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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Welcome back!
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      Boy, are you calling me lazy!?!

      Yea, I've gotten lazy for a while...

      @ Wriggle


        You know, I was thinking...

        How big of an impact would it be if certain characters in this RP were to die permanently, and what kind of impact would a characters death have?



          Well, if John died, then the world would be in serious trouble from the Auditor, the demons, and the Organization. Oh, and Yukari would probably go scary apesh*t on whoever was responsible.

          If Isaac died, then... wow, I'm not sure anybody would really care. That's messed up! D8

          If Six died, then nobody would be able to teach the other Spartans the advanced skills from Halo's dimension. Also, Claire would be heartbroken.

          If Jason died, then he would have the same problem as Isaac.

          If Jack and/or Daniel died, then there would be even less Spartan-Vs. They wouldn't be able to perform the more dangerous missions and protect the lab.

          If Lily died, then Raven would probably have a nuclear meltdown.
          Last edited by S121; 09-25-2013, 05:11 PM.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Raven literally will have a meltdown (not a literal nuclear one, but more like a sheer mental breakdown.) Raven would go so berserk with rage that his Nasod Arm would probably end up taking control of him right then and there, and amplify his rage even further.

            I would tell you that if the person that killed Lily was not someone overly powerful, and godlike Raven will give them complete hell (even if they were Raven would probably still give them hell.) All of his attacks becoming more brutal and dangerous as he loses all control of his body, and in turn his own eventual destruction. Lily dying would probably be just as harsh as when he lost his fiance Seris. If not even more so as he would have lost the only other person that truly understood, and the only other person that he fell in love with besides Seris.

            If Lily died it would end up with Raven losing himself to his Nasod Arm, and eventually his own destruction. In short if Lily died Raven would end up most likely dying shortly after, but not before giving the person who was responsible complete hell.

            Then Chung would be frightened, and try to stop Raven himself by saying. "I already lost my father! I DON'T WANT TO LOSE MY FRIEND!" Or something. Thus resulting in Chung seriously injured, maybe even left permanently handicapped (like Raven ripping off Chung's arm, or something else that is just as bad) due to the injuries.

            Lily's death would have QUITE an effect...

            If Raven became friends with others, then it would probably be hard for them to handle seeing Raven literally exploding with anger and rage. It would probably take a combined effort of his allies to calm Raven down.


              My random picture of the day is~

              I lol' hard...


                I wonder where everyone went...


                Anyways, I just find it kind of messed up that if Isaac died, he would most likely be forgotten soon enough. Nitori, Koishi, Alia, and Zero might be saddened over his death but they never really knew much about him anyway.


                Random pic for you!

                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  You know I think Isaac and Chung should meet in the second season. I believe they would get along just fine, and who knows... Isaac might become a sort of father figure towards Chung.

                  They are both pretty smart and are both good in combat.


                    MORE RANDOMNESS

                    And now for the various versions of FE: A

                    In the European version only:

                    And Japan vs USA


                      Originally posted by Cucoo5
                      MORE RANDOMNESS

                      And Japan vs USA


                      Oh, thank goodness for censorship, or else it might have warped my fragile little mind and scarred me for life.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Ooh, death reactions. An interesting rp exercise. Let's see...

                        If Shiki died- oh wait...

                        If Komachi died- um...

                        If Otori died, Shiki would be very sad and a little angry. And if you get the yama... All I'm saying is, you're going to wish you were in hell.

                        If HM died, then Daiyousei would unleash hell in the form of nature. And even if he didn't stand a chance, Otori would avenge HM to either's death.

                        Of Gerard died,... Well, we already got HM's reaction... In all honesty, I can't imagine.

                        Joy to the world if Lucifer died.



                          It sounds like they would get along, especially since Isaac could teach him how to turn powertools and junk into weapons of mass destruction.


                          If Komachi and Shiki died, they would respawn or regenerate, no real problem.

                          They would also be very mad at the person responsible. Dying is painful.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Any ideas for Gerard? Why response for his death?


                              Well if someone like Death himself from Castlevania, or someone else more powerful, and has control over spiritual beings and all could probably bind Komachi or so into a coma that seems forever... but Komachi is a Shinigami right? Wouldn't she be immune to that sort of stuff?

                              Komachi: *is "killed"*

                              Someone close to her like Dante: "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!"

                              Komachi: *Revives almost instantly*

                              Someone close to her like Dante: "Oh hey... want to grab some food?"

                              Also why did I imagine on a day like father's day Chung gives Isaac a father's day card or something indicating that indicates that Chung thinks of Isaac as a father figure xD How would Isaac react to that? X3


                              If Raven died... Lily would probably be distraught, and Chung would be in serious mourning.

                              If Chung died... what would happen?



                                Well, if Gerard died, then HM would never know that his father is actually alive. I can only imagine the reunion. How would HM take it if John then told him that he was the one responsible for Base 3's destruction?

                                Six would only be saddened by his death, but would move on very quickly. It's not that he doesn't care, it's just that he's seen so many people around him die that it no longer bothers him anymore. Seeing people around him die is a common occurrence for him and is a part of daily life.

                                Other than that, I don't have much else from my side.


                                I'm sure Isaac would be surprised by the card, but probably be touched by it. That would be interesting...

                                If Chung died, then Raven would have a similar reaction to Lily dying, only less severe.
                                Last edited by S121; 09-25-2013, 06:34 PM.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

