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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Adachi District Warehouse - Tokyo - Japan

    X watches on as the killing continues. Sadness comes over X's face as he sees Renamon who is now Kyubimon continues to fight the Neo-Yakuza agents. All this violence... all this killing... it's just wrong... I don't know what to do... Thought X as he grips his X-Buster. Should I fight? He thought as his static occasionally fills his eyes. He is growing weak he is inside out of the sun, and is not leaking energy from his fuel cells. X falls to his knees as he grows weaker, and weaker by the minute.


      Adachi District Warehouse - Tokyo - Japan

      Kyubimon was evading an attack when she saw the slowly getting weaker X. the fox ran towards him trying to help him as an agent shooted at her injuring her back but barely. "Get away from him!" she growled making a wall of fire between the blue armored man and the enemy.

      Remembering that X used solar energy as nutrients, Kyubimon sent some fireballs towards the roof making a hole that let some sunlight reach it, but as the fire wall and the shots she made taxed her energies and the injury on her back started to hurt more, she went back to her normal form pulling X towards the sunlight.

      "Here.. I hope it helps" The panting vixen said hoping the sun would help
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



        Adachi District Warehouse - Tokyo - Japan

        As X is about to power down completely he hears the sound of something crashing. He watches on as Kyubimon made a large hole in the ceiling. Kyubimon proceeds to drag X into the sunlight for him to charge. "T-Thanks... but you didn't have to..." Said X as he waits for the sun to charge his systems back to full power. Now that he is in the sun he does not need to use his fuel cells. After a few minutes of charging X stands up "I am sorry that you had to injure yourself because of me." Said X to Renamon. X then charging his X-Buster. As he does his body gains a green aura.

        Solar Battery Charge: 50%

        X-Buster Charge: 30%


          Adachi District Warehouse - Tokyo - Japan

          Renamon was glad that X recovered, yet her digivice was depleted ("Dammit.. I got to be more careful") she thought as the pain on her back still hurt, the vixen was kneeling focusing on regaining energy as the fire wall was slowly dissipating.

          "You don´t need to kill them.. they are enemies, but they are living beings." the vixen said gesturing at the pile of unconscious, injured, but alive agents she attacked. "I managed to only knock them out only, but they weren´t so forgiving with us" the fox said getting up ready to face the enemies
          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



            Adachi District Warehouse - Tokyo - Japan

            Renamon was glad that X recovered, yet her digivice was depleted ("Dammit.. I got to be more careful") she thought as the pain on her back still hurt, the vixen was kneeling focusing on regaining energy as the fire wall was slowly dissipating.

            "You don´t need to kill them.. they are enemies, but they are living beings. the vixen said gesturing at the pile of unconscious, injured, but alive agents she attacked. "I managed to only knock them out only, but they weren´t so forgiving with us" the fox said getting up ready to face the enemies

            (well.. thats it for me now, goodnight ^^)
            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



              Adachi District Warehouse - Tokyo - Japan
              Time: 6:45 PM

              With the blue-skinned man shackled onto a metal pole, Yuuka observed the fighting that was going on in the other side of the warehouse. Time to go help them out.
              "Everyone, take cover!" Yuuka shouted, grabbing the attention of everyone, allies and enemies. She then concentrated her mind, pointed her parasol and the enemy position from behind, and shouted

              "MASTER SPARK!"


                Adachi District Warehouse - Tokyo - Japan

                X stops his charge with his X-Buster as he senses that Yuuka is charging up a lot of energy. "My sensors are indicating a large amount of energy coming from that parasol!" Said X as he grabs Renamon and rushes to behind cover. Hoping to avoid Yuuka's attack.


                  I couldn't sleep, so here I am.

                  Adachi District Warehouse - Tokyo - Japan

                  "MASTER SPARK!"

