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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Kawaguchi District - Tokyo - Japan

    X looks at Aqua and smiles. "I should introduce myself first though. My name is MegaMan X. Though my teammates call me X, and I am a machine known as a Reploid. An android with the ability to think, feel, and even act on their own accord. I currently am with the military looking for something too. I hope I could be of assistance." Said X as he stands straight.


      Malun, France

      She had gotten away again. As the mist cleared it revealed a second hole in the ground, which the Devil had disappeared down with no doubt. But the Commander wasn't concerned. He had handled many, many more situations similar to this. Underground and out of radar range, the Devil could have escaped to any location by now, but he still had the advantage. "Search and destroy." he ordered to the Revolver. As he watched it fly off, following the schematics for the sewer system, he called back his remaining Bouncer. The fast assault tank wasn't strong nor accurate, but it was as fast enough to reach 100 Kph, and could turn on a dime. In a urban environment, that makes all the difference.

      He started laying out a path for the tank to follow, coordinating with the Revolver who had just spotted the Scarlet Brat just north of their position. He was about to send it out, when the signal from the Attack copter went to static. (So, you can "CAPTURE" too... Lets see who's "Captives" are stronger.)he thought, reviewing the final visual data sent from the annihilated Revolver.

      The Commander readied himself and ordered "Execute strategy... NOW!"

      On a whim the Bouncer sped off, northbound towards the Devil's newest weapon. In a matter of seconds it was right at the end of the suburban street, charging towards the gun emplacement, rapid-firing energy pellets at will, while the AA turret, now turned and facing towards it, did the same. The two machines exchanged shots, mostly missing each other, as the Bouncer weaved in and out of streets and yards to keep behind cover, and the AA turret was turned and swiveled to keep on target. The AA gun was starting to get more and more shots in on the tank, and the tank was losing armor by the second. Then it took an impossibly sharp turn and tipped over into a rolling tumble, straight towards the AA turret and it's controller.

      The Commander, losing almost all of his Captured Troops, having completely exhausted his resources, and taking slight damage, had called back and attached to his VTOL. He had been watching the entire skirmish from the sky, occasionally altering the tank's path. He had purposely made the tank tip and roll. It was obvious that the tank was not fit for combat, but scouting. He had only wished that the realization had come to him sooner. But a tank was a tank, and tanks are heavy. (If this doesn't finish her off, then I will have to leave this up too someone else...) he thought to himself, watching the white dot on his radar, another character, slowly make its way towards the location of the Scarlet Devil.
      Last edited by topio1; 04-28-2013, 08:40 PM.
      There is so much that I could put here but I'm just gonna do this...


        Kawaguchi District - Tokyo - Japan
        Time: 5:05 PM

        Yuuka never expected them to oblige. She knew that they were eager to dispel the Neo-Yakuza's plan, but she never thought they would be eager enough to follow her reckless plan.
        "Well... I don't exactly know where this Adachi District is... perhaps John might look it up for us?"


          Kawaguchi District - Tokyo - Japan
          X looks at Yuuka. "I could also try and help locate the Adachi District. My internal Global Positioning System will help locate it." Said X as his eyes go blank, as he begins searching for the Adachi District. After a few minutes X's eyes go back to normal. "That's odd... my internal GPS is not working right now... must be damaged." Said X as he looks at Yuuka.


            Kawaguchi District - Tokyo - Japan

            "Well... I don't exactly know where this Adachi District is... perhaps John might look it up for us?"

            John pulled it up on his HUD visor.

            "Okay. The Adachi District is only a couple miles out. Once we get there, we'll have to come up with a plan for ambushing them...
            We're burning daylight, so let's hurry. Everyone, on me."

            John started sprinting in the direction for the Adachi District, at about 40 mph.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Kawaguchi District - Tokyo - Japan

              X watches as John begins running in the direction of the Adachi District. X quickly begins sprinting as well. Thanks to accelerator engines in his legs he is able to barely keep up with the Spartan. He looks at John and scans him. "Nice armor. So what kind of Reploid are you?" Asked X obviously he didn't know that John was just a human in a metal suit.


