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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    (You are 10 hours behind buddy, on Shinki's part)
    Pentagon, Washington DC

    "Huh, what?" Nitori jerked up from dozing off. "Oh, oh, ok."

    Joe Greasy's Hoff bar, Abercrombie River National Park, Australia

    "Sheva, something high in calorie today, please." I asked. Sheva nodded and entered the kitchen. Then I turned to the eyepatched fellow. "Tell us a little bit about yourself. This meeting is fate, and I'm not going to let it pass by."

    Garden of the Sun

    After buying groceries, clothings, and other utilities, Yuuka and Wriggle (eating a Takoyaki) flew back to the garden to find unexpected visitors.
    "Oh, yo, what's up?" Yuuka waved her hands and shouted to get John, Hank, and Komachi's attention. "I'm over here!"

    Shinki's Palace

    "Mistress Shinki is in her chamber." Yumeko informed.
    Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 05-29-2013, 12:30 AM.


      Garden of the Sun, Gensokyo; Komachi

      "Oh, the Scarlet Devil Mansion! Let's go there! I want to see Remi and her adorable little sister!"

      I summoned the boat. I hopped on.

      "Alright, to the Scarlet Devil Mansion!"

      I heard something in the distance.

      "I'm over here!"

      It's Yuuka! "Hey, Yuuka! How's it goin?"


        Somewhere in Nevada

        "That's normal around here." Deimos said. "Also, Hank asked me to get you out of here."

        Garden of the Sun

        "Hm. Old Hell personally sounds interesting." Hank commented. "But i'm not the leader here, so i'll leave it up to you."

        (This is my last post for now, just assume Hank is following you guys.)

        Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

        You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


          Note: if we go to the SDM, know that Remillia is not there.

          Garden of the Sun, Gensokyo

          Right before John hopped into the boat, he heard Yuuka behind him.

          "Oh, yo, what's up?"

          John turned and said, "We're exploring Gensokyo. We were just heading to the Scarlet Devil Mansion."
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            If I mess up, then just know I'm not wiki-ing this. This is purely out of memory.
            Australian Bar; Snake

            "Myself? Well, I was raised as a soldier since I was a kid, trained by the boss. She was one of the greatest soldiers who had ever faced battle. One day, I performed a HALO jump: High Altitude, Low Oxygen. I pulled it off. I was sent on a mission to save a researcher named Sokolov. When I returned though, the boss had shown up on the other side of a bridge I was crossing. She carried a Davy Crocket, which is a miniature nuclear missile. With her was her team, the cobras, and a sadist colonel by the name of Volgin. He fired a nuke at the research facility, and, well, the boss broke my arm and sent me down a river, capturing Sokolov.

            "After some preparations, I began operation Snake Eater, which was to kill the boss. I faced many challenges along the way, but then I had a different mission on my mind: stop the firing of a nuclear missile on america from the Shagohod, a giant robotic tank. In the process, I got shot in the eye, which is the reason for the eyepatch. I blew up the base which it was created in, but Volgin had taken the Shagohod and tried to kill us. We succeeded in putting the Shagohod out of commission, but using his electric manipulation powers, he reactivated the Shagohod. He died by being struck by a lightning bolt. My partner and I had escaped the soldiers pursuing us soon after, but then I had something else to do before we left on the plane prepared by my partner. I faced the boss in battle, and I killed her. When we returned, the president congratulated me and gave me the title 'Big Boss.'"


              Pentagon, Washington DC

              Zero bends down and takes Nitori's luggage, and begins making his way to the plane takeoff grounds. Following closely behind Trelawney.


                Pentagon, Washington DC

                Isaac grabs his luggage and follows Zero.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Garden of the Sun

                  Aqua quickly flew to the human village. When she arrived she saw that Yuuka was leaving and decided to follow her.

                  When Yuuka finally landed they were in a big field of sunflowers. "Hi Yuuka, just wanted to say goodbye before leaving"

                  Research Facility, Somewhere in the U.S - 6 months ago

                  ("I think I am finally able to make sense of this mess. It may very well be that I am a character, even tough i do not look like one.
                  Now I just need to find out what my purpose is and i may be my old self again.")
                  Last edited by Katrix; 05-29-2013, 02:01 AM.
                  Born in the light.
                  Molded in the dark

                  Never Forget,
                  Keep Fighting.
                  –Don't Forget.
                  Always, somewhere,
                  someone is fighting for you.
                  –As long as you remember her,
                  you are not alone.


