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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Yukari's Resort - Voile Library

    "I don't see any problem with it." Yukari said, but Alice objected.
    "I actually would like to differ. The Rhodochrosite crystal is huge. Like HUGE. About twenty times the size of that meteorite. Sure, Flandre can destroy it, but the Tanzanite Blades are going to continue working and repairing the crystal, and Flandre would be too exhausted to destroy the next crystal or the blades."


      "I see that these blades can be quite the problem. We need to find a way to disable the blades."


        Yukari's Resort

        John then had a second idea.

        "Would her Lavatein work against the blades? We are talking about a weapon said to bring about the Apocalypse. Besides, the blades are made out of Tanzanite, which according to my HUD, is a rock. It's either that, or we get Youmu to slice through the blades.", John said to Alice.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Yukari's Resort - Voile Library

          "If the blades are removed, then the crystal is repaired slower." Alice read. "But this is suicidal, apparently, unless there's something that is strong enough to lift a 20 ton of Tanzanite, and heat-resistent enough to survive in a arcanopulsate reactor for a long time."
          "Arcanopulsate reactor?" Rumia asked she walked back to the meeting, changed into a black heltertop and red miniskirt. "Oh god no."
          "Oh god yes." Alice sadly confirmed. "Not even Mokou can survive in there, right?"


            (Check OOC for John's temperature threshold.)-----> (Here)

            Yukari's Resort

            "How hot is an Arcanopulsate Reactor?", John asked Alice.
            Last edited by S121; 07-03-2013, 01:41 PM.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



              Silver was looking around trying to find his way back to his home when he started to hear a odd charging sound. He looks up to see a large flying machine. "Wow that is a large ship. It appears to be charging something... I wonder what it's aiming at..." Said Silver as he notices that the rail gun on the Chrysalis was aiming at none-other than him. "Oh crap it's aiming at me!" He said as he takes out the Chaos Emerald out of seemingly nowhere. "Chaos Control!" Said Silver as nothing happens. "Really!? You decide to not work now!?" Said Silver as he shakes the gem wildly. Nothing continues to happen.

              After a minute of nothing happening Silver sighs and takes off running into an alleyway.


                Somewhere in Nevada; Otori
                So many...

                "Hey, are there usually more than eighty enemies? So god-damn many of 'em!"

                Somewhere in Nevada; Shiki
                I went on hitting the enemies. I would perfer to knock them out. But Hank and his friend... They were just as violent as Yuuka!

                "Now that I see what you do, I find it much more disturbing to know that the Higher Powers are keeping you alive just so that they can entertain themselves with your homocidal streak."

                Plane; Komachi
                We've been silent for some time. I decided to kick up a conversation.

                "So, uh, Dante, do you enjoy killing demons all the time?"

                Beach; Yuyuko
                "... I fear that you are not. Here. I'll take you to your friend. The one that fixed you earlier. Maybe she will know what's going on."

                I heaved Axl over my shoulders and took him to the hotel. But when I got there, his friend wasn't there! Oh, where could she be?

                Plane; Ocelot
                We finally made it on board. The assistants were going over the safety procedures. After they were done, the plane took off.

                After some time, one of them went up to me.

                "Excuse me, sir-"

                "I know, I know, no guns. Don't worry, I'm military, I'm supposed to have this stuff."

                "No, that's not it, um... You look familiar..."

                "Well, of course I would! Who hasn't heard of major 'revolver' Ocelot?"

                Most people were facing me.

                "Whoa, revolver?" "Is that really him?" "No way, he looks way too young!" "Ya think that's his younger self?" "There's actually a good chance that's true." "He does have that white hair." "And the revolver."

                The flight attendant looked at me. "Yea, revolver Ocelot! My husband plays your game!"

                "Wait, game? Someone made a game about me? This is too great!"

                Chrysalis; Snake
                "Volgin, stop! He's gone!"

                "Why are you trying to stop me, Snake?! For all we know, that's a Neo-Yakuza operative!"

