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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    John's Apartment - Tokyo - Japan

    "It is possible that you can reverse the Hakurei Border. However, it is up to Reimu to decide whether she wills it up or not. Recently she's been pouting a lot, and this incident is putting her on-edge."

    "So there's nothing we can do to try and make things right?"
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      John's Apartment - Tokyo - Japan

      Renamon noticed John´s barely visible nerviousness. "What you say is that this shrine maiden is having a lot of stress wit all is happening, right? then I have a doubt, if the digital and real world became one, why do you and the other beings still exist?".

      Then the fox looked at both Yuuka and Yukari "All of us, human, creature, or god, come from the human imagination as virtual characters, I do understand that your powers can give you the ability to travel between worlds, Im a proof of that" the fox said showing her digivice and continued "But the fact that you and Yuuka are here proves that even though humans know you existance, you still can live".

      After that speech Renamon said Your world may be damaged, but it isn´t destroyed at all"
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



        John's Apartment - Tokyo - Japan
        Time: 11:50 PM

        "So there's nothing we can do to try and make things right?"
        "There is almost nothing you can do for Reimu, except for visiting her shrine and giving her donation. In context of the outside world, Reimu's shrine should be located around Suwa Lake, where Komagatake Shrine was at." Yukari said. "That girl... she was always someone who longed for wealth. Her shrine never had a steady stream of donators and worshippers, so visiting her shrine might loosen her mood."

        "As for you, Renamon, Gensokyo is not something imagined by humans. They never knew that this place existed until one man from the outside world accidentally visited the land. His name is Jun'ya Ota. As for me, I can use the boundary of imagination to hide my Youkai identity."

        (Last post. Time to sleep. Good night, soldiers.)


          John's Apartment - Tokyo - Japan

          Aqua listened closely as she was told what had happened to the world named Gensokyo. She knew what this was. She had been educated about it for years.
          The border surrounding a world had crumbled. She knew what this meant. ("If anyone tries to they might be able to destroy the world completely. I can't let that happen")

          Suddenly Aqua summoned her Keyblade in front of the others. She talked in a very firm voice.
          "This is a Keyblade. But it also have another name Key of worlds. It can unlock and more importantly in our case lock away any world. Meaning it can seal away a world from another. Rebuild the barrier around a world.
          Should a world lose it's barrier it is the Keyblade Master's job to fix the barrier and seal the world away again."
          She took a pause before continuing.
          "Show me the heart of this world and I will seal it away again."
          Born in the light.
          Molded in the dark

          Never Forget,
          Keep Fighting.
          –Don't Forget.
          Always, somewhere,
          someone is fighting for you.
          –As long as you remember her,
          you are not alone.


            John's Apartment - Tokyo - Japan

            Renamon looked at the blade master and listened to her speech, "Guess we got what we need now" the fox thought and then she got up from the conversation

            "If any of you need me, I´ll be at the frame of the window" The now tired vixen said sitting below the window, back at wall and finally resting in matter of moments
            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



              John's Apartment - Tokyo - Japan
              Time: 11:55 PM

              "There's an entire thing between sealing Gensokyo and rebuilding the barrier. Even I, Youkai of boundaries, cannot create Hakurei Border in scratch. Reimu will have to create the foundation, and I do the rest. This can take anywhere between a week and 1000 years. No outside influence can do anything."



                John's Apartment - Tokyo - Japan

                (Another mission? We probably shouldn't get ahead of ourselves, we still need to complete the mission at hand first.)

                John wanted to help, but John also knew that he needed to stick with his mission.

                "We've got to prioritize a little bit. Once we take out the Neo-Yakuza, then we should go over there.

                He turns to Yukari to speak to her.

                "I do want to help, but we made a plan to put an end to the Neo-Yakuza. If my prediction is right, it should take us about 2 or 3 days to accomplish all of the objectives laid out before us. Then, if the border hasn't already been fixed, we can go and be of assistance.

                Besides, the sooner that the Neo-Yakuza are put out, the less chance they will find Gensokyo."
                Last edited by S121; 05-02-2013, 12:29 PM.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  John's Apartment - Tokyo - Japan

                  "When i said seal the world away i meant rebuilding the barrier. And even tough i might be an outside influence, the Keyblade is not. The Keyblade belongs equally in all worlds. That's because they were forged before the worlds got separated in the first place.
                  Even tough it may sound easy i still need to find the heart of the world."
                  Born in the light.
                  Molded in the dark

                  Never Forget,
                  Keep Fighting.
                  –Don't Forget.
                  Always, somewhere,
                  someone is fighting for you.
                  –As long as you remember her,
                  you are not alone.


