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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Yukari´s resort

    "What about infiltrating someone? for what I see, this creatures are indoctrinated, but in many wars there have been people who join the enemy by their own will, that person would join their side and gain their trust and attack them from behind" the fox said

    "Also we got the issue with their tactics, how do they fight? by going through sidelines or a full frontal attack?" Nera asked
    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



      Yukari's Resort

      X had walked into the building and heard the meeting, he had been listening to what Renamon said.

      "I believe Axl would be a good choice for infiltrating them if given the chance. With his copy ability he could transform into one of the enemy's men, and hopefully sneak in. Though there is a problem with that route." Said X as he walks into the room. "Oh and hey."


        Vietnam -???

        Silver after hours of running from the dog finally comes to a stop. "Wait I have psychic powers!" Said Silver as he glows a bright green in color. He then holds his palm out and the dog to begins to glow green. Silver then motions his hand upwards towards a nearby building. As he does the dog flies up into the sky. Silver then motions his lowers his hand, setting the dog down on the roof of the building Silver was looking at. "Ha! Take that!" Said Silver as he looks at his surroundings. He then realizes that he is completely lost. "Damn it!"


          Yukari's Resort

          "Infiltration? You really want to dress up one of these guys?" Patchouli asked as she printed an image and uploaded it on the screen.

          "Ugh, no." Rumia blinked in horror.


            "Yukari´s resort

            "As you can see, I lack of any type of clothes, therefore I have no shame on using thier armors, and also we are dealing with a dire situation were personal tastes can hinder our situation, so yes I would use their armor to infiltrate" the fox said facing both Patchouli and Rumia
            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



              Yukari's Resort

              "Not me, my friend Axl. He will do anything to protect others. I don't think he would even think twice about transforming into one of those things." Said X as he sits down in an empty chair.


                Yukari's Resort

                "I've seen worse." Mima said as she came in, Sekibanki behind her.

                Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                  Yukari's Resort

                  John nodded at X's greeting, then continued.

                  John then continued.

                  "I might have an idea, but I'm not sure some people will like it. You said that the ship dwarfs the Earth right? If that's the case, then I think that both my plan and X's plan are a good idea. Axl can scout the ship and transmit data to the rest of us. Once we get a better layout of the ship, then we can plant explosives throughout the ship.

                  I have two options to plant them. One, I get someone to teleport me through the ship and I plant the explosives, or I use darkness corridors. I'm kind of hesitant to bring a second person along, considering the amount of danger involved. I'm trying to come up with a plan that has as few casualties as possible. If I bring somebody along, they might need an EVA suit. There's a chance that we'll be sucked out into space. Not only that, there's a chance that we'll have to make an orbital drop, depending on the situation and range of the teleporter. This is a suicide mission, so they should prepare for the worst. That's why I'm going. I've been on countless suicide missions and have experience in missions like this."

                  "I don't expect to kill the whole ship in one run, but it will kill all of the commanders."
                  , John said.
                  Last edited by S121; 07-02-2013, 01:51 PM.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Yukari's Resort

                    "I'll go with you John, I've been in the vacuum of space countless of times. A reploids body is able to withstand some of the most dangerous of environments, even the vacuum of space. Staying in space is not a problem for me, though I won't be able to survive an orbital drop without some sort of help." Said X as he turns to John.


                      Yukari's Resort

                      "They look like... Chitauri?" Murasa observed.
                      "They literally flipped the skin of the subjugated people over. That's freaking disgusting." Rumia cowered. "Now I just can't allow them to take over our world."
                      "Let me actually explain the ranks system." Patchouli said as she finished her pyramid drawing.

                      "The bottom-most rank are called Cadets." Patchouli began. "They're usually the newborn Nucleoids, and they train themselves to go to invasion. Most of these guys are newbies at fighting, but hey, quantity over quality."

                      "Then comes the Grunts. When a Cadet-level Nucleoid successfully survives a session of invasion, they are given this title. They're more experienced in combat, but nevertheless the same as Cadets."

                      "Holding the middle are specialized group of Grunts that gain special titles. The brute-force, close-combat warriors are called the Wu-lords. The ranged warriors based on agility and stealth are called the Seneschals, and the magicians are called the Exemplars. These Nucleoids are highly talented, and only the select few of the Grunts can get into one of these categories. The Exemplars are especially dangerous, using foreign magic comparable to weaker Youkais."