                He spoke into the intercom.

                "Don't try to run! I know who you work for, so tell the boss that I'm NOT coming back, and that he can rot for all I care!"

                Voile, Gensokyo; Sakuya
                I heard a rather frequent pattern of talking in Voile. I decided to check it out.

                I went down to discover Alice talking to a... Monitor?

                "Alice, what are you doung?"

                Then I saw a group of people in the monitor. But it wasn't just any group: it was John and his friends!

                "Ah, hello everyone! Are you holding the meeting now? Is it alright that I join?"



                  Silver had listened to what the man inside the machine had said. Silver quickly pokes his head from out of the alleyway. "I don't know what you are talking about! I don't work for anyone!" Yelled Silver as he holds his palm out. He then uses his telekinetic abilities to lift up a nearby car. Silver then sends the car flying towards the Chrysalis, using it as a distraction Silver quickly takes off running.


                    Chrysalis; Snake
                    "Wait! He's saying he doesn't work for them!"

                    The Chrysalis used extreme force to move out of the way, tossing us all to the side with a powerful force.

                    "Volgin, let me talk to him!"

                    "Grr... Fine. Chrysalis, stop."


                    I went over to the intercom.

                    "Okay, listen! Sorry for the sudden mishap. My... Partner... Is a bit on the sadistic side. I'm coming down. If you try to attack, we will carry out order ps to the Chrysalis to eliminate you."

                    I put the Chrysalis to the ground and I emerged.

                    "I'm Snake. Who are you?"



                      Silver comes to a stop and looks at the machine. He then keeps a close eye on the machine as Snake exits the Chrysalis. "My name is Silver. Silver the Hedgehog." Said Silver as he lowers his guard. he then slowly walks up to Snake. Due to Silver's short height of 3ft 3 he is a dwarf compared to Snake. "Why were you trying to attack me?" Asked Silver.


                        "It's a long story. We thought you were a part of an organization called the Neo-Yakuza, made for capturing people like us to use them as their own weapons. But really, it's Volgin that was worried. You see, Volgin was the leader of a major Neo-Yakuza base. But as of late, the base was assaulted and his partner was mortally wounded. Knowing that if the Neo-Yakuza heard about this, they would shut down the base and Volgin along with it, he escaped with his partner in this here metal gear, the Chrysalis. Then, in order to finish his business, he blew the entire place sky high. We're kind of on the run, here. But we were in Australia at the time. We should be safe here in Vietnam... For now at least."


                          Somewhere in Nevada

                          "It's necessary, if we want to get through the building alive." Christoff said.

                          "And I could see the entertainment value, if you're an insane lunatic." Hank replied, slicing through another group of ATPs.

                          "Welcome to the madness, kid." Sanford said, firing several bullets at incoming 1337s.

                          Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                          You just discard their guts and keep on driving.



                            Silver raises an eyebrow at what Snake just said.

                            "You know... I have no idea what you're talking about to be honest." Said Silver as he uses his telekinesis to lift a rather large rock over to him. He then sets the rock down on the ground and then sits on it. "Heck I don't even know where I am." He said as he gets a look as though he is thinking deeply.


                              I thought for a moment.

                              "... Well, it's a high probability that if they catch wind of your psychokinetic powers, they'll come after you as well, and from what I can tell, they have forces that can rival anyone if in the right situation. You should come with us."

                              Somewhere in Nevada; Otori
                              Welcome to madness, huh? Well, I guess I can handle madness for a little while longer.

                              Don't assume things for yourself.

                              What the hell? Who was that?

                              "Hey, did you guys say something?"


                              I see...

                              "Hank, how did all the madness begin?" I said as I was knocking out more enemies.



                                "How do I know you're not lying and that you are actually with this "Neo Yakuza"?" Said Silver as he also jumps back. "Or that you are actually after my Chaos Emerald!?" Said Silver as he holds the emerald behind his back.

