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[OOC Board] Eternal Galaxy: Shards of Starlight - Part I

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    note, internet being laggy, but fighting it
    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



      @ S121

      I think in a sense it's interchangeable...
      just what I always thought...


        @ Book

        Just in case you accidentally misinterpret what happened in Sol Incineron.
        I thank ye cause I get to bring out a bit more of the mentality of Venturians towards the War of Eternity.


          @ Mima

          For the Reaper, I can't think of anything that would have a galactic bounty...
          You can decide something, heck anything.


            Okay then, I had something in mind anyways.

            Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

            You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


              @ Pandre

              Meep! Uhm a few points that were probably confusing and hence why I should draw up a giant chess board like thing for the entire galaxy so we can keep track of locations of everything...

              The Gamma Class that went to Sol Inceneron didn't originate from Celestora System. The NGO ship that was in Celestora was a Beta Class. (Again...I should make a giant picture of the galaxy with like a grid so that I can move 'Pieces' to their proper location so there's no confusion because the names are similar and I'm still regretting doing that TwT; ...any suggestions on how I could do this?)

              Fuel and ammo is a mute point cause everything runs on Aura Energy which is infinite as long as the crystal is not completely used all at once. (I need to balance out this system so there's definitive how these things work...Right now Assume any ship can not spend its Aura crystal in normal flight, unless pushing itself for raw speed.)

              Plus an Alpha Class is the end all cruiser. It can sustain itself and its crew (see my one IC Post for an idea of what I mean) for decades as long as the crystal core has power and intact (which is massive and at naturally, the core of the ship, therefore cannot be reached in combat unless someone were to get on board and sabotage it.)
              In short, its not a question of "can an Alpha survive against a Gamma?", it's "Is the Gamma stupid enough to face off, by itself, against an Alpha?"

              In short, Commanders of an Alpha Class typically are wise and also confident by nature. Think the ideal soldier. No stuttering, no hesitation. They have zero doubt when they make a decision, especially when it comes to combat as they are in command of one of eight greatest battle ships in the galaxy.

              ...Also, Commander Suria has an in-depth backstory that is key to the main plot. I didn't just make her up. I would have a bio for her and all of my characters, unfortunately there's a few 40-50 some so...ya.
              In short, let me know before you try and take control of her. Plus Beta Division can't leave Celestora yet. In addition, Beta Division only has authority in Celestora and Egale System, though this will change soon when Alpha Division comes and throws that out the window.

              So...the only big problem is Commander Suria in your post and the fact that Beta Division's Flagship Fleet is about to go after a single NGO Gamma class is not in character.

              I'll work out a way to make it so you can follow the Gamma, but it'll just be a bit different. Instead of the entire Fleet, I would say Commander Suria would send a single Delta Class with Fighter escorts.

              @ Mima

              You know...part of me would wonder how or why a black market would exist if the economic system in Venturia is set in such a fashion that it wouldn't be really necessary. Unless the War of Eternity drove these people underground then that would make sense.

              And the "currency" is Credits. No idea what kind of symbol to use, so that's up for suggestions.

              And I think I posted how the economy is supposed to sorta work...lemme dig that up.


              EDIT: Here's the portion from the More Details Section that pertains to everything I mentioned to a degree in this post:

              Anyway, there's a few more details I want to also point out for the sake of more details:

              - Money has been replaced in any planet governed by the Venturian Council. Instead there is a credit system which allows someone to live regularly. However, if they want to obtain certain services beyond what they are provided, then the individual needs to find a job to obtain extra credits.

              - Space travel is commonplace, not too many societies are isolated from this.

              - Crystals are an abundant resource and are utilized as the primary power of anything and are sort of like super batteries that can recharge themselves...which is known to be physically impossible and is explained by a mystical concept.

              Will add details if things come up.


              Space travel is common place, personal transports are easily obtainable. Most common transports for intra-planet travel are personal hovercycles.

              For intergalactic travel there's "Warp Gates" which can link to any other powered on Warp Gate in the galaxy.

              I'ma steal the look of the one in Star Fox: Assault

              In this video it warps to a specified coordinate, in this story it has to be another gate.

              Standard life: varies with the planets. There can be heavily colonized planets that have futuristic cities to planets that are trading posts and only have wood cabins or w/e (I'll reference like Tatooine in Star Wars)

              - Cities: Stereotypical future city with hovercars and w/e (refrencing Sonic Riders for what one of the first things I think of aside from scenes in Star Wars)

              - Trading Posts: I'll just say its more like Tatooine in Star Wars and leave the rest to imagination.

              - Space Ports: These are like futuristic Airports combined with a small city. Sometimes replaces Trading Posts.

              - You can add anything else you want, honestly the spectrum is pretty large because of the fact its a galactic stage.

