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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    "Any floor! As long as it's away from here and civilization!"



      Chris then hits the closest button to him as Nemesis draws closer. As the door was closing the Nemesis has finally caught up and it places it's hands in the doorway and begins to try and pry the door open. Chris takes the butt of his Assault rifle and begins bashing the Nemesis with it in an attempt to get the creature away from the door. "I need help here!"


        I began slashing at the monsters fingers. What are those officials doing with a monster? Are they planning on using this as a weapon as well?



          "Okay. There's just some slight differences though. The Mantis uses synthetic muscle and advanced servos in order to move the joints. They're expensive, but they are nearly impossible to break.", Jason said.

          Jason stood up and walked over to a compartment in the mech's cockpit. He then returned with tools.

          (This is here because this song reminds me of a quiet walk in a secluded part of the city, all while John thinks about his problems and how to fix them.)

          City - Honolulu, Hawaii

          John walked on, thinking about everything that had happened. He contemplated what changes he was going through, how to make himself "more human".

          (Well, perhaps it was a good thing that Renamon kept getting on my case. She wanted me to be more human, just like Cortana, but how do I do that?)

          (Not only that, but what about Yukari? In all honesty, she's more human than I am, and she's a Youkai. I don't want to take her for granted, I'm not going to take her for granted, not like Cortana. I won't. I promise at least that much...)

          (Geez. Now that I think about it, we don't know very much about each other. It just sort of happened... That's something that can be easily corrected. I'll have to bring that up whenever there's a moment of respite from the mission.)

          John contemplated the many things he didn't understand, the things he missed out on.

          (I have to find a way to become more human. Maybe if I try to catch up on the things that I missed? It's worth a shot. If anything, it would help me become more interesting. Of course, I don't really get art. All I see are pictures, while others see something else... I'll have to look into that.)

          John continued to walk the lonely streets of Honolulu. He had gotten to an area of the city that was less popular.

          The cars were a little more run down, and so were the buildings. Streetlights illuminated the area with their yellowish-orange glow. John could hear life coming from some of the buildings, people watching television and listening to music. Many of the apartments were dark though.

          John walked by a lamp post and sighed.

          There were many things on his mind. In the past week, so many things had happened to him. It was a lot to take in.

          (And then there's Ansem. What do I do about him? I won't be able to complete my goal with him around, mucking things up. I'll have to get rid of him, along with the Organization. Their standing in the way of me becoming more human. They're treading on my dreams... Ansem keeps trying to get me, trying to take control of me, but I won't let him. He's one of the only thing that are keeping me from being truly happy. I'll just have to get rid of him...)
          Last edited by S121; 07-13-2013, 07:39 PM.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



            The person walked up to John. Upon closer inspection he looked just like John. Down to the smallest detail.

            "Surprised, I guess you should be. After all I look just like you.
            I'll tell you what I am. I am a exact replica of you that Xehanort made from your data."
            Born in the light.
            Molded in the dark

            Never Forget,
            Keep Fighting.
            –Don't Forget.
            Always, somewhere,
            someone is fighting for you.
            –As long as you remember her,
            you are not alone.


              Lab Elevator

              After a few minutes of trying to get the creature off the elevator with no luck the sound of a man yelling from behind can be heard. "Hey ugly! Come after me!" Yelled none other than BRAVO Team member Douglas. Nemesis stops and turns around to look at Douglas. "Intruder!" It roared as it takes off running after Douglas who also took off running. As the elevator door closed Douglas's cries of pain and fear can be heard echoing throughout the lab.

              "Douglas!" Yelled Chris as the elevator door closed. "Damn it! Why do they even have the Nemesis here? Hell why do they even have the T-Virus?... Why... did he have to do that...." Said Chris as he kicks the elevator wall in frustration.


                City - Honolulu, Hawaii

                John's heart squeezed and his eyes widened.

                John quietly gasped as the replica's words reached his ears.

                John jumped back and pulled out his rifle.

                He then aimed it at the replica and fired.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  City - Honolulu, Hawaii

                  The replica quickly entered spartan time and dodged the bullet.
                  "We share the same body and the same talents but, there is one easy way to tell us apart tough.
                  Unlike you, I fear nothing."
                  Born in the light.
                  Molded in the dark

                  Never Forget,
                  Keep Fighting.
                  –Don't Forget.
                  Always, somewhere,
                  someone is fighting for you.
                  –As long as you remember her,
                  you are not alone.


                    City - Honolulu, Hawaii

                    John pulled out his carbon-steel knife and readied himself for the clone to approach.

                    (My knife can pierce the shields and armor, thanks to my strength. It also helps that the knife is almost impossible to break. It's made from carbon, the same kind on my bones. I just have to stab the undersuit.)
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      City - Honolulu, Hawaii

                      "You are afraid of the dark. The darkness inside of you still frightens you, no matter what you say.
                      But I'm different. I embrace the darkness. I can make it do whatever I want."

                      The replica then formed a similar knife out off darkness.

                      "So, I can wipe the floor with you."
                      Born in the light.
                      Molded in the dark

                      Never Forget,
                      Keep Fighting.
                      –Don't Forget.
                      Always, somewhere,
                      someone is fighting for you.
                      –As long as you remember her,
                      you are not alone.


                        City - Honolulu, Hawaii

                        "Or my fear is losing those I care about to the darkness. If I give in, I will no longer be my own person. I may be a Spartan, but my fear shows that I'm more human than you.", John said as he fired more rounds from the rifle in his hand as he slowly backed away from the dark Spartan.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          City - Honolulu, Hawaii

                          "Didn't I just say I'm a replica. I am not a human anyway."
                          The replica then combined darkness with spartan time.
                          The result was that he did not only see the world go slower and be able to react to it, but he was also able to move just fine as if nothing happened at all.

                          With his newly gained speed he lounged for the spartans back.
                          Born in the light.
                          Molded in the dark

                          Never Forget,
                          Keep Fighting.
                          –Don't Forget.
                          Always, somewhere,
                          someone is fighting for you.
                          –As long as you remember her,
                          you are not alone.


                            City - Honolulu, Hawaii

                            John saw the dark Spartan on his radar, coming from straight behind.

                            John's heart squeezed, his eyes dialated, his breathing intensified.

                            John went into Spartan Time.

                            Reacting quickly, John dropped his weapons and brought up his "Hard Lightshield", blocking the dark Spartan just in time.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              (You are free to finish him. Finish him, not kill him.)
                              City - Honolulu, Hawaii

                              The replica crashed right into the shield. "You'll pay for that".
                              The replica then used his quick speed to run a few rounds around the spartan before jumping into the air and lounging from there.
                              Born in the light.
                              Molded in the dark

                              Never Forget,
                              Keep Fighting.
                              –Don't Forget.
                              Always, somewhere,
                              someone is fighting for you.
                              –As long as you remember her,
                              you are not alone.


                                City - Honolulu, Hawaii

                                (Faster speed, huh? Just like Kelly. I'll just have to switch to a better weapon.), John thought as he quickly grabbed his knife and rifle.

                                John put them away and pulled out the Punt Gun.

                                (It doesn't matter how fast he is. This will hit him.), John thought as he fired the 2-gauge shotgun at his clone.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