                  John saw a blinding light quickly approach, almost like a wall. He wouldn't be able to evade the blast, he was almost dead center to it. He braced for impact, and locked his armor.
                  The shield systems went into overdrive as the HUD gauge turned white. A thick coating of energy enveloped John as the laser shot past him, like water rushing past a rock in a river.
                  Once the laser finished, he stood back up , a little upset about the abrupt purging, but at least she warned him.
                  He got back up and looked at his surroundings. Everything around him was either dust, or disintegrating.
                  Last edited by S121; 04-29-2013, 01:43 AM.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Adachi District Warehouse - Tokyo - Japan
                    Time: 6:55 PM

                    "Well, that'll do." Yuuka said as she looked around. The entire front of the warehouse was blown to bits, but no other buildings were harmed. Looks like her control over Master Sparks are still top-notch. She then looked at their comrades. They were all alive, which was good. Even John, who was smack in the middle of the laser, seemed to have survived. Jeez, what does it take to break that armor? Yuuka wondered. She also saw some enemy agents, but they were all immobilized by the debris that fell during the Master Spark.

                    "That should do." Yuuka said as she looked around. "Let's find whatever we can scavenge and get out as quickly as possible. Don't want to sit in the hot seat."

                    (Last post. Kinda upset we couldn't leave Tokyo, but it'll do. Good job everyone. Good night, see you tomorrow.)


                      Inside an Office Building - Melun Centre - France

                      Remilia gasped for air as her left arm clutched the air above her. Panting, Remilia quickly looked around before suddenly being hit by a massive migraine. Confused, groggy, and unsure of where she was or what had happened, she tried standing up, only to fall back down upon realizing she had no right arm to push off of.

                      *** "What in the..." Remilia muttered as she gritted her teeth in pain.

                      She touched her forehead, where the migraine was strongest, to realize that her fingers could go through. It seemed like she had somehow gotten two holes in her head. Touching the back of her head, she realized that they were probably bullet wounds. How had she ended up where she was right now? She lay on the hard tiled floor of some long hallway. The lights were dimly lit and it was hard to see much. Using her left arm, she stood back up and looked around her. Blood splatter was evident behind her.

                      *** "Must have been shot right here..." Remilia mused as she saw cracked tilings where the bullet had landed after having penetrated her forehead.

                      She wondered how long she had been lying there. Seeing how fresh the blood seemed, she figured it couldn't have been more than ten to fifteen minutes. It also probably meant that whoever had tried killing her was still close-by. She formed a small danmaku ball in her hand. It seemed that she was able to summon her danmaku easily enough. Next, she tried summoning her Gungnir. It appeared as it normally would.

                      *** "Strange. How could I have been put down when I still have all my powers?" Remilia wondered as she started down the hall, away from the trail of blood that had probably been hers.

                      Realizing how her arm was still missing and that she was still bleeding at some parts, Remilia focused her energy into regenerating those parts. They quickly regenerated normally. Still walking down the hall, Remilia opened and closed her right hand. All was in working order. Holding Gungnir in hand, Remilia walked down into the darkness of the halls.

                      Just Outside of a Building - Melun Centre - France

                      *** "Are you absolutely sure that she is dead?" a man asked as he landed in front of the Spy with a loud bang.

                      The cigarette fell out of the spy's gaping mouth. Out of nowhere, a man had just fallen from the sky. The sound of the impact was terrifying and the Spy took a slight step back as the man created an impact crater on the ground. Though the Spy had a million questions racing through his mind, he thought about what the man had just asked. Was he sure that the devil was dead? The more he thought about it, he realized that he infact did not know for sure. The devil was also a vampire, both beings famous for being difficult to kill. Though the spy had inflicted plenty of damage to be lethal to any mortal, neither vampire or devil could die with something as simple as a few human made bullets. But first...

                      *** "Just who are you exactly?" The Spy cautiously asked as he bent down and picked up his cigarette, taking a long drag as he placed the cigarette back into his mouth.

                      Inside an Office Building - Melun Centre - France

                      Remilia came to a door at the end of the hallway after having taken a few turns. A glowing green sign hung above the door reading "EXIT". Turning the handle, she walked out into the back alley of several buildings.


