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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Sewers - Tokyo - Japan

    Renamon heard the click of the pin and kicked the coming projectile towards its user making an explosion close to the duo, the explosion made a big impact sending the vixen towards the wall taking the air out of her.

    "Breathing heavily, the fox looked at what was left of the vault boy "Why.. did he do.. that?" she said between breaths
    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



      (Don't worry, X is not dead! I am not killing him off!)

      Sewers - Tokyo - Japan

      The Vault boy may have deceived the duo, but Renamon proved to be his downfall. The last thing the Vault boy saw was a flash of light, then nothing.

      John's shields were at 50%, due to him being a fairly close to the explosion. He ran towards Renamon, concerned for his teammate.

      "Why.. did he do.. that?", Renamon asked, trying to regain her breath. John looked over to what was left of the Vault Boy, looking a little like lasagna with teeth.

      "Maybe he was just an evil little man."

      As John healed Renamon with the crescent, he also noticed a faint dot on his radar. John peeked his head out of the sewer and saw X's lifeless body lying next to the hole.

      "Renamon, that explosion earlier was X."
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Sewers - Tokyo - Japan

        The panting fox looked at the remnants of the vault boy and then looked at the hole above them. She heard a very faint breathing. "Wait.. then where is he?" Renamon said getting up and climbing to reach the higher floor

        What she found was an unconscious X, the vixen checked his body for any unjury, but what looked to be the problem was that the armored guy had no energy
        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



          Sewers - Tokyo - Japan

          "Hang on, let me see him."

          John knelt next to his fallen comrade. He was about to revive him.

          (I really hope this works...)

          John was going to reroute some of his suit's energy into X. The only problem was that the last time he did it, he had the help of Cortana.
          She could have done it in almost an instant, while for John, it took 2 minutes.

          Using his integrated neural interface, he manually diverted power into his hands. Once there, he positioned his hands onto X's torso, causing a sort of electron bridge.
          The energy then found it's way into X's internal battery, restoring his functions one by one.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Kawaguchi District, street where Mima's antique shop is located at.
            Time: 7:35 PM

            As Yuuka read through the list of clients, her mind started twisting. She wanted to blow up every single human in the entire outside world for what they have done to the Characters. As her hands started trembling came a young boy, no older than 8, trotting up to Yuuka.

            "Are you a Character?" The small, squeaky voice made Yuuka turn to see the boy. The boy held a paper and a pen in his hands. Yuuka's anger did not subside, but she held it back.
            "Well, yes." Yuuka said. "How can I help you?"
            "I wanted to get an autograph from a Character, but I wasn't lucky enough to meet one until now..." The boy fidgeted. From the distance, a middle-aged woman, presumably the boy's mother, was smiling kindly from far back. Yuuka's anger was soothed a little.
            "You want an autograph from me?" Yuuka asked the boy, who smiled in return and nodded wildly. Yuuka's rage was gone, melted by the boy's smile. Yuuka smiled in her equally tender smile as she took the paper and pen from the boy and signed "Kazami Yuuka". When the boy received the paper, now marked with Yuuka's signature, he beamed with radiant smile. As the boy marveled at the autograph, Yuuka used a bit of her power to summon a single sunflower. Even thought the sunflower was a little bit early of a season, Yuuka didn't mind. The boy's smile reminded her of sunflower, and that's what she gave the boy.

            As the boy left Yuuka, (Thank You!) Yuuka reflected on her anger a minute earlier. How foolish, how un-youkai she was! If she unleashed her wrath onto every human being, what could've happened to innocent people like this boy and his mother? What could've happened to countless other humans?

            "I hope they are coming..." Yuuka muttered to herself as she stared out into the distance, watching the boy and his mother go their way.


              Adachi District Sewers - Tokyo - Japan
              X's system's slowly turn back on one by one X slowly begins to have visions of his creator Dr. Thomas Light.
              X... wake up my son... it is time for you to wake up. Everything is going to be okay... just wake up...
              The visions end as X's system restarts completely. The color comes back to his robotic eyes, and the crystal on his forehead begins glowing brightly. X sits up and looks at his surroundings "Where... where am I?" Said X as his memories from the past few days have been erased due to the system reboot.


                Adachi District Sewers - Tokyo - Japan

                "Where... where am I?"

                "X, are you okay?", John asked his revived teammate.
                "You ran out of power, so I charged your internal battery."
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  "I don't know... why am I in a sewer? Also who are you?" Asked a confused X as he puts his hand over his chest.
                  "You charged my internal batteries? Thanks... I wish I could remember who you are." He says as the crystal on his head stops glowing. For some odd reason X feels different than usual. It feels as though his batteries are charged past their limit.
                  X winces as he feels a bit of energy surge through his body. "He turns his attention away from John, and begins concentrating. "Convert extra energy to Sub-Tanks." He says as nothing happens. "That's odd... why can't I convert my energy to my Sub-Tanks?" Asked X as he stands up.


                    Adachi District Sewers - Tokyo - Japan

                    "That's odd... why can't I convert my energy to my Sub-Tanks?"

                    "What's the matter?", John asks.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      "Normally I would be able to convert any extra energy into my Sub-Tanks in case of an emergency, but for some reason I cannot this time..." Said X as he looks at John. "Oh I'm sorry, but my name is X. It's nice to meet you, and thanks you for recharging my Fuel Cell." Said X as he holds out his hand for a hand shake.


                        Adachi District Sewers - Tokyo - Japan

                        "Oh I'm sorry, but my name is X. It's nice to meet you, and thanks you for recharging my Fuel Cell." Said X as he holds out his hand for a hand shake.

                        (What?...Did the power outage erase his memory?)

                        John shook his amnesiac teammate's hand and said, "Umm...we already met a couple hours ago. My name is John, and that over there is Renamon."
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Kawaguchi District, street where Mima's antique shop is located at

                          "I'm here. I led the police the other direction so they shouldn't be a problem for now". The was a voice, but Aqua was nowhere to be seen.
                          After finishing the sentence, the air at one spot tensed and shifted before turning into Aqua. She had already transformed her Keyblade Glider back.

                          "What's taking the others so long? The y should have been back by now." She began walked around as she was worried.
                          "So what's on those papers by the way?"
                          Born in the light.
                          Molded in the dark

                          Never Forget,
                          Keep Fighting.
                          –Don't Forget.
                          Always, somewhere,
                          someone is fighting for you.
                          –As long as you remember her,
                          you are not alone.


                            Kawaguchi District, street where Mima's antique shop is located at.
                            Time: 7:40 PM

                            "So what's on those papers by the way?" The blue-haired girl materialized from thin air. So she has vanishing spell, just like that Koishi girl.
                            Rather than telling her, Yuuka handed the blue-haired girl the papers, a list of clients who bought Characters from Neo-Yakuza and their bio.


                              Adachi District Sewers - Tokyo - Japan

                              John hadn't forgotten about the mission at hand. It was nighttime and the team still wasn't reunited yet.

                              "We should probably get going, we're already running late as it is. X, in 59 more minutes, I'll charge you again. Let's hurry and get to that antique store."
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Adachi District Sewers - Tokyo - Japan

                                As John charged X, renamon searched for the closest and sneakiest path towards the antique store, then she saw an alleyway crossing towards the street where she and aqua fought the bald man

                                "Let´s go over here, we are only a street or two to reach the store" The fox said while helping the now recovered X.
                                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..


