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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Like I said... music.

    Do you want would've-been's for stage 4 now?


      Welcome back again!

      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        you donīt know how I enjoyed writing that post XD

        I also wrote something that Yukari may hear, so check it wriggle
        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



          I'm just gonna go on a limb and reveal the character I plan on introducing soon.

          NPC Character of Choice: Duo

          Game of Origin: Mega Man 8

          Power: Duo himself has greater strength than average robots. He has the ability to turn himself into a comet form to crush his opponents: he can fly while in this form, enabling him to traverse great distances in outer space. He attacks primarily by punching using his large left hand to create shock waves, though he is capable of using projectile weapons, the most powerful of which is a blast in the shape of his own hand. Duo can also dash to hurt his enemies with the spikes on his shoulder. He has a radar equipped in his head for detecting energy signatures. Having been created for the purpose of destroying evil energy, he seems to have the unique ability to purge said energy from an infected victim's body, as demonstrated when saving Mega Man in Mega Man 8.

          Weapons: None really, except for his gigantic fist which he can fire energy projectiles in the shape of his fist from.

          Weaknesses: None are specified.

          Appearance: He stands at 6ft 8

          Personality: He is a robot hellbent on destroying all evil energy within the known universe where he was from. He may seem cold at first, but he is rather quiet and cares about protecting those from Evil Energy. It is impossible to get him angry. He also seems rather distant from others and does not show emotions. He admires people who have a strong will and kind heart. Such as the original Mega Man who at the end of Mega Man 8 was infected by the Evil Energy, but was actually trying to fight it. Duo noticed this in Mega Man and as such admires Mega Man's strength. He does not tolerate any sort of evil. He is an ally worth having.

          Morality: Lawful Good.

          Biography: He is an extraterrestrial space police robot with the mission to eliminate the Evil Energy. His left hand glows to absorb and destroy the Evil Energy, and his head possessed a radar for detecting the precise location of Evil Energy.

          Duo chronologically first appeared in the beginning of Mega Man 8 fighting in space against an unknown Evil Robot with Evil Energy. As they collide into each other, they fall towards Earth and the two crash on an island. Mega Man is sent by Dr. Light to investigate the island, where he finds, and takes the broken Duo to Dr. Light while Dr. Wily gets away with the Evil Energy. After Dr. Light starts to repair Duo, and after the defeat of the first four Robot Masters, Duo awakes and goes after the Evil Energy in Dr. Wily's hideout. There he finds, and fights against Mega Man thinking he wanted to interfere with his mission, before realizing that Mega Man had a strong sense of justice. He then joins forces with Mega Man, helping him against Dr. Wily, and later saving his life.

          Now he is headed to Gensokyo because of the large amount of Evil that he is detecting there.

          Notes: His theme



            I don't think Duo will like John. He uses darkness. It's not exactly evil, but Duo might interpret it as such...
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.





              Marisa (I couldn't find a good Love-Colored Master Spark remix {Partially because you like the original so much} so I decided on Magus Night):

              Satori (WHY SO MANY SATORI REMIX):



              1. Tell me if posting vids like this lags the page. I'll only post the links then.
              2. Kristia, tell Nera to prepare herself because Yukari...

              3. Neo, wth is that meteor?
              Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 07-26-2013, 12:31 AM.



                He might. Duo will actually be cautious of John at first, however when he realizes that John's intentions are good then Duo will actually begin to warm up to John sort of.


                  1. Tell me if posting vids like this lags the page. I'll only post the links then.
                  2. Kristia, tell Nera to prepare herself because Yukari...

                  3. Neo, wth is that meteor?


                    That meteor was Duo. He can transform himself into a blue meteor of energy to travel long distances in a short time.

                    Check the previous page or so for Duo's app >.>


                      "Awwwwwwww f*ck..."
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Looks like someone didn't read their homework -w-


                          The fox and the jackal know the risks, you can ask the D-reaper, Darkrai, piedmon, the Devas, Giratina and yes even a rebellious diglett
                          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                            BTW Here's a remix of Galaxy Man's theme from Mega Man 9

                            One of the best remixes of his theme that I've heard.

                            Also I wonder what Reimu would think when she sees Dust Man who is cleaning the entire shrine!


                              {Darkrai, okay. Giratina, okay. Diglett?}

                              {*Shivers and hides in corner.}

                              Oh yeah, Yukari once failed her Pokemon Yellow nuzlocke because of one level 17 Diglett in the Diglett's cave.



                                You mean these little guys? (PS: It's three in a group...)

                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