                Kawaguchi District - Tokyo - Japan

                Renamon followed the soldier by going from the roofs to have a higher plane of view, there weren´t big structures for what the fox could see so if the neo-yakuza would try to hide, she could warn the others as she was already searching for people with similar attire of them
                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                  Kawaguchi District - Tokyo - Japan

                  Aqua threw her Leyblade into the air where it transformed into a Keyblade Glider and went down to the ground again. She then hops on and flies after John.

                  When she reached John she asked him a question. "Don't you think this might be a little fast for the others that does not have the help of technology to help them? I'm fine but I'm a little bit worried about tiring the others."
                  Born in the light.
                  Molded in the dark

                  Never Forget,
                  Keep Fighting.
                  –Don't Forget.
                  Always, somewhere,
                  someone is fighting for you.
                  –As long as you remember her,
                  you are not alone.


                    Kawaguchi District - Tokyo - Japan

                    John was keeping a good steady pace of 40 mph, not wanting to outrun everyone else, but still rushing.

                    "Nice armor. So what kind of Reploid are you?"

                    "I'm not. I'm a Spartan-II Super Soldier, basically a cyborg."

                    Aqua caught up and asked, "Don't you think this might be a little fast for the others?"

                    John slowed down to 20 mph and looked back, wondering how the others were doing.
                    Last edited by S121; 04-28-2013, 05:24 PM.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      X looks at John as he replies. "A... cyborg? I only seen a few in my line of work. So what powers that armor?" Asked X who is curious about John's armor. He had seem a few things similar to it, but never a Super Soldier wearing that kind of armor. He continues running, occasionally looking over his shoulders to make sure the others are not falling behind. As John slows down X slides to a stop almost crashing into a telephone pole "Sorry, I did not know that you were going to slow down suddenly." Said X as he stands back up.
                      Last edited by NeoFox; 04-28-2013, 05:29 PM.


                        Leaving Kawaguchi District - Tokyo - Japan

                        "A... cyborg? I only seen a few in my line of work. So what powers that armor?"

                        John looked towards X, "Fusion reactor. The reactor allows my shields to be as strong as they are. The suit used to increase my strength by a power of two, but recently I got an upgrade. It probably upped my shield power output too."

                        John looked back again, being sure not to outrun the others.
                        Last edited by S121; 04-28-2013, 05:37 PM.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Heading towards Adachi District - Tokyo - Japan

                          X continues running again though slower to keep up with John. "That must be a pretty impressive suit then. I run on solar energy which I can convert to plasma energy for my arm cannon." Said X as his right arm turns into the X-Buster. "When there is not enough Solar energy for me to run on my body uses a internal fuel cell to keep me charged. Though it only lasts for an hour." Said X as he looks up at the sky.


                            Heading towards Adachi District - Tokyo - Japan

                            "When there is not enough Solar energy for me to run on my body uses a internal fuel cell to keep me charged. Though it only lasts for an hour."

                            "That might be a problem.", John said.

                            John kept trying to figure out a way to keep X fully operational.

                            Turning his head toward X, John jokingly said, "I suppose we can't just plug you into a wall, eh?
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              X looks at John and laughs a bit. "Ha yea... as long as there is a little bit of sunlight shining on me I should be fine. I also wouldn't expect me to fight any humans though. After all... I don't want to be classified as a Maverick..." Said X as he continues running. A slight look of worry comes across his face. "I guess I could be lookout or something." Said X as he continues running.


                                Heading towards Adachi District - Tokyo - Japan

                                "I guess I could be lookout or something."

                                "If you ever need a charge, I could easily take care of that."

                                John thought back on the time he had to escape the core on Requiem. Cortana was able to route power from his suit to the Ghost he was riding, so why couldn't he do the same to X?
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

