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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Docks - London

    As scheduled, journalists went where Vivec was waiting them. A crowd of confused and stunned people started to gather at the docks. For the ten first minutes, he watched the Tv screen in the restaurant from the terrace. After this time elapsed, the magical words that he awaited so much appeared on the screen : LIVE; Vivec learned that he means that everyting said in front of a camera is immediatly broadcasted to a large number of people.
    He then left his chair, walking through an increasingly excited crowd and finally arrived near the cameras, not without any difficulty.

    He focused the attention of a cameraman taking footages of the crowd thanks to his unique appearance and charisma..
    First he showed himself making panicked mimics as many people around him did, but when the cameras went back he focused them again, taking advantage of an interview of "victims"...
    Vivec then gave his opinion on the events, and then subtly let heard that he knew the truth, using an old arguing technique. He then easily convinced the journalists around him that he is a truthworthy source of information, and then he engaged in a long speech, a pillar of rhetoric that lasted 30 minutes. In his argumentation, Vivec made up various logic theories about the mist, completely disforming the truth that he didn't know.
    Then he subtly changed of topic, and after scaring the masses by concluding that a huge terrorist network is threatening the world's safety, after captiving both the crowd in front of which he is standing and the spectators behind their TVs, Vivec began to talk of his cult, as freely as if it was a tribune or a propaganda spot. He spent 15 additionals minutes to talk about it, explaining the nature of his cult, comforting (conditioning indeed) people to the idea that a living god can protect us from the dangers of the dark era they're living. Then he given a heavier weight to his arguments by performing cheap but impressive tricks, mesmerizing his public.
    When the Live was finished, Vivec became a strong symbol, the symbol of an overwhelming and wise force that you can blindly trust in.

    He then proudly walked to the divided crowd.

    A cult rises from his ashes. Now the New Restored Temple will live and shine. Words will stop at VI.


      The Consumer

      "Abort that plan, John. The Extractor can't be damaged, nor can their weapon system be hijacked. Trust me, what do you think I've been doing when I sent you out there alone?"

      Hakurei Shrine

      "It's okay, I got it." Ran wobbled up and broke the chain that was surrounding her wrist. "I'll have to thank your partners later."


        The Consumer

        "Why donīt let my enter itīs electronic system? Im data after all" Sakuyamon suggested to Yukari
        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



          Hakurei Shrine

          Frost Man had wandered into the woods in an attempt to explore the surrounding area, however he ended up walking in a full circle back to the shrine?

          "Huh? Frost Man must have taken wrong turn..." He said to himself as he scratches his head. He then stands there looking around the area looking quite confused.


            The Consumer


            All of a sudden, John had an idea.

            "I've got an idea. Yukari, you know how you said that you can't break the Extractor? I might have an idea to find a weakness, but we need to get to a terminal. I'm going to start downloading it's schematics and look throughout the design. Every machine has a flaw, even my suit does. Destroying the Extractor is just a matter of knowing where to strike.", John said.

            John then quickly turned to Renamon.

            "In the meantime Renamon, tell Nera to gather the team together. We'll be there in less than an hour."
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              The Consumer

              "I thought Patchouli told you that the Consumer is a biological being?" Yukari frowned. "It's a valid idea, but only on mechanized ships."
              "Listen. Before we can do anything to the Extractor, we need to establish our foothold on the Youkai Mountain before they break through and massacre the Kappas and the Tengus. You dont want them to die off, right?"

              Hakurei Shrine

              "By the way..." Ran stopped and turned to Nera. "Are they here yet: Renamon and John?"

              As Frost Man was dazed, looking around in confunded attitude, a small blue fairy approached him, curious as to what sort of thing this could be.
              "Hi! Eye'm Cirno!" Cirno shouted, looking up to Frost Man with a dignified look. "Who are you?"

