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[IC] Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix

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    Planet Dua - Mirror Sea - Isle of Spirits
    Halls of Time - 1st floor - Main Room

    Hajime and Eve looked down at what was going on from the staircase. When John was opening the door the loud sound of the door slowly opening echoed throughout the room, and attracted Hajime and Eve's attention. They both turned to John and looked at the opened door.

    Eve nodded as she grabbed Hajime by the arm, and tried to get him to go with her. At first Hajime was hesitant. He was still trying to process everything that is going on...

    "Hajime please... come on!" Eve proclaimed as Hajime snapped out of his trance and turned to her then John. "W-What!?" He asked obviously confused. "We need to go!" Eve replied as she began to drag Hajime into the doorway with her, then Hajime finally ran in through the door with Eve.


      Isles of spirits-Outside the manor of eternity-inside KuroiKaze

      The orb that was Eorthe phased through the metal walls into the ship, before transforming back into human form. She quickly shut and locked the door and used her own power to power up the ship. The systems powered up and the AI that had lain dormant now woke up. Nhiome ran a scan of the ship and found nothing off...except the power source, he then checked the ship's internal camera's and noticed Eorthe slumped in the pilot seat.

      "How are the systems up when the crystals are not providing power...Eorthe?" Nhiome's voice issued from the speakers. Eorthe barely looked up and explained about how she was powering the ship herself. "And get the shields up please, we might need it against those shadowy creatures outside... I can only power one main component of the ship at the time at the moment, my regeneration rate is not that great as of yet. So I can't power both the engines and the shields at the same time, and I doubt we could fly through those without shields." Nhiome took a quick peek outside using the cameras, and quickly got the shields up, those creatures swooping around in the skies looked scary. Nhiome considered what to do, but couldn't think of anything they could do, he supposed all he could do was wait for those creatures to disperse. Eorthe slumped in the chair, hardly moving, the transformation into energy form had put an immense strain on her.
      How many times can you die a day~?
      How many times have you died a day~?


        Planet Dua - Mirror Sea - Isle of Spirits
        Halls of Time - 1st floor - Sanctuary of Light

        John looked around for the strange woman that attacked him, but saw nothing. Either the woman escaped, or she died. Either way, she was no longer something John or Cortana needed to worry about. Reacting quickly, John entered the sanctuary and pushed at the door with all of his might. The hinges of the door screeched as John forced it shut, slowly moving the colossal door until a loud click from the hinges could be heard. Once the door was closed, Cortana reset all of the armor's systems to their original settings and spoke.

        "That was a close one.", Cortana remarked.

        "At least we made it.", John said to Cortana in a calm tone as he looked over to their newest acquaintances.

        John didn't know what it was, but he had a feeling that he knew these people. Just like with Mara and that ghost earlier, John felt as if he knew them, but he could only remember bits and pieces, a vague memory here, and a distant memory there. At the very least, he knew that he knew them. Maybe he was even friends with them, but couldn't fully remember.

        "Who are you two?", John calmly asked Hajime and Eve.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Planet Dua - Mirror Sea - Isle of Spirits
          Halls of Time - 1st floor - Sanctuary of Light

          Hajime and Eve who were finally in the Sanctuary were breathing heavily... well Hajime was, Eve was simply standing there with her hand on his back.

          They then turned to John. Hajime simply stared at them as feelings that he knew them came over him. He then stood up and turned to John. "... The name is... Hajime... thanks for getting that door open... I wonder what those things were..." Hajime said as Eve stepped forward. "My name is Eve, I was once Queen of the Nasod's. However that was a long time ago from what I can remember." She said as she politely bowed.

          Nevaaras - CY-001

          Megumi stopped as Morice turned to her.

          "My name is... my... name is... Megumi..." She said as though she almost forgot her name. Megumi then simply stood there, staring at Morice with a slightly curious, blank, and even somewhat cute look on her face. Like she was in the middle of a daydream, and forgot everything around her. However... she was simply examining him...



            Morice was studying Megumi. She seemed pretty loose minded to stutter her own name. Really. But otherwise, Morice was looking at her... He thought she was...

            Morice blushed, but covered his face in his cowl a second after.

            "Gh... Anywho, how much did you hear?"


              Halls of Time - 1st floor - Sanctuary of Light

              Leaning on a wall, Mara took a breath and relaxed as her body was releasing the stress she had thanks to the charged attacks done

              So.. what are we searching for here?" she asked outloud not caring to look at anyone while recovering
              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                Planet Dua - Mirror Sea - Isle of Spirits
                Manor of Eternity - Bridge to the Sanctuary of Light

                "Those things seemed to be some kind of energy-based beings. From what we could tell, they are weak against electric and light-based attacks.", Cortana said to Hajime from John's suit's speakers.

                After Cortana spoke, John thought it was only fair that he introduce himself. After all, they seemed to know each other in the past.

