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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    I lifted the Mantis over my head. Huey looked in awe.

    "How are you..."

    "I know, this suit is badass! Now, let's head back to the resort."

    I saw John and Jason coming.

    "Oh hey, you two! Hey, Jason, sorry for being so sudden on the drop, but hey: your Mantis is now fully functional."

    Underground Research Labs, London; Gerard
    I heard glass breaking.

    "What was that?"

    "Intruders! Let's hurry, mister Teranous!"

    We rushed over to the sound to discover a monster being shot at.

    "I knew it! They set the damn thing free before it was ready!"

    I stepped forward.


    I unsheathed my sword.

    "... Step aside. Report this."



      Underground Research Labs

      Chris followed the sound of gunfire only to come across the remnants of his team, a Nemesis that had awoken, and a man with a sword? "The hell!? Quick we need to get out of here! That thing will kill us all!" Yelled Chris as his teammates try to retreat, however one of his teammates is grabbed by the Nemesis. Suddenly a spear like tentacle erupts from it's palm and impales Chris's teammate in the chest, killing him. "Damn it! You get out of here! I'll slow it down!" Chris Yelled as he ran in front of the Nemesis. Chris takes out his assault rifle and aims it at the Nemesis.

      "But what about you sir?" Asked one of the last two of his teammates.

      "I'll be fine... I dealt with these kind of things before..." Replied Chris as he turns to Gerard. "I hope you know how to use that damn thing. Because this bast*rd isn't going to go down easily!"


        "I know. That is special property and you all go and ruin it! Once we escape I'm calling the others to bring agents that can control it. And once we do escape, I expect a good explanation and a better meal. Now then, I've never actually fought these. Only heard of them. You seem to know it. You tell me what I have to do in order to disable it at the very least."


          "You can't really disable these things! Even weapons like an RPG will only slow it down! Do you have any place that we can go to where we have more of an advantage over this thing!?" Said Chris as the Nemesis roars before taking off after them at a surprisingly fast sprint. "RUN!" Yelled Chris as he begins running from the Nemesis.


            Damn! Nobody told me that!

            "So how do you suppose fixing this problem, intruder?!"


              "Get somewhere where we can at least incapacitate it hopefully then get the f*ck out of here!" Yelled Chris as he took out his Nine-Oh-Nine, shooting a gas canister in the hall they were running in, as Chris shot the canister it caused an explosion. The explosion dazed the creature for a few seconds.


                "And what conditions are there to be met if we want to incapacitate it?"


                  "I'd rather figure that out once we get to that point!" Said Chris as they came to a closed elevator. "Damn... dead end... unless you had a key card then we won't be going anywhere." He said as he turns around. The Nemesis is catching up.


                    Dammit, my key card! The one time I actually find it useful, the place blows up...

                    I put my katana through the slit of the elevator doors and heave it open.

                    "Hurry! Get inside!""



                      "No it's not, you broke the leg off.", Jason said to HM.

                      "Well, let's go then.", John said.

                      This caused Jason to slightly panic, but he didn't show it.

                      (Aw crap. I still have yet to tell Yuuka, Rumia, and Yukari about John's "condition". I need to think fast.)

                      "I think it would be best to fix it here. It won't be that difficult.", Jason said.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        "oh, well wuddya know? My bad ^^' Oh well, the past is the past! Let's look into the future!"

                        I set the Mantis down.

                        "Well, someone's gotta do the job, so... I'll be looking for the armor girl! See ya!"

                        I took off running, looking for the armor girl.



                          Jason walked over to the Mantis and put the railgun down.

                          He then opened up the damaged leg joint and looked inside.

                          (Well, at least the damage isn't too bad. The joint should be in good condition really soon.), Jason thought as he began working on it.

                          John waited for instructions, but was not given any.

                          "I'm going to go take a walk. You know how to contact me."

                          "No we don't.", Jason said as he turned his head over to John.

                          John walked over to the Mantis and touched it, implanting his communication channel into the machine.

                          "Now you do. If you need me for anything, just call.", John said as he left for the city..
                          Last edited by S121; 07-13-2013, 06:55 PM.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Huey went over to Jason.

                            "Hey, maybe I can help. Afterall, I helped make a bipedal tank."


                              Research Lab Elevator

                              Chris quickly enters the elevator and looks at Gerard. "Which floor!?" He yelled as he looks out of the elevator, only to see Nemesis roaring, charging at the elevator at top speed.



                                As John was walking along in the city a person began following him.
                                Born in the light.
                                Molded in the dark

                                Never Forget,
                                Keep Fighting.
                                –Don't Forget.
                                Always, somewhere,
                                someone is fighting for you.
                                –As long as you remember her,
                                you are not alone.

