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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    What do you mean, violation of the original...

    you mean Elsword's concept?


      No about a post Katrix made in the IC that completely breaks the core concept of the RP.


        i think utsuh means that Katrix´s character called "Another" speech about this was yet another game instead of the real world
        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



          What post is it... let me check it.


            Originally posted by Katrix
            Sector 2

            When Six admitted defeat Another came into the room from nowhere. No portal or anything, suddenly he just was there. "What we hope to accomplish with it is coming closer to achieving my goal. I don't really like modifying the system code, but sometime I have to. Now I'm sure you don't really still understand who I am. I am the one that made this place. I am the one that made every single being in this world. In 2039 we still needed something special for the new game system. So I did what I had to do. I made a cross over game combining many popular games that existed and called it All the World's a Game. It was a wide hit. We sold millions everyone was happy. What you have been experiencing is just gameplay of this game. The real Six dies long ago in his own series. You are nothing more than a copy I created for the sole purpose of acting out a arc in this game. Soon the game will become less popular tough. It's outdated. That's why I'm creating a new game. A sequel to this one.For that one I need John's data that was never revealed in his original game. The thing you see in front of you is a digital projection I sent down here as I cannot enter the world of computers myself. Now please give the files to Xehanort. Oh and please cancel Protocol D-501 and I-023. A part of being the creator is that I can see everything going on in this world. You can't hide in any way whatsoever."
            Here it is.


              here it is

              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                So Katrix just told all the characters in the RP that there will be a sequel to this.



                  And that our characters are not really in the real world and that this whole thing actually is a game itself.


                    That sounds freaking awesome. It adds a whole new twist. I don't know though.

                    I could actually leave this RP to Katrix (Even though he/she has Fight Against Fantasy) and make another one, if you guys want.


                      You know how the characters are supposed to be in the real world, like it says in the RP's introduction?

                      Well, Katrix made a post saying that they're all in a game world, but that heavily conflicts with the main concept of the RP, "What would happen if the characters were in the real world."

                      It's not a matter of god characters or anything of the sort right now, it's a violation of the RP's original concept. There's 4th wall breaking.

                      Here's my post explaining my stance.

                      (Click Me.)

                      Here's Katrix's stance.

                      (Click Me.)

                      I understand that Katrix is trying to make things interesting, but this is one thing that really shouldn't be altered. It's like gutting out the engine of a car and replacing it with one that's not meant for it. Am I the only one bothered by this? Nobody else seems to have said anything, but I think it's because they don't want to get in the middle of things. I've also tried to find a middle ground, so that Katrix can do his thing without messing with the original concept of the RP.

                      Perhaps it's because of a lack of sleep, but every scenario that plays out in my head shows nothing but disaster if this continues. I'm trying not to smack Katrix out of the way or shoot down his ideas, but it really messes with something that shouldn't be played with. The original concept of the RP should always remain as a constant. If you alter the original concept, then it's no longer the same RP. If it's all just a videogame or a simulation, then it trivializes the characters' choices and defeats the severity of their consequences. Basically, we're talking about having the RP being like the Matrix when the original concept was to stay in the real world, as in organic matter and not digital beings in a digital world.

                      I've been waiting for Katrix to talk to him about this, but the longer I wait, the more crap-flooded my mind becomes and the more I start to panic.

                      What are your thoughts?
                      Last edited by S121; 08-28-2013, 01:19 AM.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        It does bother me, I just try and stay out of these things.

                        Yea it would be a nice twist, but this RP still isn't exactly ours. It still is technically Major Mario's. Major just gave us almost full control of it.
                        Changing the core concept of this RP would be a rather annoying one won't it? That basically means that a lot of stuff in this RP wouldn't really have happened which could make it quite difficult if there was a sequel. We have established quite a bit in this RP, and despite us straying from the original plot of it we still had the same setting of Characters from games in the real world.

                        The post Katrix made is basically literally breaking the whole concept completely. When before that post we still had the same concept in play.

                        Also if that is the case then wouldn't the Devourer Arc, an arc that you had created Wriggle not really have happened?


                          As much as I would like to keep on, I must go to sleep

                          enjoy the night ^^
                          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                            I'm REALLY NOT trying to single Katrix out, or put him a rough position, but I honestly think he crossed a line by making it all just a game or simulation.

                            We've f*cked up a lot of stuff in this RP, but this is one thing that should never be touched.

                            I have a horrible feeling that he's going to hate me for it, but I'm not trying to piss him off, I'm simply trying to keep this RP true to it's original idea.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              Well guys I guess I'm going to have to wait for things to resolve in the RP.

                              Anyways I'll be on the server until then.


                                Good morning everyone.

                                I'm so sorry for what happened yesterday. I feel bad. Really bad.

                                Anyway I do have a idea of how to retain Another as a higer being without him being a god or making this world any less real. The idea is based of probability and real science.

                                Imagine that you are a super advanced race that can create simulations that can do pretty much anything. One of the things that is pretty much given is that at one point this race will try to simulate the universe. Most likely a new race will in time gain the power to simulate the universe too and will do the same. Most likely we are such a simulation and if we survive we will create such simulations ourself.

                                My idea is that the RP is such a simulation. It will not get any less real as our world is probably such a world too. Where Another comes into this is that he somehow managed to ascend trough the simulation thus making him a higher being and a spectator. He will also not really be able to do anything in this world anymore. He will just be there higher up for others to be jealous off.

                                What do you think?
                                Born in the light.
                                Molded in the dark

                                Never Forget,
                                Keep Fighting.
                                –Don't Forget.
                                Always, somewhere,
                                someone is fighting for you.
                                –As long as you remember her,
                                you are not alone.

