minidrone EVE quickly gliding away to follow the two. "Zero, wait up!"
How large is Voile? One can only imagine as Koakuma, Marx and Magolor stepped into this giant library brimming and overflowing with magical energy. There was no ceiling, but a large, vast night sky filled with stars. Towering next to Koakuma and the two guests were rows and rows of bookshelves, organized to genres and filled with books from the deepest of the past to the newest releases, with staircases, bridges, hallways and archways leading to and fro one section to another haphazardly. One glance would suggest this is just another huge area to keep books. But this library was not to be just a massive collection of books anymore, but soon to be a giant hub of ideals, beliefs, and knowledge for the Characters who yearns for connection with the others, like the Inventory, but more geared towards magic.
Still silent, Koakuma passed by chambers containing numerous interesting magical equipments. There was a brass gyroscope with its rotors made of an unknowable crystalline material constantly tilting left and right slightly, a telescope that pointed to a distant star on the great night sky, a set of giant Erlenmeyer flasks boiling with green, gooey potion... and those were only very small part of the doodads in Voile.

Koakuma arrived at the center of Voile, where a massive golden globe of unknown purpose sat majestically, grooves and marks on its surface shifting slowly. Under the globe, on a large comfy red couch opposite to a circular desk sat with extremely long purple hair, wearing a crisp white suit. Her irritated face reveals, however, that she does not find the suit uncomfortable. "Miss Patchouli, your guests are here."
Patchouli stood up. She was of average female height, looked about in her early 20s, and was unanimously beautiful, from decently cute to heartstopping depending on who you ask. Her posture was refined and flawless, and considering how little time she spent in working out, she had a nice figure.
"Welcome to the Voile library." Patchouli greeted, her eyes not leaving her book. Her indifference was still there, but it wasn't as bad as last few days when she wouldn't even give a greeting to her guests, leaving Koakuma to handle the possibly annoyed guests. "So the news travel really fast in the Inventory, doesn't it?"