              Kappa Village

              "What is that thing? Kappa." The Kappa gasped. "That's an ugly-looking goblin, Kappa. If you thought that was a Kappa, I'll have Nitori execute you herself, Kappa."
              Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 07-25-2013, 08:35 PM.


                Hakurei Shrine

                Frost Man continued to scratch his head as he heard a female voice call out to him.
                "Huh?" Muttered Frost Man as he looked down at the small blue fairy.

                "I'm Frost Man." He said quite simply as he plops down onto the ground. Creating a loud thud, and causing the ground around him to shake a little. As he sits there a cold mist can come out of the vents on his knuckles, forehead, and feet. "Who are you?" He replied.


                  Hakurei Shrine

                  "Oh, you can make things cold too!" Cirno squealed. "But I can do it better. Because Eye'm the strongest. See?"
                  Cirno touched Frost Man's arm and, as impossible as it sounds, the bit of Frost Man's arm began to freeze, a cold ice encasing the area over time.


                    The Consumer

                    John didn't really want to leave. He felt as if he should have done more, perhaps find a way to kill the ship, or try to find a way to help the battle down below.

                    Finally, John gave in to Yukari's request.

                    "Okay. Let's go. I'll come up with a plan later.", John said to Yukari and Renamon as he entered the gap.

                    Hakurei Shrine

                    John walked out of the gap and looked around.

                    (Now all I have to do is find Samus and HM.)

                    John looked over at the wolf-woman and her child, then at Ran.

                    (Well, it's good to see that Ran's doing fine. I hope she'll be okay. As for the Nucleoids, well, perhaps they aren't all bad. At least they aren't.)

                    John reloaded all of his weapons and tried to get his suit to turn back on.
                    Last edited by S121; 07-25-2013, 08:44 PM.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Why the hell does she keep calling me a kappa?!

                      "Argh, nevermind."

                      I switched back into my body.

                      "Obviously things don't work the same way here. Next thing ya know, ya got birds that also look like little girls. Anyways, thanks for the directions. I appreciate it. Say, did you fight those aliens on your own?"


                        Hakurei Shrine

                        Frost Man looks down at his arm which was now encased in ice. Frost Man lets out a cheerful laugh at it. "Frost Man like little fairy! But Frost Man can do better!" He said as he stands up. He then lifts his arms high into the air. "FREEZE!!!" He yelled as he smashed the ground with his hands, causing a large wave of ice to move forward. The Ice Wave literally froze everything in it's path, trees, plants, animals, even Quick Man who was busy looking for the giant frost robot.


                          Hakurei Shrine

                          "Oh yeah? How about this?" Cirno shouted, grabbing a slice of watermelon. Within seconds, the watermelon grew into a greatsword by Cirno's power, but she kinda over did it and froze the area around her too.


                            Hakurei Shrine

                            John sat on the ground, trying to get his suit to turn back on.

                            (Oh come on! Now!?)


                            John stood up and walked over to his dormant armor station.

                            With the press of a button, the station then began to unfold and assemble into a platform, terminal and vertical ring.

                            John stood on the platform and let the machine remove his armor, leaving him with just his undersuit.

                            John looked around and saw all the people around him, minding their own business.

                            (Great. If I was alone, I could take off my undersuit and do this faster...), John plugged a cable into the upper back section of the undersuit and began to search for the problem.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              Hakurei Shrine

                              Frost Man raises his arms again. This time he is generating enough cold air around him to create a simulated blizzard. He then begins smashing the ground repeatedly, causing the area around him to hail large chunks of ice the size of cars. As each chunk of ice lands Frost Man then jumps into the air and stomps the ground. Creating the entire shrine to shake. As the shaking stops the large chunks of ice then break apart, forming miniature ice sculptures of random objects.


                                Hakurei Shrine

                                John felt the ground shake, causing him to lose focus.

                                "What now?", John mumbled as he unplugged his undersuit and walked over to the back of the shrine.

                                "What's going on?", John asked Cirno and Frost Man.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

