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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Happy Birthday!

    I was tired of using pictures to say happy birthday, so I was going to build a cake in Minecraft, but there's no room in Creative Flats. -_-;

    Hopefully, Chen with a cake will suffice.

    Anyways, I think the card game has progressed a little bit.


    You might want to respond to Yukari, so that Wriggle can start up again.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      If you find me in the server I can find you a space.




        I'll try to get on, but expect me to laaa-aa-aaaa-ag.

        When should I get on?
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          @ Wriggs
          I had this to post.

          Originally posted by wonderweiss View Post
          Lucifer looked at Gluttoneriel.

          "Hello there, 'brother.'"

          Nee had a smile on his face, but his eyes supposed a very displeased expression.

          "Gone pure? I didn't think such a thing was possible.

          "Greed looked on.

          "... Raise 500. Not making any commitments yet."

          Lucifer leaned back."Nice little secret you've been keeping from me all this time Isadora-"

          But then, the sight of her made him wince.

          "... What an unfortunate coincidence that you look like her. Maribelle... Well, she's dead nothing you not even I can do about it. Anyways, when did these... Bloody hell, what were they- ah yes, characters. When did they cone around?"


            Not today that's for sure.



              You might also want to respond with Komachi.

              Originally posted by Wriggle

              "What, you need a witness?" Yukari raised her left eyebrow, full of mischief. "Please, I want to finish my drink at least."



              Just as well. I still need to carve up a pumpkin.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Originally posted by NeoFox View Post
                Well Model X Ultimate isn't an official thing. It's a fanmade form for Model X.

                I imagine that it would have similar abilities to Copy X's combat form.

                Abilities Model X Ultimate would grant:

                Flight capabilities (though Koishi can already fly! Well Model X Ultimate will increase Koishi's maneuverability during flight quite significantly. Allowing her to turn on a dime.)

                Model X Buster gains increased power as the charge shot will be much larger and act like Ultimate Armor X's charge shot. As it will leave a small orb upon impact that will continue to damage anyone that touches it.

                Can change between 3 different elemental modes:

                Lightning: The blue on the armor becomes a yellowish green. It let's Koishi fire powerful blasts of electricity from the X-Buster, as well as being able to fire a wall of electricity (the wall of electricity is about 6ft tall, and 6 ft wide. It will travel in the same direction Koishi is facing no matter her altitude. It basically acts as a large shield that flies forward, damaging anyone that comes into contact with it.)

                Fire: The blue on the armor turns a fiery red. Let's Koishi fire large streams of fire at the opponent as well a more powerful flamethrower type attack out of the Model X Buster. The flamethrower attack has a range of 10 ft, and is highly damaging.

                Ice: The blue on the armor turns a icy cold light blue. It let's Koishi fire spears made of ice out of the Model X Buster as well as a more powerful wave of ice that travels the ground. The wave of ice can reach up to 5 ft in height, and will rip most objects it comes into contact with to shreds as well as freezing most anything it touches.

                Model X Ultimate will not increase Koishi's speed or Defense higher than the normal defense and speed boost Model X grants her by default. This is however negated by the fact that Koishi is granted the powerful Nova Strike which is just like Ultimate Armor X's Nova Strike. Koishi surrounds herself in a golden aura of energy then flies forward. Dealing an insane amount of damage to enemies, at the cost of dealing equal damage to herself.

                Model X Ultimate will basically increase her overall offenses and aerial mobility when using Model X, but not her default Model X defenses and speed.

                I imagine that perhaps if Koishi will take part in my story arc she will be put through a tough battle and Model X gets damaged. Though during the battle Model X who will still wish to protect Koishi at all costs will end up unleashing the true power of Model X. Model Ultimate X! A sort of hyper mode if you will.

                It will also allow her to breathe in SSSPPPAAACCCEEE!!!
                Eh, Koishi might take part in your arc, depends on how it goes.

                Koishi: Again, cooooooooooool.

                She likes saying that. On another note, i've been playing a game called the Stanley Parable, and I have a certain urge to introduce something from it into next season.

                Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                  Well, I'm out. Night y'all.



                    Nighty night.


                    What did you have in mind?
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                      Well Model X Ultimate does not need to be introduced in my story arc. Could be introduced later.
                      Also my arc won't just involve Zero starting to fully awaken, and Sigma trying to infect the world globally with the Sigma Virus. It will also involve trying to find the other Biometal's. Didn't Koishi say she would help Model X find his friends (the other Biometal's) when they first met?


                        im back stressed and desiring to punch an idiot´s face, idc who
                        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                          @ Kristia

                          *hides behind alter ego Nero* PUNCH HIM!
                          "Eh?! WHAT DID I DO?!?"
                          Shuddap and take it like a man!
                          "How about you take it?"
                          d*mn right, and proud of it!
                          *Nero facepalms*


                            As much as I would like to punch him, we need Nero in an RP, instead im breaking peanuts with force
                            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                              Welcome back!

                              What's the matter? (If it makes you angrier to talk about it, then it's okay to tell me to shove off. )
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Remember that a group of students noticed me on work?

                                Today´s morning was a full fiasco, from being avoided, whispers, and so on. But nooo, the loud mouthers come come to me and picked on me.

                                Obviously I came armed for the war and defended with the fact that I take care with some of the students´ little brothers and sisters. A boy obviously started his blabbering about how a low class worker managed to sneak on college and bla bla bla.

                                Well, I did what was fine by me, countered with the same coin saying how a simpleton ape managed to get out of zoo (he is a big guy with not much brain)

                                Next thing I know is a punch gracing my face and instinctly acted hitting his throat with the side of my palm and kneed his nose

                                A teacher came and took both of us to the nursery since his broken nose and my cut cheek.

                                I managed to evade the bullet of being suspended thanks to the fact that I had witnesses. Rebeca is a guardian angel

                                I don´t even want to go to school tomorrow, now they will surely think Im a violent being
                                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..


