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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    X looks at John and smiles. "Thanks. You kind of remind me of a friend of mine. He was usually serious, but did have a lighter side. He was always there for me..." He says as the images of Zero sacrificing himself, by crashing into the Eurasia Colony in an attempt to destroy it. "No... he is still alive... I know it..." He says as he continues running.


      Heading towards Adachi District - Tokyo - Japan

      "No... he is still alive... I know it..."

      John wondered who he meant. In that regard, they were very similar. John lost somebody close to him too; Cortana.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Adachi District, Tokyo, Japan
        Time: 5:55 PM

        "Ladies and gentlemen, we're here." Yuuka announced. "The Neo-Yakuza Warehouse of the Adachi District."

        The warehouse was just like what you might expect: brick walls, large metal door, graffiti on the wall. However, there were signs of Character trading. Old stains of blood, wasted bullets on the ground, fragments of random metals. It was evident that Neo-Yakuza has been working here.

        "It's clear that this is the right place." Yuuka said, and turned to the crowd: John, Renamon, blue-haired girl and a blue-armored cyborg. "But does anybody have the right plan?"


          Adachi District, Tokyo, Japan

          "But does anybody have the right plan?"

          (A plan?)

          John looked around the building for vantage points. The building had two window access points up above.

          (Good vantage points!)

          John then looked around the interior, checking for choke points and strategic positions in the mess of crates.

          He then started considering all of his teammates' traits.

          (X is a pacifist. He won't like the task of killing. He won't have to; he'll be overwatch.)

          (Despite having magic, Aqua is still a human. She won't be able to handle getting shot. She can be support/overwatch.)

          (Renamon? Hmm... She isn't bulletproof, but she does have that "diamond storm". She also seems to be more durable than Aqua. Maybe she can lay supressive fire to the left flank.)

          (That just leaves Yuuka to take the right flank.
          Based on what I saw her do earlier, I might need to approach the enemy from Renamon's side of the building, to ensure that they aren't herded towards Renamon.)

          (That just leaves me... I'll be assault. I have more experience in this role and I can take more hits before falling.)

          (Looks like we have a plan...)

          John began to speak.

          "I've got a plan."
          "X, you go up top. You'll be overwatch, so all you have to do is declare enemy positions."
          "Aqua, you go with X. You'll give support with your magic."
          "Renamon, you lay supressive fire from the left side of the building."
          "Yuuka, that just leaves you to lay supressive fire from the right side of the building."
          "I'll be the assault or shock troop. I have more experience being one, and I can take more hits."

          "How does the plan sound?"
          Last edited by S121; 04-28-2013, 07:15 PM.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Adachi District Warehouse - Tokyo - Japan
            X looks at the group, trying to think of a plan. He gets a few ideas, but none of them really stood out. "Perhaps I could cause a distraction or so while you all rush in?" Said X as he waits for a response. May not be the best idea, but due to the first law of robotics he is not supposed to harm a human being.


              Dad had been sufficiently defrosted in the burning flames of the wreckage to break out of the helicopter, and in a few minutes had dethawed to the extent that he could roundhouse kick one of the fire engines speeding towards his location, and hijack the other, once again sparking a city-wide police mobilisation.


                Adachi District Warehouse - Tokyo - Japan

                Aqua walks off the Keyblade Glider and transforms it back into a Keyblade
                "Understood, let's go X. Oh and what type of magic would you like me to use"
                Born in the light.
                Molded in the dark

                Never Forget,
                Keep Fighting.
                –Don't Forget.
                Always, somewhere,
                someone is fighting for you.
                –As long as you remember her,
                you are not alone.


                  Gotta do dishes. I'll be back at most, 30 minutes. Should be about 15 minutes though.

                  Adachi District Warehouse - Tokyo - Japan

                  John didn't know much about magic, so he gave a versitile answer.

                  "Whatever is approprate at the time, your choice."
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    X nods in agreement and follows Aqua. X looks at the large warehouse as he follows Aqua. He quickly peaks in through a window to see if he can spot anyone. "No one as of yet... it's rather empty at the moment..." Said X as he keeps a close watch from outside. Circling the building, and trying to remain unseen. "I still don't spot anyone. Maybe this is the wrong place..." Said X quietly to Aqua. He continues to try and see if he can spot anyone. As he is walking around the building he keeps getting the feeling of being watched by some unseen force.


                      Adachi district, Tokyo, Japan.
                      Time: 6:05 PM

                      Yuuka smiled. Who would've thought that keeping a veteran soldier would be good for breaching?

                      Okay everybody would, but that's not the point. The point is that John was able to formulate a decent plan in less than five minutes.

                      "Right flank, got you." Yuuka answered. "If anybody needs support fire, let me know."

                      Inside the warehouse
                      "Sir there are estimated five Characters outside the facilities." A Neo-yakuza member reported. "What should we do?"
                      "Come on already." The blue-skinned magician grumbled as he stood from his chair. "Follow my lead and do not let any of them reach the list. I'll show them unpleasant."


                        Adachi District Warehouse - Tokyo - Japan

                        Renamon heard the soldierŽs plan and nodded too, then she suggested "Allright, but since you are the one who will get more attacks, why donŽt You go from behind one of us pinpointing the targets with your weapons? we would attack fast and hide, but there is something odd about those people, I have a bad feeling about them.".

                        "Its just a suggestion, but IŽll follow any plan too" the fox said preparing her digivice.
                        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                          Adachi District Warehouse - Tokyo - Japan

                          "Its just a suggestion, but IŽll follow any plan too."

                          "Hmm. I think it would be best if I'm in front with you guys behind. I'll be the distraction, I don't want you guys to get hit.

                          They approached their position at the door, waiting for X and Aqua to get into theirs.
                          Last edited by S121; 04-28-2013, 08:19 PM.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Adachi District Warehouse - Tokyo - Japan

                            Ok, then, im ready for it. Renamon said as her digivice beeped with its storage ready for use too.
                            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                              Adachi District Warehouse - Tokyo - Japan

                              John waited, looking up to a nearby balcony for X and Aqua. He could see them on his HUD radar as they were approaching position.
                              He was waiting for them to enter through the windows before telling the rest to move.

                              "Wait for it..."
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Then dad got captured by the UN and sent to Paris for study and attempted destruction.
                                Last edited by MyHatismyFriend; 04-28-2013, 08:59 PM.

