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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    (Ahem, gentlemen. Shall we?)
    Adachi District Warehouse - Tokyo - Japan
    Time: 7:20 PM

    Whoever was piloting that metal bird obviously was an expert. The pilot was dodging and weaving almost every single bullet from Yuuka and the blue-haired girl. without the helicopter taking too much damage.
    "Dammit, you!" The policeman with the red trumpet hollered. "You are violating the city law, and therefore I shall arrest you right this instance-" His voice was muted by the pilot who fired two homing missiles from the metal bird. When did the police use homing danmakus?
    (Note: These policemen are actually not real policemen. They were attacked by an ambush of Neo-Yakuza who took their car in attempt to imprison our main party. Luckily, no one was caught.)

    Yuuka opened her parasol to block the homing danmakus. The danmakus exploded, but the explosion was minimal, leaving Yuuka's parasol unscathed.
    "Alright, that's it. You tick me off." Yuuka snarled as she opened her arms. More bullets, thicker in density and even larger in stature, appeared in a flower-like form behind Yuuka.
    "Bloom Sign - Valley of the Lilies." Yuuka muttered. The danmaku started flying towards the metal bird.


      Sewers - Tokyo - Japan

      John saw no real way to plan for this encounter.

      (There's no way I'll be able to use my gun in here...but what about Renamon? She doesn't need a gun...)

      John turned towards Renamon, "I've got an idea, use Diamond Storm on them."


      The Vault Boy and his back-up were quickly approaching.
      They also knew that it was dangerous to use guns in the sewer, so they pulled out an assortment of weapons; knives and brass knuckles.
      Last edited by S121; 04-29-2013, 09:36 PM.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Sewers - Tokyo - Japan

        Following the soldierīs idea renamon prepared for the targets to appear, the moment she saw the blonde guy, she sent a barrage of diamond storm and quickly ran towards him to Knock out him, then she saw something terrifying, the little man was full of grenades "He is armed!" Renamon warned as she punched the man with a power paw and stepped back towards John

        "That man is a time bomb, we screw up and this whole place will get barren with concrete" the vixen warned as she pulled out a lead pipe and threw it to the soldier. "Letīs see how good you are with close combat soldier" she said while kicking an agent on its stomach with her knee
        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



          Sewers - Tokyo - Japan

          "Letīs see how good you are with close combat soldier!"

          John caught the lead pipe and charged towards Vault Boy. Right as John started charging towards him, Vault Boy reached for his gun.

          (If he fires that thing, we're all dead!)

          John's heart began to race, his body going into overdrive. Time began to slow as "Spartan Time" kicked in.

          Right before the Vault Boy could fire a single shot, John swung the pipe at him, hitting the gun out of his hand. A soldier ran past Vault Boy and swung his brass knuckles at John.
          John quickly lunged to the side, grabbed the Agent by the neck, and threw him at Vault Boy, but Vault Boy was faster. He dodged the agent, grabbed the brass knuckles from the ground, and lunged at John.
          John barely dodged the incoming attack, spinning out of the way of Vault Boy's fist. (How's he so fast!?)

          Little did John know that Vault Boy was using a special neural interface called VATS. VATS made it so that Vault Boy would have improved reaction time and accuracy, making him almost as fast as a Spartan!
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Sewers - Tokyo - Japan

            The vault boy had an inmense speed and accuracy despite his structure and he did know how to take advantage of those points, as he and John were battling, Renamon was taking care of the agents, though they had brass knuckles and knives, the fox had her claws ready for them.

            Jumping towards the first agent, the vixen kicked his face and slammed him to the floor with her body, the second agent didnīt hesitate and tried to stab her, the foxīs paw managed to grab his wrist and stopped the knife close to her face, then she threw the agent to the pestilent waters, looking at the knife, Renamon noticed John was at disadvantage because of the vault boyīs speed.