                    (Thanks for reminding. Remi is still MIA.)
                    Pentagon, Washington DC
                    Sleepy Nitori and Lt. Trelawney followed Zero and Isaac to the liftoff ground.

                    "Wow." Lt. Trelawney exclaimed. "I never thought the government would lend us an entire Boeing just for transportation."
                    It was true. A Boeing 747, majestic in its size, was standing tall and proud, engines hot, ready for liftoff.
                    "If you guys are ready, let's get in!"

                    Garden of the Sun

                    "If you're going to the SDM," Yuuka requested. "Ask a youkai named Meiling if she has the Selaginella sample yet."
                    "Yuuka, I'm off to Team 9 meeting." Wriggle buzzed as she flew towards Misty Lake.
                    "Okay, see you!" Yuuka said, bidding farewell. "I think I might fly off to the Kappas' place, see if they have a charger for laptops like this. If not, I might go visit Kourindou."

                    "Hi Yuuka, just wanted to say goodbye before leaving."
                    "Oh Aqua, must you leave." Yuuka sadly responded, and then gave off an evil smirk out of joke. "You better come back for a visit, or I'll rip your eyeballs out and add it to my collection."
                    Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 05-29-2013, 02:02 AM.


                      Garden of the Sun - Gensokyo

                      "Ask a youkai named Meiling if she has the Selaginella sample yet.", Yuuka said.

                      "Will do. One more thing. How do you manage to take care of so many flowers? I've never seen so many in one place before."

                      Pentagon, Washington DC

                      Isaac looked at the plane.

                      "Traveling in style, huh?", Isaac remarked.

                      Isaac placed his belongings next to the nearest seat and sat down, buckling himself in and patiently waiting for the others.
                      Last edited by S121; 05-29-2013, 02:15 AM.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Pentagon, Washington DC

                        Zero looks at the large Boeing aircraft and shrugs his shoulders. "Meh. I've seen better, and larger." Said Zero as he enters the plane. He walks to the back of the plane and places Nitori's luggage in the over head compartments. He then takes a seat closest to the window. Luckily the seats are just large enough for him. He doesn't even bother getting comfy in the seat as he quickly puts the seat belt on. It was rather small, but he managed to get it to fit.


                          (And now, a dramatic entrance! A bit of comic relief since not everybody is here.)
                          Garden of the Sun

                          "I'm a flower master youkai." Yuuka smirked. "A garden like this is basic."
                          Suddenly, a "Yu" was heard from below. Yuuka looked down to find a Yukkuri, a disfigured, sentient manjuu buns resembling the girls of Gensokyo. This particular one was a Marisa.
                          "Old hag who hoard all the mister food should go drop dead easy! Then give great Marisa sweet sweets! Lots is enough!" The yukkuri squealed.
                          "Oh god." Yuuka groaned in complaint. "Why me..."

                          Boeing 747

                          Lt. Trelawney put on a smug expression: one that said "Hey-man-I-get-funded-by-government-how-mad-are-you-right-now" all over. The only thing Lt. Trelawney said was "Yup."
                          Nitori got up to the airplane, only to reach the pilot's seat. "I wanna operate this!"
                          Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 05-29-2013, 02:22 AM.


                            Garden of the Sun

                            John looked down at the disembodied head.

                            "What the f*ck is that!?"

                            John was shocked to see it.

                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              Garden of the Sun

                              "Yukkuris, Gensokyo version of roaches, rats, and other pests." Yuuka explained as she lifted the Yukkuri up. ("Yu! It's like flying in the sky!")
                              "Some people keep these as pets. Some use them as a torture device to relieve their stress. I personally just give them to Medicine." Yuuka explained as she tossed the Yukkuri to Medicine, who caught the Yukkuri and started cuddling it. "Whatever she does with it, whatever she does. I have no objection."


                                Garden of the Sun

                                "So they're basically squishy, bouncing heads? I don't know, they look disgustingly cute, but they also look kind of disturbing."
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