                "I am UNSC Master Chief Petty Officer Sierra-117, and the voice you just heard was Cortana.", John calmly said to Hajime and Eve.
                Last edited by S121; 02-20-2014, 11:52 PM.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Planet Dua - Mirror Sea - Isle of Spirits
                  Halls of Time - 1st floor - Sanctuary of Light

                  Hajime looked at John as he rolled his eyes.

                  "Whatever, we're safe now... and if they were weak against electrical based attacks, then I could have been of damn use..." He said as he looked at the palms of his gloved hands. As he did a few visible electrical sparks coursed down his arms, and to his hands. He then sighed as he turned to John and Eve.

                  "So... what now?"

                  Nevaaras - CY-001

                  Megumi again looked at Morice with that same look on her face as she simply shrugged her shoulders.

                  "I was not paying attention at all. It was a private matter, and that's all I know. I do not wish to delve into someone's personal matters unless I must do so." She said as she looked up at the desert sky for a brief moment before turning back to Morice.



                    Morice looked at Megumi with a confused look.

                    "... Why are you so bloody light-headed? You're not mocking me, are you? You'd best tread carefully..." He said, still with a confused look.


                      Originally posted by Cucoo5 View Post
                      Outside the Manor of Eternity

                      A storm was growing and was passing overhead. The dark clouds did not bode well. The once white Halls of Time began to grow dark as shadows overtook it. Superior Demonarcs were soaring overhead...
                      True form Demonarc Umbras.
                      They looked the part of wraith-like gargoyle-like devils with no real defined features except their long thin arms, body, and legs with large claws as well as their pointed faces that seemed to have horns with their red eyes and massive dark wings. Other Superior Demonarc variants, such as the Bia and others, were roaming the island.

                      Manor of Eternity - Bridge to the Sanctuary of Light

                      The Bridge the main group were on was protected with light that radiated from the central tower of the massive Manor of Eternity. It was an ornate structure with flowing arches that passed overhead but permitted the view outside. Another set of doors awaited.


                        Nevaaras - CY-001

                        Megumi tilted her head as though she was confused, but then she shook her head no.

                        "No I am not mocking you. I have no reason as to mock you. I am just following you because I too wish to find this Mining Facility." She said as she looked up at the sky once again. The sun was directly above the colony, indicating that it is mid day.

                        Megumi then turned back to Morice as she fell to her knees. "It's... so hot... I'm going to... take a small nap now..." She said as she collapses right there in front of Morice, passing out due to the heat once again.


                          Halls of Time - 1st floor - Sanctuary of Light

                          Looking at the now sealed door and then to the next set of gates, Mara spoke to everyone "Unless you want to face those shadows again, the only way is through thse doors heading to the tower" she said getting up and walking towards the next doors
                          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                            Morice's eyes widened, still looking confused.

                            "... Bloody hell... Doesn't she know the dangers of passing out in front of a pirate?"

                            He simply stood there.

                            "... Hell."

                            He walked over to Megumi and picked her up from under her arms.

                            "F*cking light headed ditz passing out on me. At least I'm not taking you to Nervaas."

                            He dragged her away to put her somewhere safe.


                              Planet Dua - Mirror Sea - Isle of Spirits
                              Manor of Eternity - Bridge to the Sanctuary of Light

                              After John spoke, he heard Mara call out to him and the others. Now that John's attention was taken away from Hajime and Eve, he saw an even bigger threat that before. Outside the flowing arches to their sides was the view of the sky, where John could see a swirling mass of what John could only guess was those demonic shadows from before. Luckily for them, the bridge was protected by light that radiated from the manor's central tower. After seeing the disaster outside, John shifted his gaze to the doors up ahead. Unlike the doors from before, these doors were taller. Knowing what he had to do, John sprinted across the bridge and towards the doors at 60 mph, covering a distance of 13 meters (44 feet) within half a second. As soon as John reached the door, he quickly readied himself to move it and waited for Cortana to alter his suit's parameters.

                              "No, that won't do. This door is different. My scans indicate that there is some kind of energy current coursing through this door, keeping it locked. The only way we're getting through is if we drain it of all power. I primed your suit for the extra energy. Whenever you're ready, Chief.", Cortana said to John.

                              John simply nodded and placed his hands on the door. Just then, the power from the door suddenly began to course through the energy transfer circuits in John's hands, through his suit, and into his power supply. From there, the extra power was routed to the Nova Engine within the suit's reactor. As the power sealing the door was being drained, Cortana added a percentage counter of the door's power to John's HUD, allowing him to see how much more he needed to drain before being allowed to open the door.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Manor of Eternity - Bridge to the Sanctuary of Light

                                Mara reached the door as the spartan awas absorving energy from it "Ive got to ask, what does that armor canīt do?" she asked and had an idea

                                outting her arm close to the gate, the bioroid put her palm on it and felt the energy coming into her body. The biomechanical parts of her whirred with the sudden charge into them as she was surprised by how easily she was back at her optimal state

                                "Interesting.. looks like there is technology close since this door is of similar state" she spoke taking her hand out of the doorīs reach
                                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..