            She sprinted towards them and slided to kick the blonde guy from his ankles to make him fall.
            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



              Sewers - Tokyo - Japan

              John had all Vault Boy's attention, which gave Renamon the advantage. Her foot met Vault Boy's ankles, and as they connected, Vault Boy lost his footing.
              Seeing an opportunity, John hopped over Renamon and hit Vault Boy across the face with the pipe as he was falling.
              Vault Boy's head violently bounced off the ground, due to the force applied by Renamon's kick and John's strike. Seeing that he was outnumbered and outmatched, Vault Boy grabbed for a grenade.
              If he was going to die, he was going to take everybody with him.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Adachi District Streets directly above the battle - Tokyo - Japan
                __________________________________________________ ____________

                X looks up at the setting sun. "Better get back to base soon..." He says as he hears the sounds of people fighting in the sewers via a nearby Sewer Grate. "What's going on down there!? It... it sounds like a fight is going on! Wait a second..." Said X as he remembers that John was going into the sewers along with the others. "I have to go help, but my energy is running low..." Said the blue robot as he gets a serious look on his face. "No... I am going to help them either way. It's what Zero would have done if he was here." He said as he transforms his arm into the X-Buster, and begins charging up a charged shot. "It'll take all my energy to break through..." He said as he continues charging. A green light emanates from his arm cannon as he charges. Eventually the the light turns blue indicating he is near full charge.


                  Sewers - Tokyo - Japan

                  Renamon saw the grenade and snatched it from the vault boy as quickly as possible, yet its lock was already brocken and there was no way to stop it from exploding.

                  Instantly she threw it to the air and gave it a massive power paw sending the small device as far as possible towards the wastes making it get damaged because of the toxic substances and failing to explode. "That was close.." said the vixen
                  Last edited by Kristia; 04-30-2013, 12:11 AM.
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                    Sewers - Tokyo - Japan


                    As Vault Boy reached for a second grenade, a large explosion occurred above them, causing Vault Boy to fumble and drop one of the grenades.
                    Seeing his chance, John reached down, grabbed Vault Boy's grenade belt, and pulled as hard as he could.
                    The belt tore away, leaving Vault Boy disarmed.

                    Vault Boy laid there with two enemies hovering over him. Seeing no other way out, Vault Boy started begging for his life.
                    Last edited by S121; 04-30-2013, 12:11 AM.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Kawaguchi District, street where Mima's antique shop is located at.
                      Time: 7:30 PM

                      After eluding that pesky metal bird, Yuuka landed safely near Mima's shop. She looked around to find the blue-haired girl, only to find that she was nowhere to be found.
                      Hmm, so she ran. Yuuka thought. At least she helped us get this, so that's ok.

                      Yuuka pulled a notepad from her hand and stared at it, reading the list of clients who wanted to buy Characters. Next to them were the annotations of who they were and their locations. For example, Manuel Terez was "Drug cartel of the Mexico", and was operative in Mexico City. A woman by the name of Sophitia Granche was a wealthy businessman from a place called "Athene, Greece." Then, under their names were assortments of numbers, which Yuuka hypothesized was the price they paid for the Characters.

                      All these wealthy humans wanting to subjugate Characters? What has this world turned into? I thought the outside world Yukari said was a place with no discord, no dispute.


                        As X reaches full charge his arm cannon begins to shake due to the intense strain. "Can't... hold a charge much longer...!" Said X as he finally reaches a full charge with his X Buster. Putting everything he had into the single powerful shot hoping that it will be enough to blast a whole into the sewers. He quickly turns to a sewer grate after realizing that it might not be the best idea to blast a whole through the ground. He aims his X-Buster at the grate. "Here I go...! CHARGE SHOT!!!" He yelled as he fires the large blast of energy at the sewer grate hoping to blow a whole through. As he does his eyes slowly go blank as he used up the last of his reserve energy.


                          Sewers - Tokyo - Japan

                          The Vault Boy was disarmed. Having no way of defending himself, he begged for his life.
                          John looked at the figure before him, then towards Renamon.

                          "Should we let him live?"
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Adachi District Streets - Tokyo -Japan

                            As X's charge shot dissipates X's body goes limp as the last reserves of energy.
                            X falls to the ground, out of energy and offline his body lies there next to the hole he had made.


                              Sewers - Tokyo - Japan

                              Renamon looked at the character in question and answered "Even though he attacked us, he is also a character who can choose to stop attacking others" then the vixen looked at the vault boy and gave him her hand to help him get up "You can come with us if you want too or go outside by yourself too, you are free"
                              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                                Sewers - Tokyo - Japan

                                The Vault Boy tenderly grabbed Renamon's hand, careful not to provoke her.
                                He seemed to have given up, but as soon as John and Renamon turned their backs, he went for the second grenade. The Vault Boy deceived them!
                                He pulled the pin and threw it at his adversaries.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

