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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Yukari's Resort

    "The thing is that you guys were dealing with False Riku, so we decided to enter the realm silently so no one could discover us.", Renamon explained while eating an apple.

    "Okay, I just want you guys to be careful. I just don't want you guys to disappear without a trace.", John said as he began cooking what he was best at cooking; steak.
    Last edited by S121; 06-24-2013, 04:24 PM.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      Yukari's Resort

      "At least everything went fine right? Everyone is back safe.
      So what now, where are the others?"
      Born in the light.
      Molded in the dark

      Never Forget,
      Keep Fighting.
      –Don't Forget.
      Always, somewhere,
      someone is fighting for you.
      –As long as you remember her,
      you are not alone.


        Yukari's Resort

        "At least everything went fine right? Everyone is back safe.
        So what now, where are the others?", Katrix asked.

        "They went back to Gensokyo. It's pretty much us here.", John said as he handed Aqua a plate with a steak on it.

        "By the way, I thought you hated darkness. Why the sudden change of heart?", John said as he sat on a cushion on the ground.
        Last edited by S121; 06-24-2013, 05:25 PM.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Yukari's Resort

          Aqua quickly began eating the food.
          "I had to survive. I was stuck in the Realm of Darkness and the only thing there were was darkness.
          Now that I'm back I see that I was wrong. Darkness and Light must exist in balance. Currently that balance is broken so we have to fix it."

          Aqua then looked up at John. "But when did you learn to use the Darkness, last time i checked you were from a game where there was only technology."
          Born in the light.
          Molded in the dark

          Never Forget,
          Keep Fighting.
          –Don't Forget.
          Always, somewhere,
          someone is fighting for you.
          –As long as you remember her,
          you are not alone.


            Yukari's Resort

            "What's all this noise outside..." Rumia woke up late to some conversation going on. She sauntered out of her bedroom (it's really Yukari's), half asleep, to find a stranger in blue hair talking to John?
            "Whoa what- how did you get in here!"


              Yukari's Resort

              "What worries me is that your friend Terra lost control of himself just by being in that realm for way less time than you, he had the same eyes as you and also that man called Xehanort, I saw how Terra transformed into only a husk controlled by that amber eyed man" Renamon said and then faced Aqua

              "You may have survived the darkness, but that doesn´t mean you are the same person who entered there 11 years ago"
              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                Brisbane, Australia; Snake

                "What do you mean we have to leave?!"

                "If we don't, chances are that the enemy is going to bombard us, and it will not be pretty. The enemy has the biggest army in the world, and if they decide to waste us, they shall. I know this because I was the enemy!"


                "That's right, Snake. I was the one keeping track of you. I sent the units after you. Me and a partner, that is. But as of late, someone infiltrated the base and shot my partner. Luckily, he is a robot, much like the ones you recently fought called reploids. I barely fixed him, for he can only talk and remember. He cannot move. I took off on the Chrysalis and destroyed what's left of the base. I may be a liar and a cheat, but you know that even I wouldn't do that, Snake. Do you believe us now?"

                "Tch... guys, what do you think?"
                Last edited by wonderweiss; 06-24-2013, 07:58 PM.


                  Brisbane, Australia

                  An ex-commander of Neo-Yakuza that has gone rogue and is being chased... Sounds like a certain exiled swordsman I met.
                  "As long as you promise not to hunt down Snake, I'm okay." Sheva started. "I think we should give him a chance."
                  "Aaaah I don't know, mate." Sniper objected. "This wanker was the enemy until now, how can we trust him so quickly?"
                  "What say you, Rengar?"

                  Sniper was right. This man sent armies that kept us on-edge. But Sheva's argument was valid too. This Character is now the enemy of Neo-Yakuza, and there goes a saying: "An enemy of my enemy is my friend."

                  "You can tag along with us." I sighed. "But if you show a sign of affiliation with the Neo-Yakuza, I will slit your throat and hang your head on a pike. Understand?"


                    Yukari's Resort

                    "But when did you learn to use the Darkness, last time i checked you were from a game where there was only technology.", Aqua asked John.

                    "You see, it all started when I killed Ansem. He said that I was a good candidate for Darkness, then gave me the power over it. Of course, it comes at a price. Ansem is living inside of my head and keeps trying to take over. In fact, 3 hours ago, he took over me, but I fought back and regained control. That's how I learned to use light.", John said to Aqua.

                    "Whoa what- how did you get in here!", Rumia exclaimed.

                    "It's okay. This is Aqua. She's with us. She was trapped in the Realm of Darkness for 11 years.", John said to Rumia.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Yukari's Resort

                      Aqua just keeps eating her steak. "Of course I'm not the same. It's been 11 years.
                      Do you really expect me to stay the same for 11 years. Besides, I had protection."

                      Aqua finds a coat like the ones used by the organization.
                      "While it's mostly used by Xehanort as he does not normally use his armor, I was lucky enough to get hold of one.
                      They protect me from the darkness just like my armor would do"

                      "As for Terra, It's sad to say, but I think it's to be expected. Master Xehanort had his sight set on Terra from the first time he saw him.
                      Terra is also a heavy user of the darkness himself. I saw the whole thing myself. I saved him. That's the sole reason why I ended up in the Realm of Darkness"
                      Born in the light.
                      Molded in the dark

                      Never Forget,
                      Keep Fighting.
                      –Don't Forget.
                      Always, somewhere,
                      someone is fighting for you.
                      –As long as you remember her,
                      you are not alone.


                        "You haven't anything to worry on. My head is about as under their radar as yours. We might as well take off. We stayed here too long. So, Snake. Whaddya say we become pals?"

                        "...fine. But how do you suppose that we leave? The Chrysalis is an AI, it will not-"

                        "That is where I stop you there, Snake. I modified it to a hybrid state. Now it can either become a semi-AI or a full manual."

                        "Is that so? Very well then. Where do you suppose we go?"

                        "Anywhere but here would be nice."

                        I hopped on to the Chrysalis. "C'mon, guys. We don't have time to waste."


                          Yukari's Resort

                          Renamon then asked somewhat calm "Ok then, so what is this organization you say? I remember him mentioning it to us"

                          "But ok, I see that Yukari and company are gone, I guess someting is going to happen, right?" The fox looked at John

                          Meanwhile Nera looked at Rumia "I wanted to talk to you about your origin, I heard that your people called Youkai have lived quite a long time, I wanted to ask you about something that I noticed in your world, it looked that most of the population are female, may I know if equality with them exist in Gensokyo"
                          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                            Yukari's Resort

                            "But ok, I see that Yukari and company are gone, I guess something is going to happen, right?", Renamon asked John.

                            "Well, when I covered myself in an aura of light, Yuuka and Yukari looked serious, like something was wrong. They then immediately gathered everyone and sent them to Gensokyo. When I asked them what they were talking about, they said that they were arguing which icecream flavor was the best.", John explained.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                              Vergil just looks at Volgin then Snake. "Very well, but be warned. If you are not being truthful about this I will end your life." Said Vergil as he hops into the Chrysalis.
                              Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


                                Yukari's Resort

                                Aqua had finally finished her steak.
                                "If you had trained under my master it would have been the other way around.
                                You would have been cherished for controlling light and shunned for darkness."
                                Born in the light.
                                Molded in the dark

                                Never Forget,
                                Keep Fighting.
                                –Don't Forget.
                                Always, somewhere,
                                someone is fighting for you.
                                –As long as you remember her,
                                you are not alone.

