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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    By the time I reach the Apocalyptic Arc, I will have 100+ sides, due to me forced to control various generals of the extraterrestrial army.

    I can manage it though.
    Shut up Yukari!


      NPC Character of Choice: Hidden Phantom (goes by just Phantom.)

      Game of Origin: Mega Man Zero.

      Power: As a Reploid clone of the original X, Phantom is an extremely powerful warrior in his own right. Having his design based around X's stealth capabilities, Phantom's fighting style and abilities revolve around various ninja-like arts, such as stealth, deception and misdirection.

      Weapons: Combined with his ninja skills he has a matching set of tools such as smoke bombs, a katana-like blade and a large shuriken which can break apart into several kunai and serve as a flying platform. His EX skill makes the whole background dark and throw 4 kunai in different directions. Together with the fact that he is the first boss in the first Mega Man Zero game with three health bars, arguably makes Phantom one of the most difficult bosses in this game.

      Weaknesses: He has no known weaknesses. Though in this RP I would consider him to not be very tough in physical endurance, and physical strength. Relying more on strategy, and stealth to take down his opponent.

      Appearance: He stands at 5ft 5

      Personality: Phantom has a calm, quiet demeanor. His major trait is his unwavering allegiance to his "Master X", displaying more loyalty than his three counterparts (none of whom were willing to sacrifice their lives in order to protect Copy X, possibly since they knew he was not really their "master" only a flawed replica of him). Phantom has no mercy for those who oppose Neo Arcadia. His sacrifice may be considered admirable, despite the flawed nature of its cause. Now since his "Master" is not in this world (at least he thinks so. When he discovers the real X is alive he will do his best to find him) he roams the world, looking for another reason to start fighting again.

      Morality: Heavy Neutral. He travels alone, looking for another reason to fight.

      Biography: At some point, Phantom and the other three Guardians were cloned from X's DNA; for exactly what purpose is unknown (and exactly when is unknown), though it may have simply been to be bodyguards for X as they have been for around a century in Neo Arcadia. At some point, the four became military generals of Neo Arcadia, responsible for the overall safely of its inhabitants, both humans and Reploids. Phantom became the leader of the Zan'ei Army, Neo Arcadia's stealth units and anti-Resistance intelligence unit.

      During the events of Mega Man Zero he sacrificed himself to save "Master X" (Copy X) by self destructing in an attempt to kill Zero. He eventually became a Cyber Elf and entered Cyberspace to face Zero once more. Now he has been revived and brought into this world. A world without a master to serve, and without a nation to fight for. He now wanders the streets of Idaho with nothing but a ragged brown cloak and hood to cover his shame of having no one to serve.

      Traumas: Not having a master, which caused him to stop fighting altogether.

      Notes: N/A


        Well, three things.

        1. I wanna join the Idaho arc as young ocelot.

        2. My brudah says he's considering joining the forumz. Here's to hopin.

        3. Well, I get the slight feeling that team morale has decreased. However, it's just a theory. {a gme theory!} Therefore, if I get this feeling any longer, I will start up a new thread. Just ask if ya wanna know. If ya wanna keep it a surprise, then don't!

        Either way, here's to a hopefully good day of rp-ing.


          I don't think Morale has decreased, it's just that we are in a less exciting point of the RP.

          I notice that things slow down when there's not a conflict going on. People feel less pressure and are not as excited about what will happen next.

          It's kind of like the flow of a river. Some parts are calm and flow slowly, while other parts rush along and are very turbulent.

          {A game theory} <------ Hey! I know what that's from!
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            @ S121
            Oh, I just said it wrong. I did mean less exited over it. But I'm going to mie a separate thread to the "All the world's a game" thread(s). I shall call it... [DATA EXPUNGED]!!! Btw, pyro's a homosexual male, the companion cube is a box of bodies, and pokemon is NOT pro- satan or racist, but IS pro- animal abuse. SPOILER ALERT!


              and im back again, effing internet hates me
              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                I know, same here. And this f*ckin storm doesn't help.


                  Thinking of how to introduce Phantom.


                    I'm going to make the application for the stranger as soon as I get the comp back. My bro is watchin skydoesminecraft at the moment. By the way...

                    Neo, I still dont know how you make big picturs! Pleez tell me hao.




                        Image url? How does that work?


                          I think like this.

                          EDIT: Yep, it works.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            I am still thinking of how to bring Phantom into this. Also go here Wonder to find out how to do it exactly.



                              Here, let me try putting up a pic of what Otori looks like.

                              By the way, does he actually look like sasuke in an agents suit? Yes. Just take away the leaf symbols via photoshop or imagination or something.


                                Does ANYONE have an idea of how to introduce Phantom? I have no ideas at the moment.

                                Also wriggle...

                                No mention of X in your post? I mean literally... wasn't he also at Base 3?
                                Last edited by NeoFox; 06-13-2013, 06:21 PM.