                      "Following the specialized Grunts are the Shells. They're mostly demolition and breach-based, but they are also classified as the anti-siege. Apparently, even the nuclear holocaust of a world called Bronchio couldn't break through the Shells' defense once they get set-up."

                      "The third-highest rank is called the Legion. These are Grunts that show a sign of rebellious attitude, and they are completely brainwashed. During the process, they grow highly organized behavior, and their physical strength are reinforced. But their mind and spirit is highly damaged, so a blast from Reisen's mind blowing techniques could wipe them out."

                      "Leading the Legion are called the Admirals. Most, if not all Admirals, have special magical potential. Think of them as all three categories of specialized grunts added together, plus alpha."

                      "Leading the Admirals, and leading the top of the army is the 81 Generals. Since there are so many Generals and since they have to be all defeated in an hour difference, I think we have to decide on only one or two of us fighting one General."

                      "And of course, at the tip of the chart is the Devourer. Not much is known about the Devourer, except for the fact that he once demolished an entire planet with his foot tapping."


                        Yukari's Resort

                        John wasn't bothered at all by their flipped skin. If anything, they were barely as grotesque as the Flood.

                        So, what are the details of your plan?", John asked Patchouli.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Yukari's Resort

                          "Hmm, I wish I could show this to you, but I have a simulator all planned out." Patchouli said as she ordered Koakuma to bring something. "When Yukari mentioned the NOVA bomb plan, I went on and got researching, with the help of other bright minds of Gensokyo, and came up with this."

                          What Koakuma brought was a paper with math equations scribbled on it. The most important ones were highlighted with yellow marker:

                          Assumptions: the moon is 2 km, and the NOVA bomb is only 5,000 km away.
                          Calc: Apply the Inverse Squared Law: Source Energy / (4 * Pi * R2) the radius is the distance from the source to the range.

                          x/ (4 * 3.14195... * 5,0002) = 4 Megatons per square kilometer to fragment a 2 km moon which requires 8 Megatons to be fragmented.

                          x = 1.2 Petatons.

                          1.2 Petaton / 9 warhead / 6.24 fission dispersion ratio (Avogadro) = approx. 21.3 Teraton.

                          "Without any variation, each warhead is going to result in 21.3 teratons of energy. Until I can find a specific intel on the ship's material, I would have to say that's not enough to entirely blow up the ship."


                            Resort; Huey
                            "Now, about the nucleoids, they may be powerful, but they must have some kind of weaknesses. Afterall, they are the result of an apocalypse."

                            Beach; Yuyuko

                            I grabbed Axl.

                            "I think it's about time we headed back. You need your rest."

                            Airport; Ocelot
                            I saw a little girl.

                            "Hey, whaddya know?"

                            "My baby!"

                            Wow. What a touching reunion.

                            Speaking of reunions, there was the guy who was sneaking on us before. I bet he was sneaking on me again!

                            "Well, well, well, if it isn't the robot. Sneaking up on me again, are we?"

                            I turned around.

                            "Well, since you're following me, you might as well come with me. Could use some help. But hey, it's your choice. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna leave that lovely family alone."

                            I began my search again.


                              Secluded Beach

                              "No... I'm fine... I don't need rest." Said Axl as the pain slowly fades.


                              Phantom looks at the little girl and almost cracks a smile for the first time in his life. However he stops and turns to Ocelot. "..." He does not say a thing, but he nods his head. He then follows Ocelot.


                                Ah, here we go! Califlight. Finally.

                                I went up to the desk. A woman was standing there.

                                "Hello, how may we help you today?"

                                "Actually, I wanna go to California. Flight for two. I hope this should complete the transaction."

                                I handed her the card. She scanned it and was approved.

                                "Very well. Because of your stature as military, your flight will be free. Or you can pay an extra $50 for a first class seating."

                                "No thanks, I'm dead broke. And there won't be any luggaging."

                                "Very well. Here are your tickets. I hope you have a safe flight."

                                "Ha, so do I. Thanks."

                                I headed out. Got 20 minutes. We're barely gonna make it.


                                A security guard from the airport was on the phone.

                                "... Hello? Is this the Neo-Yakuza? We found a character for you guys. He's headed to California. He's a tall man with short white hair, possibly russian. He wore a black major's suit and a red burette. He has some sort of cowboy fashion amongst him, weilding a revolver and boots with spurrs."

                                The security guard awaited a response.