                        Adachi District Warehouse - Tokyo - Japan

                        Aqua looked at the energy beam as it traversed the warehouse. ("A little bit overkill maybe")
                        She looked over the room after any of the gang members that was still conscious. She found one after looking for a while.

                        She walked up to the man and looked down at him. "Confuse". As she said the word white spheres formed around her hand and dances before the eyes of the person.
                        As he looked at them he lost more and more grasp of reality. "Anything you want to ask them, this one might tell us if we ask him" she said to the others.

                        She was already asking her first question. "Why are you doing this?"
                        Born in the light.
                        Molded in the dark

                        Never Forget,
                        Keep Fighting.
                        –Don't Forget.
                        Always, somewhere,
                        someone is fighting for you.
                        –As long as you remember her,
                        you are not alone.


                          Inside Recette's Underground Garage - Manhattan - United States

                          Snake looked around increduously. Underneath the girl's small shop lay an entire parking garage of various collector cars from different eras. Just how much money had this girl been making? Snake walked forward towards Block D. Taking a look at the cars, he let out a soft whistle. Before him lay every model of high-end Hondas. Everything from the NSX-R GT's to the HSC Concept and the Integra to Snake's requested S2000. Snake walked over to the line of cars that were the S2000's.

                          *** "Vintage..." Snake muttered as he ran his hand along the hood of a black 1999 Honda S2000. "Yeah. I think I'll take this one."

                          Snake grinned as he opened the door to the car. Regardless of how long this car had been sitting here or when it had been made, the car still gave off the fresh scent of a new car. Snake slowly swung his feet into the car as he took his seat, gripping the steering wheel and feeling the resistance as he tested the wheel. At that point, Recette had come over to the car and had hopped into the passenger's seat. Humming some tune or another, she smiled and looked over at Snake.

                          *** "Adventure time!" She happily giggled as she put her RPG Backpack at her feet.

                          Snake smiled as he turned the keys in the ignition and stepped on the gas, driving the car out of the garage towards Penn. Station.


                            Adachi District Warehouse - Tokyo - Japan
                            Time: 7:00 PM

                            Normal districts would have reported any sort of incident in a matter of seconds. However, due to the less dense population in Adachi District, the main party was able to scavenge some information before the police surrounded the warehouse.

                            "Listen up, whoever is in there!" One of the police officer bellowed through the megaphone. "Drop all your weapons, put your hands over your head, and come outside one at a time, slowly!"
                            "Looks like we're found." Yuuka snickered. If she had her way, she would Master Spark them into oblivion, but she wasn't insane enough to commit any sort of mass murder, more or less the authoritative figures.

                            "I got everything that I could find from this side of the warehouse. I think we should all scatter out, and meet back at Mima's Antique Store." Yuuka said as the police officer with the megaphone still shouted at the warehouse, ordering the Characters inside to yield to the authority. "What say you all?"


                              Melun, France - Rooftops

                              The sounds of a battle going on echoed throughout the city, though things have seemed to settle down a bit. Raven looks on as he sees the many pillars of smoke in the distance. He quickly grabs his blade from it's sheathe and looks down at the ground. He notices that a few soldiers entering an office building, and what appears to be a young girl making her way through the back alley ways. Is the military after her? It seems like it... I should try finding out what is going on exactly, and it seems like that girl might know a thing or two. He thought as he quickly jumps down to another lower building, and he continues to do so until he makes it onto the ground. He turns towards the direction of which the girl was making her escaping, and begins his pursuit. I just hope I can catch up with her. Thought Raven as he continued to follow the little girl through the alleyways.
                              Last edited by SUSTIC; 04-29-2013, 12:37 PM.


                                Adachi District Warehouse - Tokyo - Japan

                                "What say you all?"

                                John heard the police shout into a megaphone. He considered the consequences that he would face if he walked out. He may have been a member of the police force, but the badge wouldn't protect him now.
                                In order to stop these Neo-Yakuza, he would have to go rouge. He walked to a nearby sewer grate and pried it open with his hands. He would be able to slip by the police without them knowing he was even there.

                                "I found an escape route. It should be an easy way out."
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