              Weaponry has advanced beyond projectiles, although missiles are still sometimes used. Standard issue infantry weapons are C-Pulse Rifles which use energy from the crystals to create "Concentrated" (hence the C) energy blasts. Other variations include special lenses which adapts the crystal to a different element type so there can be flamethrowers, water cannons, wind cannons, etc. With the crystals, they can be used indefinitely as long as a moment to let them recharge is allowed. Typically there are limiters which slow the fire rate so that the crystal can recharge. If the limiter is removed, then the crystals can be depleted, but then the weapon becomes useless and then you would need to replace the crystal, so it could be like changing a clip in a standard gun, except most guns if you were to rapid fire to kill, would last only 10-20 rounds or w/e would be a very small amount.

              Space Fighters are also common and have similar attributes. Limiters are typically implemented to keep the fighter's speed down so that the crystal doesn't die. Also computer systems can regulate speed, firepower, and shields accordingly. There are two types of fighter pilots, which determines the type of fighter:
              Mavericks and Drones.
              - Mavericks are pilots that believe in going in their fighter and meeting danger head on.
              - Drones are Pilots that remotely control their fighters.

              A maverick fighters vary depending on the pilot's preference. For example: Aion sacrifices overall firepower and shields for raw speed and agility. Whereas Joe sacrifices shields for agility and firepower.
              Drone pilots tend to value raw offensive power over shields and speed.
              Aside from the obvious fact that a lot of the details here are vague, you can get a feel for what I'm talking about.
              =w= I really should set up more specifics TwT;
              (ugh I'm screwin up bad here)
              Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-07-2013, 08:40 PM.


                They were driven underground due to the war, they mainly want to stay the hell out of it's way so it doesn't cut into profit.

                Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                  @ Mima


                  @ Everyone

                  Ok vote:
                  who says that I should make individual bios for all 50+ characters that are important to the core story?


                  Commander Sullivan
                  Lieutenant Navarre
                  Commander Suria
                  Commander Regalis
                  Lady Avonna
                  Commander Roderick
                  Lieutenant Revere
                  Goddess Venturia (Anankerisa)
                  Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-07-2013, 09:12 PM.



                    Are you sure that you want to write 50+ bios? 0_0
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                      You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                        @ S121

                        What Mima said
                        though I am perfectly prepared to go through it if necessary.
                        Part one only has half of the fifty It wouldn't be that bad...


                        Part of me is starting to wonder if I should have just started with Part III where Venturia Galaxy is basicly being colonized by outside worlds and only ruins of what had happened in Part I + II remain which therefore would eliminate a lot of the specifics and therefore have truly allowed for anything at all to happen, rather than this horrid "anything can happen as long as..." situation that is currently happening...
                        Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-07-2013, 09:28 PM.


                          Black markets can also be used for trading of illegal goods, like i'm pretty sure Nhiome wouldn't be allowed to trade for his ship-building materials, electronics etc in a normal market
                          How many times can you die a day~?
                          How many times have you died a day~?


                            @ Book
                            Ship Building?
                            Technically he could with the Credit system,
                            but because he's gone's actually harder(more dangerous) to do things like that.

                            The Credit system would be sort of a utopian system where being able to build things like custom ships is commonplace because everyone (even if they don't do anything) gets Credits daily which is enough to live and do some recreation. If a person wanted to get more credits to do bigger projects, then they would have to do something. (I tried to think it through...but no matter what it wouldn't really work out in our society so just assume Venturian society is structured where this works.)
                            For example, Aion, Joe, Ember, Navarre, and Revere for example all have custom built fighters. Aion built his under the guidance of Orion and he was only about 16 at the time. (Before it was a fighter it was just an aircraft. At the age of twenty he began to repurpose it.) Joe has a similar story, though no one helped him with his, he just went and got the parts and built it.

                            @ Everyone
                            And another Vote:
                            Who thinks I shoulda started with Part III instead of starting at the beginning of Part I? (Part III is open field where colonists and archeologists come to ruins of what was once Venturia and just do w/e because they're all from outside the Galaxy so anything and everything would legitly go with that and I wouldn't have to be micromanaging things and it would be completely free to do as you please unlike what I currently have...which is absolutely horrid for what I'm starting to feel...)


                              Originally posted by Cucoo5 View Post
                              @ S121


                              Part of me is starting to wonder if I should have just started with Part III where Venturia Galaxy is basicly being colonized by outside worlds and only ruins of what had happened in Part I + II remain which therefore would eliminate a lot of the specifics and therefore have truly allowed for anything at all to happen, rather than this horrid "anything can happen as long as..." situation that is currently happening...
                              If you really want to, you could shorten some stuff to get to that point.

                              Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                              You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                                In order to do that, somehow everyone would have to go through the Halls of Time.
                                The Halls naturally open at the end of Part I...

                                Shoot...a lot of Part I + II is stage setting for Part III but it theoretically would be possible to just start with Part III...
                                The only way to really accelerate the plot is to get Aion through the story fast. I would focus solely on him....but then...

                                dammit I screwed up with this.

                                I had initially intended for this to go through Part I and Part II to develop the entire history of the Galaxy and then Intended on Part III being when the giant reset button hits and everything is just a bunch of ruins (like what was once the City of Duon is then ancient ruins.) and thus anyone that RPs in the world could incorporate that information as everything went along. But I'm starting to think it wasn't the best idea to do now...

                                Idk, what do you guys think?