                    John's Apartment - Tokyo - Japan
                    Time: 12:00 AM

                    Yukari thought for a moment. This girl... Aqua, was it? Her eyes looked too sincere for her to be lying.
                    "I'll take you to the heart of Gensokyo." Yukari yielded. "But I want you to help look for Chen, too."


                      John's Apartment - Tokyo - Japan

                      "But I want you to help look for Chen, too."

                      John glanced over to the picture that Yukari gave renamon. From what he could tell, Yukari was talking about the smallest one in the picture, the one with cat ears.

                      (If we're going to find her, then we need information on her...)

                      John turned toward Yukari and began to speak.

                      "So, if we're going to find Chen, then we need all the information we can get. What do you think happened to her?"
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        John's Apartment - Tokyo - Japan

                        "Of course I'll look. I would have looked even if you didn't ask me to. I to am searching for some of my friends. They are Keyblade wielders just like me." Aqua looked a little bit insulted. She always cared for friendship.
                        Why wouldn't she help find Chen.

                        "Just say whenever you're ready to show me the heart and I'll do it."
                        Born in the light.
                        Molded in the dark

                        Never Forget,
                        Keep Fighting.
                        –Don't Forget.
                        Always, somewhere,
                        someone is fighting for you.
                        –As long as you remember her,
                        you are not alone.


                          John's Apartment (dreaming) - Tokyo - Japan

                          Renamon was again at the top of the same building, she was standing there looking around until she met eyes with Wisemon who was looking at the horizon of the calm city. ("You are back, then I can expect that you have controlled that being inside you") the magician said still looking at the horizon

                          The fox answered to his speech ("I think I have it under control, but.. what is this creature who tries to control me? when I was with the tamers, nothing like this ever occurred") she said rather concerned.

                          The Wisemon faced the vixen, those yellow eyes examining every inch of her, his hand then pointed to the fox´s heart and said (""Your adventure against the Devas and the D-reaper was something many would get insane with, yet you and your allies managed to endure it, what is trying to control you is that madness and thirst for more violence"). Renamon then remembered the caos she, Guilmon and Terriermon had to face to save bith the Digital and Real world.

                          (""Can it.. be controlled?") she only asked and her master nodded but then lifted one finger ("That madness inside you will take any chance to control you, but watever happens, remember that you are not alone, we have seen your progress and you got what you need, good luck Renamon") Wisemon said as the world started to shift again sending the fox back to reality
                          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                            John's Apartment - Tokyo - Japan

                            "Just say whenever you're ready to show me the heart and I'll do it."

                            "I'd might as well come too. Curiosity is getting the better of me. When are we going? Before we go, I'll have to get my armor."
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              John's Apartment (dreaming)- Tokyo - Japan

                              The shifting to the real world stopped as Renamon noticed something familiar, it was a in one of her many travels around the city she had with her tamer Rika, they were walking trough a forest, there was no fighting neither danger, it was only a peaceful walk.

                              ("Im glad you came with me Renamon, its a nice place to visit") the tamer said as they were going higher through the forest. ("It is indeed, Its good to have moments like this, what does this place makes it so special if I may ask?") the fox asked calmly smelling the fresh aroma of spring.

                              ("When I was younger, my mom usually took me to this forest, we always walked the same path and reached a nice view, she enjoyed this place too since here is where there is nothing about the daily work and necesities, this place is relaxing") Rika explained when they reached the summit of the forest. The tamer pointed out to the view and The fox gasped at it. It showed the whole city, but it also gave an aura of peace.

                              Renamon was lost any stress she had while seeing the marvel in front of her, both the human and vixen sat there for some time, enjoying the peace, until after an hour Rika asked ("I have been wondering.. do you enjoy being here rather than the Digital World?"). That made Renamon unprepared but she answered ("The Digi-world may be the place I was born, but my home is where the ones I love live, here lies my family Rika, you, your mother and grandmother have accepted me as part of your family and Im grateful for it"). Both the human and fox smiled and enjoyed the view again.

                              Renamon was happy to see a memory like that, she was indeed happy to remember her family and friends.
                              Last edited by Kristia; 05-02-2013, 10:31 PM.
                              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                                John's Apartment - Tokyo - Japan
                                Time: 12:05 AM

                                After a brief disappearance, Yukari returned to John's apartment.
                                "I prepared the gap to transport us from here to Lake Suwa, where Gensokyo appeared. If you want to, jump in here." Yukari announced as she opened a purple gap on the apartment floor.

