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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    "Please." Hyunlei smiled. "Try, faster."
    Hyunlei disappeared again.
    "You can't win." A pacifist Grunt said to John. "I wouldn't fight you to prove it, but let me tell you, you can't beat Admiral Hyunlei with regular weapons like that."

    "Ooh, that stung." Jamers laughed as he expertly maneuvered to dodge the punches. "One, two, three, fro, I can see an angry bro."
    Jamers suddenly stepped way out of reach, then drew out several missile salvo from his gauntlet. "See ya, nerd!"
    Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 07-16-2013, 04:12 PM.



      "This will be interesting. I could use swords like that.", John said without fear.

      John went into Spartan Time after holding it for so long, and sprinted at Hyunlei.

      John fired his Punt Gun, then quickly switched to his Energy swords.

      John then infused them with light and darkness.

      Isaac gritted his teeth and pulled out his Pulse Rifle.

      "Dodge this, B*tch!", Isaac yelled as he fired bullets at hypersonic speeds.

      "Haha... sparring...", Jason said in a tone of slight dread.

      The Mantis reloaded its missiles and Jason was ready for more.

      (Let's see if the overclock works...), Jason thought as he crossed his fingers.

      Jason initiated the Mantis's overclocking setting and sprinted to the side, firing 20mm rounds and missiles at his opponent.
      Last edited by S121; 07-16-2013, 04:17 PM.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



        Samus chuckled at the grunt´s word "Everyone is beatable, even us, but it all depends on how you use your advantages and disadvantages" she said as her armor disappeared

        "Hey ninjagirl, I challenge you to a one on one combat" the bounty hunter said as she was on her zero-suit and electric whip gun
        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




          "Constant vigilance!" Faultroll shouted as he began to exude green smoke from his body. He looked... focused. "I heard in Gensokyo you can dodge bullets, let's see how fair I go!"
          Faultroll began rushing towards Jason's Mantis. He was hit by several of the 20mm round, but the green smoke seemed to leave him unfazed. He brought his sword up and sliced at the Mantis vertically.

          "Accepted." Hyunlei appeared in front of Samus, her blade in hand.
          "I am the fastest opponent you will ever meet!" Hyunlei shouted as she appeared from behind. "108 Divine Brandish!"
          108 glistening swords appeared, circling Samus, creating an arena that cannot be breached.

          "We need to leave her to Samus and go!" Reimu shouted to Isaac and John. "There are plenty more enemies to fight!"



            I watched as the missiles come toward me. Now... it's time to get serious.

            I danced around them all. Then when the last missile came around, I grabbed it in my hand and crushed it. Then, when I spoke, my voice changed to a deeper voice.

            "Is that all you have to offer?"



              "Damn, nice!" Jamers laughed, firing a green missile at the terminator.


                I rolled out of the way. I grabbed a weapon from a nearby enemy that I killed and aimed it at him.

                "Let's see here, how effective is this against one of it's own kind?"



                  The bounty hunter smirked and prepared her whip "So an admiral? quite impressive rank, may I know how you got it?" she asked attacking, her whip extending to reach the admiral

                  Taomon´s summons were doing a great work and she wasn´t stopping with the purification process by marking different places with marks or talismans

                  Nera looked at the swordman and said "By the way, how will this spar be? a point style one or the first to give up?" the jackal walked to one side sill looking at him
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                    John was reluctant to leave Samus behind, but he did as he was told.

                    "The faster I kill all these enemies, the faster we can help Samus.)

                    John put away his Energy Swords, held his fists out, and began to focus.

                    John's armor then began to emit a faint aura of darkness.

                    (Let's go.), John thought as dark flames began to shoot out of his palms.

                    John was using his darkness as a flamethrower, burning every enemy in his sight.

                    He slowly advanced onto enemy positions, then burned them alive.

                    The Mantis jumped to the side, then stomped on the giant's foot.

                    The Mantis then jumped back and Jason began scanning the smoke and its origin.
                    Last edited by S121; 07-16-2013, 04:28 PM.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                      Hyunlei looked up, sinister smile filling her face. "To the death."
                      Hyunlei disappeared, then the swords that formed the ring pointed themselves towards Samus. When she reappeared, the swords shot themselves towards Samus.

                      Juhiano was following Taomon, but was not attacking her. "I really admire how you purify Nucleoids as if they were demons. We may look horrifying, but we aren't really the prime evil."

                      "Yow, my foot!" Faultroll gasped. "Dirty move. You must be a street fighter."



                        "I'm not a fighter at all! This is f*cking nuts!", Jason yelled.

                        He was obviously new to battle.

                        All of a sudden, the scan was complete.

                        John began to burn countless Nucleoids as he made his way to the tower.

                        Many grunts could be seen struggling to put out the fire and trying to save themselves from burning, but no matter what they did, the fire would not go out.

                        John eventually made his way to the tower with Isaac following behind, picking off stragglers.

                        "I'm at the tower.", John said to Yukari through the communication crystal.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                          "Good. Now, make sure you eject the crystal from the top of the tower without touching the tower itself. I'm going to hack into your suit to get access to your camera, and then I'm going to gap my hands in there to get it out." Yukari reported.
                          "My, my, do we have a visitor?" A Nucleoid with blue cowboy's hat and a gunblade replacing his right hand. "Hold on a moment, I'll prepare tea."

                          "Well then, you're a natural!" Faultroll guffawed. "Okay, I'll cut you some slack and let you go. Don't tell the others that I did this, though!"



                            Samus looked at the swords and ducked as one of them touched a single piece of her hair "so you hide and let other things attack your target? then I can guess you backstabbed your person in command to have his or her role?"" the bounty hunter said shooting an electric bullet to Hyunley

                            Taomon answered Juhiano´s speech and said "Oh you have me wrong, Im sending your kind to peace, but Im not seeing them as demons or evil, unfortunately we differ on your coming to our planet." the fox-miko said calmly
                            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                              "My superior was an idiot." Hyunlei stared maliciously. "He was ignorant, not knowing his potential, and lazy. He was lax, and always relied on others to do his job."
                              Hyunlei then smiled. "You say I hide and let other things attack you. You're wrong. I've been attacking you. 14 times exactly."

                              "It's really much a sad journey, the Extraction." Juhiano nodded. "I believe really in diplomacy and colonization rather than forced annexation. All the Extraction that has been going on kills me from inside."



                                John looked at the "cowboy" and then looked back to the crystal.

                                "Isaac, think you can hold him off?"

                                "I'm on it.", Isaac said as he flew to the cowboy.

                                John flew up to the top of the tower, then hovered as close as he could to the crystal.

                                "There's not going to be a shockwave, is there? I just want to be prepared to fly like a brick.", John said to Yukari.

                                Jason couldn't believe his ears.

                                (I'm being spared?), Jason thought.

                                Jason was a little ashamed that he wasn't able to beat Faultroll.

                                He stood up to HM when he was fighting Renamon, and that was without the Mantis.

                                Why was he not able to fight now?
                                Last edited by S121; 07-16-2013, 04:51 PM.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

