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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    "Nope, it's just going to behave nicely." Yukari responded.
    "Alright, here we go..." The cowboy Nucleoid nodded, bringing three cups of tea. "I hope you don't mind Earl Grey."

    "Oh, by the way, if you ever meet a guy named Gardestrike, tell him he's an idiot." Faultroll laughed before disappearing back into the base.



      Samus did notice some little cuts on her arms "So you are the rogue style? I bet you minions don´t trust, but fear you" she said and then sprinted to the admiral

      "Then why do you accept this holocaust? billions of inocent lives will be lost if this extraction keeps going, do you truly believe this is the right thing? Raomon asked to Juhiano

      Nera noticing she was left out looked at the command console and got some information of the other bases´ maps
      Last edited by Kristia; 07-16-2013, 05:05 PM.
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




        "Well, I'm ready when you are.", John said to Yukari.

        John hovered inches away from the crystal, ready for Yukari to remove the crystal.

        "Is there any way to destroy the tower, to make sure that this one stays dead?", John asked as he ejected the crystal.

        Isaac looked at the cowboy Nucleoid and played along.

        "Thanks.", Isaac said.

        Jason continued to fight Nucleoids, despite his hesitation towards Faultroll.
        Last edited by S121; 07-16-2013, 05:00 PM.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          I kept my aim on him.

          "Well? Don't tell me this is all it takes to subdue you. Or is this weapon good enough to take you out in one shot?"


            Kappa Village

            Zero looked down at the army from the wall. He saw a large number of them.

            He then began charging his Z-Buster and jumped down. He then fires a full charged shot at one of the grunts, taking it out. He then dashes forward and performs a few slashes with his Saber at some of the grunts.


              Kappa Village

              "Stand back!" Mitori shouted, activating her spell card. "Stop Sign - Prohibition Road!"
              A large water road coursed through the ground, locking down many of the Grunts trying to siege the mountain.
              "Now's a really good time to be able to attack them."

              "Oh, it'll stay dead." The cowboy Nucleoid said as he sipped on his tea. "You should try Earl Grey. It's really good."
              "Does this sound like a joke to you?" Yukari asked.
              "Actually it does." The cowboy Nucleoid responded. "Mmm, I would really love some of those Korean sugar crackers with these."

              "I bought enough time!" Jamers laughed as he blasted away full speed. "It's too late, Admiral LuGaf already contacted the headquarters. Sooner or later we will have a General chasing your tails to the grave!"


                Kappa Village

                Zero quickly jumped back to avoid the spell card.

                After it forms he quickly jumps into the large crowd and punches the ground.

                "Rekkoha!" He yelled as many lasers start raining from the sky in Zero's area, damaging many surrounding grunts. Afterwards he pulls out his Z-Saber again and dashes forward again. He then performs the Shipuuga, a powerful dashing slash.

                He then follows up with a Ryuejin. A flaming rising uppercut with his Z-Saber.


                  I fired at him, but I only barely hit the jet-pack. Damn! He's good... no matter. I have to warn everyone.



                    John flew back down to the ground and put the crystal into "Bullet-Proof".

                    "Okay, now what?", John asked Yukari.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Kappa Village

                      "Nice!" Mitori shouted as the Grunts fell, one by one. "There are more coming!"

                      "That guy." Yukari pointed at the cowboy Nucleoid enjoying his tea. "He must be the Admiral in charge of this place."
                      "No I'm not." The cowboy Nucleoid said, obviously lying. "However, I would tell you something important if you get me something to eat."


                        Kappa Village

                        Zero kept fighting wave after wave of Grunts. As he kept fighting he felt that same strange power inside him. Zero stops as the feeling of power courses throughout his body for a brief second. For that very brief second a dark red mist like aura can be seen coming from him. However Zero shakes this feeling off and goes back into battle more Grunts.



                          John was completely dumbstruck by the cowboy's words.

                          It was obvious, based on John's body language.

                          Finally, John spoke.

                          "Fine. Whatever. I'll find something for you to eat.", John said as he flew into a nearby building, crashing straight through the window.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            I heard a crashing window. I went to go investigate, skillfully killing nucleoids with the weapon I acquired. At last, I saw John.

                            "John! Over here!"


                              Kappa Village

                              "Mortar coming from the 3 o' clock!" Mitori shouted to Zero as she brought out her stop sign and started bashing the approaching Grunts.


                              "Thank you." The cowboy Nucleoid thanked, and then he quickly added: "Don't bring anything with nuts in it. I'm allergic."
                              "Sounds like you're pretty nuts yourself." Yukari snickered. "I'll take that Earl Grey."

                              John landed in what seemed to be a cafeteria. Shocked Grunts readied themselves for a battle... Except for a lonely man with a nice goatee enjoying his meal in this chaos."


                                Cafeteria - Muenzuka

                                John looked at the room full of grunts, then heard HM call him.

                                "Kill everything that gets in our way.", John said to HM.

                                John sprinted to one of the tables, lifted it up, and began to use it as a giant weapon, crushing and splattering Nucleoids.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

