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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Yukari's Resort

    "Oh I know what that is." Rumia's face grew pale. "Stay away from that dark orb! That's a Lich!"
    "Darkness Sign - Demarcation" Rumia declared, encasing Ansem in a ring of marks. "Repulsion!"

    (Repulsion: Darkness manipulation that allows the user to scatter the darkness within the marked location through Demarcation)

    "Listen, you third-rate fraud." Rumia snarled as the Lich orb dissipated into nothing. "Whatever you try to do to John, I will intervene. So leave John's body, unless you want your brain blown into pieces."


      John's Mind

      John didn't know what happened.

      One moment he was talking with Mima, the next, here in a void of darkness.

      John could barely hear what was going on.

      "Listen, you third-rate fraud. Whatever you try to do to John, I will intervene. So leave John's body, unless you want your brain blown into pieces."

      John widened his eyes.

      "Ansem.", John said to himself.

      John began to think up of a plan to regain control of his body.

      (Just as there is darkness, there is light. I need to find that light.)

      John began to walk through his mind, looking for his inner light.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Yukari's Resort

        Suddenly John was just hovering in the air, his arms was stretched out, as was his legs. He couldn't move, only listen to what Ansem had to say.
        "I don't think we want to see John's brain blown out. John's body is my body"
        Darkness then began seeping from John's body.
        "John. The deeper the darkness runs inside you, the stronger I become. Controlling you is effortless. You must see that"
        Born in the light.
        Molded in the dark

        Never Forget,
        Keep Fighting.
        –Don't Forget.
        Always, somewhere,
        someone is fighting for you.
        –As long as you remember her,
        you are not alone.


          John's Mind

          "John. The deeper the darkness runs inside you, the stronger I become. Controlling you is effortless. You must see that"

          (Perhaps. For now, at least.), John thought to himself.

          John continued to search for it, looking around for his inner light.

          Eventually, John found it.

          It was somewhat small and fading, due to Ansem's influence.
          Last edited by S121; 06-23-2013, 01:22 PM.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Yukari's Resort

            Ansem appeared in John's mind. "John. Stop resisting. Accept the darkness. You have no choice... if you are to serve me."
            Ansem then began coming for John reaching for him.
            Born in the light.
            Molded in the dark

            Never Forget,
            Keep Fighting.
            –Don't Forget.
            Always, somewhere,
            someone is fighting for you.
            –As long as you remember her,
            you are not alone.


              John's Mind - Yukari's Resort

              John saw that Ansem appeared in his mind.

              "John. Stop resisting. Accept the darkness. You have no choice... if you are to serve me."

              Ansem then began coming for John, reaching for him.

              "I'm not going to let you take my heart. Not that easily."

              John sprinted for his inner light and held it in his hands.

              (I need to find a way to strengthen it. It can't be that much different than manipulating Darkness.)

              John then began to focus on the light, making it brighter and brighter.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                John's Mind - Yukari's Resort

                As the light grew stronger Ansem was blinded my it. "No... What are you? ... Nobody have ever wielded the darkness like you."
                Ansem then began to disappear. "This is not the end. Know that, I will always be a part of you"
                Born in the light.
                Molded in the dark

                Never Forget,
                Keep Fighting.
                –Don't Forget.
                Always, somewhere,
                someone is fighting for you.
                –As long as you remember her,
                you are not alone.


                  ???; Otori

                  Huh? Where am I? Wait, this...

                  "That's right, Otori. You're back in your little dream world."

                  A figure was coming up... wait... me? This was my normal self this time.

                  "What's wrong, Otori? You seem normal when looking in a mirror."

                  "So you're here in place of my younger self?"

                  "Pretty much. You're job now, is to find out why we were here in the first place, and what to expect later."

                  "Hm? So what's today's riddle?"

                  "Let me answer that with a question. Why do you talk like that?"

                  "Like... what?"

                  "Like everything is a joke. Look around you."

                  The darkness turned into a flash back of all of the moments of crisis.

                  "Worlds are colliding. You are only human, and you are risking your life for the sake of one person. And yet you are still laughing. You are making a joke of everything. Why?"

                  "... because. Sure, worlds are colliding and the outcome of this can range from beneficial to apocalyptic. But I laugh because... because..."

                  "You don't know, do you? Is it because you are afraid? Because if you weren't cracking jokes, you would be frozen in fear?


                  "Maybe I am right."

                  "...hey now. You may be me, but... why I always smile is for me to find out for myself. Otherwise, you wouldn't still be here, would you?"

                  "...Hmph. You are smart indeed. But your trial isn't over. You still don't know why I'm here. Why your past self was here. Why you are here."

                  House, Nevada; Shikieiki

                  I was still with Otori on the couch.

                  But now... I feel a change in him. Like... he...


                  I opened his eye, and...

                  His pupil lost color.

                  "Otori? Otori!"


                    John's Mind - Yukari's Resort

                    John focused harder and harder on the light, thinking of everyone as he did so.

                    (I am not going to let him take you guys away from me... Never...)

                    John was blinded by the light and lost feeling in his whole body...

                    Yukari's Resort

                    All of a sudden, the black shadow aura around John began to turn grey, then a bluish-white.

                    John lowered his arms as he regained control over his body.

                    John then fell to the ground and landed on his feet, breathing heavily from exertion as the aura faded away.
                    Last edited by S121; 06-23-2013, 03:08 PM.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Somewhere in Nevada

                      Sanford came up beside Shiki.

                      "What's wrong?" Sanford asked.

                      Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                      You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                        realm of darkness

                        Seeing the hordes of dark beings, the fox had an idea "let´s go at max speed Nera" she said focusing her energy in only to run

                        The jackal nodded and both of them went at incredible speed evading the darksides´ attacks, Nera got the lead "I got her sent again, just follow me" she said sliding below a darkside´s feet

                        the jackal and the fox went deeper into the realm still following Aqua´s scent
                        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                          "It's Otori. I looked into his eyes. Look!"

                          I opened his eye to reveal a colorless pupil.

                          "He can't be dead, his heart is still active, but..."


                            Yukari's Resort

                            "That was wicked!" Rumia shouted in awe and joy. "Control over darkness also gave you control over brightness!"
                            "At this rate, nothing will surprise me." Reisen nodded, leaning back and smiling. But why was Yuuka and Yukari so serious?

                            "This is bad." Yuuka said to Yukari as a boundary aroundd Yuuka and Yukari. Their conversatiom sounds like what is the best ice cream flavor.
                            "Very." Yukari agreed. "The Old Prophecy, known only by 4 members of Gensokyo, is coming true."
                            "Tewi, Keine, you, and me..." Yuuka nodded. "What should we do to prevent the apocalypse?"
                            "I'm alerting the old-timers. We need strong commanders." Yukari announced.
                            "Make sure you alert the Lunarians and the Sadians. I'm going to start training the younger Youkai." Yuuka smiled as she got up. "I'm heading out. John, are you staying here?"


                              Somewhere in Nevada

                              "He is not dead." came a voice from the door. It was Christoff.

                              "Pupil change does not mean death." Christoff said. "On another note, it is quite odd to see a yama here."

                              Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                              You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                                Yukari's Resort

                                John saw how serious Yuuka and Yukari's faces were.

                                "I'm heading out. John, are you staying here?", Yuuka asked.

                                "What's going on?", John asked Yukari and Yuuka as he walked over to them, still a little tired from his exertion.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

