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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Yea, it's because everyone had some business to tend to.



      I'm not really complaining or anything, it's merely an observation.

      At least it's a break from the usual madness of fast paced RPing.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Machine gunning...


          You don't know what slow is until you've RP'd alone with MyHatIsMyFriend
          Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
          "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

          Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


            You shouldn't hope for high speed internet in the National Parks ^^;

            I'm going to watch some shows in Vegas. I'll make sure to give you the photos (and maybe videos)
            Have a good RP, Gotta charge me phone. Brb.

            I remember Hat in this RP. He was kinda the role of Mima's Auditor: unexpected stuffs.


              Originally posted by WriggleRid3r View Post
              You shouldn't hope for high speed internet in the National Parks ^^;

              I'm going to watch some shows in Vegas. I'll make sure to give you the photos (and maybe videos)
              Have a good RP, Gotta charge me phone. Brb.

              I remember Hat in this RP. He was kinda the role of Mima's Auditor: unexpected stuffs.
              I think that role would be better suited for Tricky.

              ALSO, LIST THING

              Mental's Army List

              Note: This isn't all of them, and can and probably will expand.

              General: the things they all have in common.

              Most, if not all of Mental's troops are resistant to magic

              They can either pop in from flashes out of nowhere, or from large pillars, which will spawn enemies infinitely until they are destroyed, and magic or energy based attacks make them stronger.

              Beheaded Rocketeer
              These are the grunts of Mental's army, but are usually rare, as, for the most part, they're pretty crap. They fire a slow moving rocket projectile, and can slice you if you get close, but die from even a few pistol shots.

              Beheaded Kamikaze
              These are one of the mainstrays of the army, and usually come in hordes, screaming and charging at anything they deem an enemy, exploding on contact or death. They die in a few shots.

              Kleer Skeleton
              Kleer are magically animate skeletons from a world Mental filled with lava. THey can slice you with bony claws, or throw ball and chains at you, and both hurt like hell. They are animate with weak magical links between the bones, and can be killed with a few shots from something like a shotgun.

              Flying Kleer
              Much less deployed, but wield blunderblusses, and can fire with amazing accuracy from almost any range (meaning it's a hitscan weapon. If you ain't in cover and he fires, that thing's gonna hit you.) They have the same weak links as the regular Kleer.

              Minor Biomechanoid
              These little fellas stand at about 15 feet tall, and can fire laser machine gun type things from their arms. They are somewha resistant to bullets, but a point blank double barrel shotgun blast would kill 'em.

              Major Biomechanoids
              These are much large, standing at 30 feet tall, and fire large missle launchers from their arms. They are much beefier than the minors, and can take a lot more punishment, but are still somewhat weak to explosives.


              They stand at about 25 feet tall, and wear heavy armor, and are equipped with a variety of weapons. THey have their pincers, which can both pince, and open up, revealing dual miniguns inside the pincers, which are hitscan, and have an extreme range.. They also have a large stinger, which has a lethal, though slow acting poison inside it. They are highly agressive, and with even shoot through allies to get to the enemy forces.


              These beings infect technology, and take it over, taking it for the army. They usually take vehicles, such as helicopters, or tanks, and are immune to bullets, only vulnerable to explosives.


              These beasties stand at a whopping 60 feet tall, making even John look like an ant. They fire large balls of a very strong acid, which can melt seemingly anything. They can lay eggs, which create many smaller versions of itself, which can also fire the acid. THe small ones are easily killed, but the main one can take many, many, many hits.
              Last edited by Koishi; 07-20-2013, 02:16 AM.

              Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

              You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                well then, I shall go to sleep and tomorrow I will practice with my Ran papermodel

                So have a good time ^^
                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                  I thought of another way of how Halsey would be important in the London Arc.


                    Originally posted by WriggleRid3r View Post
                    You shouldn't hope for high speed internet in the National Parks ^^;

                    I'm going to watch some shows in Vegas. I'll make sure to give you the photos (and maybe videos)
                    Have a good RP, Gotta charge me phone. Brb.

                    I remember Hat in this RP. He was kinda the role of Mima's Auditor: unexpected stuffs.
                    I said rping alone with him
                    Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
                    "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

                    Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


                      But yeah. A few of you should sign up for aeterna because this one is stunting the growth of other rps and its not cool
                      Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
                      "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

                      Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


                        Nighty night.

                        Thank you for the list.

                        If you ever need to update it, I can easily tell you what page it's on.

                        I tend to save a lot of important posts inside of a folder on my hard drive, such as all of John's crap, even all the way down to how many bullets he's used.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Originally posted by S121 View Post
                          Nighty night.

                          Thank you for the list.

                          If you ever need to update it, I can easily tell you what page it's on.

                          I tend to save a lot of important posts inside of a folder on my hard drive, such as all of John's crap, even all the way down to how many bullets he's used.
                          I'll probably make another post, since I ran out of room on that one for pictures.

                          Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                          You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                            @ Ki
                            Well, you can thank my brother for using the comp all day. I'll try to make it as soon as possible


                              Sounds like a plan.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Well as I was saying on the previous page...

                                You see in the Resident Evil series some people have a blood type that makes them resistant to the T-Virus, and many other types of viruses. What if Halsey has this kind of bloodtype? This would make her a target for Wesker and his men, because due to her immunity to the virus she would be valuable in research. Wesker would use his own blood, but he would rather use the blood of someone who has no virus in their blood stream so he would have more room to work with. After all Wesker already has a virus in his bloodstream that even though he is immune to it makes him stronger.

                                How's that?

