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Vladimir was actually a gladiator from an unknown world that the Devourer has Extracted. Vladimir wanted his world back, so he challenged the Devourer on a bet: if Vladimir could successfully Extract 100 worlds, he would get his world back.
WAIT EVERYBODY!!! Remember the large Enigma Cannon that was a ground to space laser that the Maverick Hunters used? Well they got it prepared, do you think I can have the Enigma Cannon be fired at the Consumer?
I know, but you said that they were using the tails to boost the Extractor's speed. The only place to put something with such power would be in the reactor.
Originally posted by S121
Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.
About a few miles wide. I'd say 5 miles wide as a radius. The thing is with the recent upgrades to it they can fire it far more often, they would be able to either...
A: Use repeated fire of a powerful laser with a radius 2-6 miles wide.
B: Or use ALL power for a Blast radius of about 20-30 miles wide (and far more powerful.)
Though someone would have to send a communication to the Maverick Hunter HQ after they fire the laser the first time for the larger laser blast. Perhaps the Lunarians could send them a communication if that would be the case?
We can have them fire it at Lunarian flagship, which can use Mercury Cloaking Field (roll with it) to deflect it back at the Consumer for even larger damage. Even then, however, there's a risk of destroying the flagship, deflection missing, target miscommunication, etc.